Why Be Atheist? Why Not Just "Amen" Along with the Rest of the Flock?
@mythociate (21432)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 22, 2011 4:45pm CST
Sure, I was raised Roman Catholic (Christianity.0). So there's a bit of a bias there. But I think about it too; my parents made absolutely-sure that I had full-disclosure of one fact before I 'committed myself' to Catholicism (loosely 'committed,' but at least got it on-paper that I'm a 'member of the family'): NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING FOR-SURE ABOUT GOD (whether he's "real" or not, what that really means, if he likes us or not, etc.)
I think I take sort of a Buddhist stance on it. Buddhists believe in 'the Divine Sound' (nothing really 'audible,' more like a 'way of understanding what you hear/read/think.') Christians personify the Divine Sound and/or the force behind it, in order to pay it the proper respect. Understandable, so okay. They say something they hear from that personification, speak the thing, and act on it; 'so it is' (a sorta translation of 'Amen').
What's wrong with that?
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10 responses
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
22 Sep 11
(they should join in) Because reality isn't "what you feel like," it's What Is (you might call it "what God lets it be").
The point is Fellowship---the True Purpose of Religion. "What you believe in" is the launch-pad for your entry into the world, and--if my launch-pad and your launch-pad are the same--we can better direct our- and others'-launches to show still-others that our beliefs are good to have ... or something ... 

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@Galena (9110)
23 Sep 11
there's no proof that any religion is right.
what you may feel with absolute certainty is the truth, other people just don't see truth there.
I wouldn't want anyone coming to my religion purely on my say so, if they didn't FEEL it in their heart and soul. paying lip service to my Gods, rather than building a deep and meaningful relationship with the divine.
if they don't feel it, it's not real for them. and if it's not real for them, it's meaningless if they just pretend.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Sep 11
What difference does it make (to you or to the truth) if they truly believe their words? you know it's true, and know the truth will cut them away if their actions don't follow through!
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 Sep 11
That is just too bizarre...Follow something blindly just because everyone else is? That just told me a whole lot about you. By the way, a lot of folks do not consider roman catholics christians. They are considered polytheists because they pray to saints, angels, Mary, etc. All of these folks are non-deities and that makes catholics polytheists.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
23 Sep 11
Whats wrong with being a polytheist? I am much happier with a multitude of fun-loving gods than I could ever be with the stern, patrician god of Abraham.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
22 Sep 11
How is 'nodding "Amen" along with everyone else' in any way "following something blindly"? That's like saying 'Having seen Bush Dubya declare war on Iraq' automatically invokes your personal approval of that war.
And 'that Catholics are polytheist' is hearsay. We 'pray to saints/angel/Mary/etc.' the same way your parents 'give you a permission-slip to go on a field-trip'---i.e. they're not giving it "to you," they're asking you to deliver it "to your teacher." I.e. as permission-slips are notes 'to your teacher' given to you, so are prayers "to God" taken by the saints and presented to God.
It's kinda like (at work) asking your manager to give a suggestion to the CEO rather than taking it up yourself.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Sep 11
I'm with the others here. What would be the point of "amening" along with the crowd? Why lie about believing when you don't?
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Sep 11
If everybody says you're the King of the Jews, who are you to argue?
Okay, you're NOT the King of the Jews; I'm just asking, why disagree when the people praying are SO nice, and "there'll be cake!" 

