What Makes A Good Doctor?

September 22, 2011 6:54am CST
How can you tell if your doctor is really excellent? Is it his experience? Is it his graduating from a pretigious medical school? Is it his graduating with honors in school? Is it his being uninvasive? Is it the choice of medications that he give? Is it his high professional fee? Is it his capability of going down to a level where a patient can understand his mode of treatment? Or is it because he is recommended by a family member?
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6 responses
@dilrajj57 (1757)
• Pakistan
23 Jan 12
excellent, experienced,
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
20 Jan 12
Well, personally what makes a Good Doctor in this day and age would have probably been considered a mediocre doctor many times back when I was growing up. Because I think about what I went thru back then compared to now, and Doctors did care a lot more and knew more back then as well. The main thing I look for now in a Doctor, is friendlyness and caring. Are they friendly. Do they seem to care about their patient and want to work with them, and listen to them about their concerns? Are they open to discuss new options when something is not working without insisting they know best so keep on using the medication, etc. even when having side effects. If you are being proactive are they willing to look into the situation more with you, or wanting to be in charge and not care about you? Personally it is sad that Medical benefits and costs outweigh what most people can get anymore as in Doctor's care, but if you continue to search and ask questions in time hopefully all good things will come from the situations as well.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
22 Sep 11
When you interact with the doctor, his approach, his practical application of mind to my health problem are most important for me. I
@gjax57 (897)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I think it's a little of all the above!! :)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I have had been to numerous doctors searching for a good primary care physician. I finally found my current doctor about maybe 4 or 5 years ago and have been with her since then. Her office isn't fancy, she is just starting to do all her paper electronically, unlike other doctor offices that are paperless. Everytime I go her office is packed, the minimum wait time to see her even with an appointment is no less than a hour, but once you are with her she gives you her undivided attention and goes over everything with you. She takes about 45 minutes to more than one hour with each patient. She has even given me her cell phone incase of any emergencies. She response to her e-mails and calls immediately. She is dedicated to her profession and patients unlike other doctors that more worried about getting paid and going to the next patient.
@larribel (21)
20 Jan 12
i guess all of the above except graduating in honors and from prestigious medical school. i am from medical field and working in a hospital. we have doctors graduated from various universities. some came from a prestigious schools and and some were not. we have a doctor which from a best public school in the country. and i mean it,, when you heard someone from this school, you can say.. wow! you must be intelligent then! and, he graduated with flying colors. so what can you expect from this doctor? he must be so damn good??!! but in my dismay, he just don't know how to order and what to do with his patient. sorry to be mean! but it is really true. some of the doctors are more good than him, which came from provincial universities and did not graduated with honors. what im trying to say is that,their capabilities are not based on the school where they graduated. being a good physician will be based merely on the knowledge and trainings and on how understand and handle their patients in actual scenario.and not being from the best school will make an excellent or good physician.