Nurses deserve a special place in heaven

@stary1 (6611)
United States
September 22, 2011 2:17pm CST
I have a very high regard for nurses. In my opinion they are among the most caring people around. Who but someone with real empathy and compassion would volunteer to take care of others when they are at their worst, physically and emotionally. The other observation I have made is that doctors seem to get all the glory while the nurses do are not recognized as much. Yet nurses are the ones who hourly watch progress and decline and only then is the doctor a nurse of course. I have also heard often nurses make suggestions to doctors and often doctors ask nurses for their opinion and input. If you have any experiences with a special nurse please share it. Join me in saying God Bless our nurses, we need them and need to appreciate them.
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18 responses
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
22 Sep 11
Nurses are very special people. They go into that profession because the want the direct contact with their patients. It takes both nurses and doctors to help people. They have different talents and abilities that help them do that.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I agree it takes both but I also think doctors get enough glory but nurses do not.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
3 Jan 13
I agree with you totally. :) They are angels in disguise on earth.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
5 Jan 13
babyeve They do very stressful work with little glory..the glory all seems to go to the doctors, but without the nurses the doctors would be lost...
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
7 Jan 13
Yes I agree with you. Nurses are basically the ones that does all the dirty jobs in the end. I know this, because my mum is nurse.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 Sep 11
God bless our nurses. While my husband was dying of als, at the nurses came over every day to first give him his formula and also made sure to get in touch with the doctor in case he needed extra help. They are our first line between us and the doctors and they work very hard.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
1 Oct 11
They do work hard and their compassion and care makes all the differenc both emotionallly and physically. I am sorry about your husband.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
1 Oct 11
Thank you. I wanted to be a nurse, but I was bad at math and science so that was out. I would not have minded working on a hospital because I never threw up when I saw someone bleeding and besides my father was in and out of hospitals because of his legs because of exposure to the elements during the 2nd world war. I did know people who said; that if they saw blood and gore they are scream and run off. But me, I wanted to see what I could do. I did take first aid, but that was not enough.
• United States
23 Sep 11
I used to be a nursing assistant. In the medical field, the lower down the food chain you are, the more work you do, the more exposure to the patient you have, and the less recognition you get for it. I will certainly join you in saying God bless the well as nursing assistants! We really do need everyone that is on the medical team in clinics and hospitals, and those who rank lower deserve our respect just as much if not more than the doctors do.
• United States
24 Sep 11
I totally agree! every member of staff in a hospital is important, and deserve our gratitude. Thank God for all of those people that help save lives every day.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
23 Sep 11
The nursing assistant really does the 'dirty work' and is not recognized as much as they deserve. ..I agree with you, the lower ranks do vital work and are not appreciated. I include janitors who really make a huge difference and most people ignore them..I suggest everyone give them a compliment once in awhile.
@huilichan8 (1378)
• Singapore
22 Sep 11
Your discussion reminded me of a special nurse. My mom used to be sickly and was frequently admitted to hospital. Many times, she was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). There was a very special nurse who took care of my mom and even visited her whenever she knew she was admitted. Eventually, that special nurse became a friend to my mom and me. She was such a rare breed because she often went beyond the call of duty to talk to me, to encourage me, to comfort me and to listen to me. She was more than a friend - she was like a mother to me. I felt comfortable talking to her and sharing my troubles with her. I agree with you that nurses - especially that special nurse - deserve a special place in heaven.:)
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Thank you I wanted stories of special nurses...I think by nature they are very caring people because they wouldn't do this type of work it they weren't.
• Singapore
23 Sep 11
Nurses are generally caring people. The nurses, whom I got to know during my mom's frequent hospitalisations, were really caring. They were also very patient. I hv a personal friend who works as a nurse and she has these same qualities.:) Incidentally, I hv great respect for nurses. Thanks for the best response! Hv a gd wkend!:)
@tpisces (66)
• United States
4 Oct 11
I'm in the Nursing field myself which is very rewarding you can't go wrong in the healthcare field.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
5 Jan 13
tpisces God Bless you..I think it would be too too tough to be a nurse. I would think the burn out rate would be extrememly high.