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Sep 11
Why Believer, why not just go with the atheist flow?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
3 Oct 11
Nothing wrong with any path Just as long as it is your path, Kudos to your parents! Many say Believe this because it is the truth and Anything else is a lie!I respect Everyone's path because of my mom. She was an Agnostic. So I was free to find my own path. My dad was a Baptist. I lost him when I was 12, 5 years before I chose to be Jewish. would he have let me convert? I don't know? But one thing I do Know. If I were forced to " believe" something, I wouldn't believe it and I would resent it greatly. Why be an atheist? Because they do not need a religious path, period. They do not believe any of it. and that is ok. Religion isn't for everyone. And I'm living proof Christianity isn't for everyone either!Why not just say Amen like the rest? Because it would be just empty words. If you do not believe the word deep in your heart, it is just an empty word, An empty gesture.And in a way you are lying to G-d and the Church. Which is stupid. G-d Knows your heart isn't in it and if the people at church can't expect you as you are , then it is on them!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
3 Oct 11
G-d doesn't need it but many people do. And many don't. Me? I could be ok without it I guess but I wouldn't be the Sarah I am without it. It isn't about other people, it is the way I connect to G-d. In other words, it isn't peer pressure or parents forcing me to be Jewish. I am Jewish because of my deep connection. But I Know there are many who don't need the connection. And that's cool.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
3 Oct 11
I don't believe God NEEDS a religion; I'm into religion for the fellowship, for that is the greatest glory (glory which naturally goes to God ... I would call Him "G-d," but "God is a word" (from SPHERE by Michael Crichton) and not a name anyway).
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 Oct 11
What can you tell me about your "deep connection"?
Mine is explained in Genesis 1 or -2: 'And God breathed into the clay, and it became a living soul.' (I'm paraphrasing.) then the living souls found out how to refresh their lives in the form of offspring, resulting in generation upon generation over eons and ages, and here I am!
Y`shua helped us see past the veils of tradition the numerous generations lift between us and Our Father G-d, and 'in His name' all those veils are cast down in my sight. The vast majority of folks want to leave the veils up, and I don't mind. I'll be they're when they're ready to cast the veils down.
What's your connection, something like that?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Sep 11
Hi mythociate, I am not an atheist and could never be one, but I think that everyone must be themselves. If someone don't feel that they can believe in a higher power, why should they pretend to believe? I have great respect for atheists as they are being true to themselves. In my opinion it makes no difference whether we believe in God or not, whatever will be will be. No one should try to push their opinions down an-others throat, whether they are religious or atheists and why would a God care what we believed anyway? Think about it. Blessings.
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@Galena (9110)
23 Sep 11
I have had friends, GOOD friends, from a very wide range of different religions. I judge peoples worth as a friend by the goodness in their heart, not by which deities they beleive in or don't.
I have had friends who are Atheists, Christians, Asatruars and Wiccans and Druids (and about every other flavour of Pagan you can think of) Voodoo practitioners, Satanists, Spiritualists, Mormons. and I've met people I dislike across a wide range of religions too. even when their beleif is very like mine, that doesn't mean we will have anything in common or that I will like them.
as long as everyone respects each other, and sees them more as a human being than being only a product of their religion, see the good inside, and the friendship will be good.
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@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Whether I believe in your ground or not, I want to know what I'm standing on when it's the same ground as you stand upon.
No, you don't. You want people to lie to you so you can pretend everyone believes as you do.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
22 Sep 11
Our beliefs--whether you put them in your heart or in your head or above your fireplace--ARE the ground our friendship stands upon. Whether I believe in your ground or not, I want to know what I'm standing on when it's the same ground as you stand upon.
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
29 Sep 11
they should NOT have to "follow the flock"
Really!! should a Christian "follow the flock" and say "hail Satan" if they are around Satanists?
Should a Catholic have to say Blessed Be when around Pagans?
The answer to both is NO!
Noone should feel pressured to "follow the flock"!
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
29 Sep 11
I am Pagan more specifically a Witch
However, I do on occassion go to church with my kids to moniter what they are learning there
NEVER in church have I pretended to be anything other than what I am
I dont "follow the flock" (unless its time for cake LOL)
I dont participate in anything I dont feel like doing
I have been questioned by some of the church goers as to WHY I dont participate and I tell them the truth
I respect their practices which is why I dont disrupt them while they are doing it but I am not going jump in and pretend like I agree with their practices.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
29 Sep 11
But do you ever feel compelled to 'announce to the world' (go on YouTube and make a video saying) that Christianity is wrong?
If so, why (why do you feel so-compelled, not 'why is Christianity wrong')?
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
29 Sep 11
Christ wasn't Jewish; but His parents- and family- and friends- and acquaintances-were, so He said 'Amen' to their ways!
Actually, you don't have to "say" anything. Just let the barbarians around you say what they say. Granted, it's easier to keep yourself away from that clan of barbarians and keep closer to your own clan
; but sometimes it's worth it (e.g. if 'there'll be cake!