• United States
23 Sep 11
I agree w/u. Nurses do all the work & the doctors get all the glory, make all the big money etc.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
1 Oct 11
Yes and I have heard doctors often ask nurses their opinions in making their final decisions...because mnurses have so much experience with seeing immediate results and consequences.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
A nurse job is really hard and I salute those who despite of toughness of this job remain dedicated to their job. Doctors have basically easier job. Even in hospitals they come once at an appointed time but they never really stay unlike nurses who go sleepless in performing their duties to the patients. So yes.... indeed nurses deserve a special place in heaven if you were to ask me. However, going to heaven is not all about just what job we have here on earth. It is something more than this so I think this is what nurses should find out and discover for themselves.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Getting into heaven is about how we behave and treat each other in whatever line of work we choose. This is absolutely true
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Sep 11
This is an old, old song, Doctors get the credit and Nurses do all the work. These days a Nurse can have almost as many hours of schooling as a Doctor. But I have know many Nurses and they are a special breed of people who are due much more credit then they are given.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
1 Oct 11
You are absolute right ...and it's too bad that it's an 'old song' is is still true and needing to be played
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Between nurses and doctors I have to agree. I also want to add in the nursing assistance as they are even more over looked and they are with patients taking care of them more than either the nurse or doctors. I've seen several celebrations of nurse appreciation day and have heard many praises to the nurses. I've read about the existence of a nurse aide appreciation but have yet to see one celebrated. Instead we get those lawyer commercials on television lumping us all together as abusers. Not cool.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I totally agree..nursing assistants should be celebrated. That is a job that just can't be done effectively unless one has compassion for people.The nurses should have an appreciation day and go out of their way to express their gratitude to the assistants ..and so should the doctors..
• United States
23 Sep 11
When I first stated out in the medical field I worked in a cancer treatment center. I remember the visitors use to say that it took special people to care for the sick. So yes the medical professional certainly are caring and special people.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Cancer treatment is an especially vulnerable area for patients. Those who work there can make tremendous difference and influence how the patients feel about themselves and their treatments and their illness.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
23 Sep 11
Yes! I agree with you! Nurses should definitely be recognized for their work to the community. In my country, nurse have been on high demand as so many people don't want to become nurses so Australia has been trying to get nurses from overseas. I think people don't want to become nurses is due to the emotional attachment that nurses develop with their patients and when their patients pass away. Nurses are also given low pay and work very long and tiring shifts. But because of their work, we really should appreciate nurses! They offer friendly company to patients and nurses sacrifice so much of their time to support those who are in need. I wouldn't mind being a nurse!
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
1 Oct 11
Triple0 Yes I can understand it would be a very emotionally draining profession. The very fact they are sensitive, compassionate people is what makes them so good in their jobs but eventually takes it's toll on them. You are most likely a very loving caring person if you would like to be a nures Triple0..
• Australia
23 Sep 11
I agree, although I also believe those who help the community and those who help individuals should also be comended for their effort in improving society's attitude.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
23 Sep 11 is not only nurses who help people. Anyone can be compassionate in any field in which they work. We meet people all the time..even strangers can be an opportunity to be compassionate. One never knows the troubles a stanger is facing and perhaps our being kind can make a difference in that persons mood even if for just a day.
@best2011 (210)
23 Sep 11
i also think that they will get a special place in heaven because they will have such good deads .. thousands of patients come to the hospitals everydays , and think how much prayers they do for the nurse when they become healthy .. so i think you have payed a good tribute to the nurses of the world by making this thread
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
1 Oct 11
LOL ..I never thought about nurses getting many prayers from their patients..
@zhawee (873)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
yes nurse and doctors will need us. But you also think the teacher without the teacher there no professional now. no doctors and no nurse.. Teacher are more sacrifice than the nurse so I think teacher hoping have place in heaven.even us we have place in heaven.. Maybe its depend in nurse, here in my place specially in the public hospital nurse are so strict if you have something to ask they ignoring you or shouting on yous in front of many people. but I respect some nurse have a good heart.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
23 Sep 11
I have to agree teachers deserve secial places too as they are such a great influence in our lives. They can be a life long influence on their students. I still remember Dr Snyder my college professor who made Leaves of Grass come alive for me... I give nurses such high praise because they are there for us when we are the most vulnerable ..when we are ill, they can make all the difference. Of course with your experience it is understanable that you don't care for some of them..No profession is made up of all perfect people, so I can appreciate there are exceptions.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I would agree with you, and I think the nursing position is highly demanded in the states also. Many hospitals are in need of the position of nurses, sometimes,they even hire people from foreign countries, like China, and Thailand, etc..... So, I respect nurses, and they do deserve a place in heaven.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
22 Sep 11
Nurses are in high demand and there also is a large 'burn out' factor. As more pressures are put on nurses to be politically correct and cater to management it makes their jobs harder.
• India
16 Jan 13
Yes usually nurses are good, so i say-God Bless our nurses, we need them and need to appreciate them'; but not all, some are greedy, inhuman, i say this from my own experience, i was in hospital for 8 months when i broke my left leg in an accident
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 11
Yes that's true because someone saying is that"Service to mankind is service to god",really nurses do the great job and saves many peoples in their life.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
22 Sep 11
That is a nice saying I have never heard before.. Service to mankind is service to God It's another way of saying the same as is in the Bible in Mathew. 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'