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
24 Sep 11
I wouldn't think there is anything "wrong" with that. I think that there are people that are fact based though. I think that sometimes they rely on facts only in their lives. It can be hard to become a part of religion under that mind set. They are often very intelligent people too and when one comes to them with religion..they should have their ducks in a row if ever discussing it with them. Most atheists are actually well schooled in religion and have had personal experiences related to it. To come to that choice has often taken study...it is a huge choice. They didn't wake up and say "today I don't believe." Even people raised atheist have been faced with the large groups that believe and have had to consider the argument. At least that has been my experiences and observations of.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
25 Sep 11
Besides, I bet the cashier would come back with. "So am I, and this cost ME so-many dollars. Now--if YOU spent so-many dollars on this, and forced yourself to spend ALL your time here helping to distribute things--wouldn't YOU want people to pay for the product & -for the labor?"
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
25 Sep 11
Wow! Thank you for sharing that experience with us!
Actually, it seems that MANY people--no matter HOW 'religulous' they are (goin` to church, honorin` Sabbath, etc.)--they WON'T honor the Kingdom AT THEIR JOBS. (Proof: I'll go to the store and--when at the check-out, they ask me for payment--I'll say, "I'm a child of God" and start to walk away. I'll bet you know just how far-away I'll get

@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
5 Jun 12
And you can't THINK of how the full-meaning of the church's lesson that day might apply to real life?
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Dear though I am not an atheist I respect everyone no matter if they are or not. I don't ask people why they are and or choice to believe or not. I would never preach and or impose a religion/belief upon anyone. I instantly assume and or know that we all choose what is right for us. So who would I be if I questioned anyone for being who they are.
There is nothing wrong with what you and or anyone believes in myth as I don't walk in their shoes and them in mine and part of my being a good person is simply respecting people and their decisions.
My boyfriend who I love dearly is not a Catholic, but I am. I respect him completely as he respects me. He does not question what I believe in and or why and I certainly do not question and or impose my beliefs onto him.
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@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Galena no kidding and would never do something like this. I agree with you one hundred percent and have seen where couples have split and or have lead down a very destructive path when one of them pushes and imposes their beliefs onto to the other.
When my boyfriend and I met we surely spoke about what we liked and disliked and what was expected from one or the other. We have proven to one another we will not push/obligate anything onto to the other. In fact I distinctly remember saying prior to my moving in with him that I expected for him never to change who I was and he specifically stated he expected the same from me.
What I have learned through my experiences in life is that we must respect all for their own beliefs and or non-beliefs. Something we greatly cherish at home. Just because he and or anyone is not Catholic, does not make them a bad person. Sadly I can't say all Catholics or people in general are all good people surely you have to agree to that. In fact I live in sin, and although knowing that it is against my religion, I love him and surely that can't make me a bad person. When I decided to move in with him, I did not think about what was right, goes against my religion and or anyone but he and I. Besides I live with him now for almost 7 years, obviously I am okay with it and to date have not allowed anyone to say what is right for me and or not.
In fact, I feel I am truly blessed to have someone like him, can't say the same about my Catholic ex-husband for which I married in the Catholic church.
who by the way almost killed me on several occasions and landed me in the hospital countless times. Although my boyfriend is not perfect, neither am I.
So not sure why anyone would say it is wrong and or I should change him.

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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Sep 11
There will be a time when you will have to let go of everything that is not you, and you will lose him forever if you are not of the same matter ... if you are not both 'made a new creation' ...
I dunno, maybe you're okay with that; but if you're not, you both know how to solve that ... maybe read the Holy Bible together a few times a week and talk about what it means to you.
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@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
I'm a christian. Religion cannot save the people it is the beliefs in Jesus Christ that can save us. Lots of proof have been proven that God really exist so why should they not believe. Faith comes from the heart and not what people think of you. It is better to believe that God really exist than to be an atheist. Believing in Jesus Christ will not hurt you, it will save you from hell.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
25 Sep 11