What do you hope for when opening a discussion?

September 23, 2011 4:03pm CST
Whenever I open a discussion, I hope that I will have lots of answers, so that I could have a nice debate. But many times, I am disappointed, because I am enthusiastic and I think that this discussion will be the blast and I will get many responses, but there are only a few. Till now, only a few discussions I have opened have had more than 20 responses. What about you? What are your expectations when you open a discussion? Are you satisfied with the number and the quality of responses you get?
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19 responses
• United States
24 Sep 11
Although I do not start very many discussions as my responding far exceeds my own started discussions, I am very satisfied with the responses I do get. I usually get anywhere between 40 - 100 responses and that is not counting the back and forth furthering interactions in several boxes. I really do not have any type of expectations as 2 or more members responding can be a good discussion as well as long as we leave room for further discussions, like ending your comments with a question and or something additional added that may spark up more interest in the member returning back to further discuss.
• United States
24 Sep 11
I can tell you I have almost 900 listed friends. When I started here I thought it was okay to add anyone who requested me. I could not bring myself to say no. I get loads and loads of email notifiers, for which I created a filter and my email box stays clean. Not all my listed friends are active at the same time and lots are not active at all. My responses do come from "some" of the listed friends but mostly from non-listed friends, oddly enough. Many here do not want to be bombarded with email notifiers so they turn them off. So that causes them to miss out on discussions, especially from someone like me who does not start very many. Sure they can go to the friends listed started tab, but how many of them actually go through page by page to find their friends discussions. But on average I do get the same listed friends continuously responding to my discussions. When I first started here I was told by many veterans that if we respond to a great many of others discussions, they will remember our interactions and that prompts them to respond to our own. This has helped me a great deal and believe it is why I do get many responses.
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• Romania
25 Sep 11
I guess I get the most responses from my listed friends, and if some members give me good responses, I will usually add them as my friends, as I want them to be notified whenever I start a discussion and I will get meaningful responses once again. I have also noticed what you wrote in your the last part of your comment, that I will get comments from the users who's discussions I respond.
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• Romania
24 Sep 11
The highest number of responses which I have got was 40, I believe, and I remember how satisfied I was then and I had lots of fun responding and furthering. But this was too long ago, and I am glad that this discussion has generated more than 20 responses. BTW, do you have lots of friends, so there are more people who will get an email notification whenever you start a new discussion?
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@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
23 Sep 11
As to date I've not opened many discussions. I would like to in the future create more but for now happy with responding to topics started by others so it is difficult to look at the responses that I have started objectively. I think I will continue to be most satisfied by the quality of responses than the number of responses, I think. The only advantage I can see of having a high number of responses is if I am seeking a large number of different perspectives from a wide range of people. Most of the time though just one good viewpoint other than my own is enough if it has value. Yes, it is quality I am looking for.
• Romania
23 Sep 11
Maybe you are right, but if one gets many responses, there is a higher chance to get more quality responses and then a long discussion can be made on that. It is easier for me to concentrate on a single line of things, and to further a discussion, than to answer multiple discussions.
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
23 Sep 11
I understand your reasoning and providing you get responses that relate well to your topic then I think a long discussion would work well. I can see as well that bouncing around into multiple discussions could be distracting something like multitasking. I guess it depends on the topic a bunch and where it goes eh?
• Romania
24 Sep 11
You are completely right. It is a lot better if I can further one or two discussions, rather than posting on several ones. This way I can concentrate better and I think I can contribute with better quality posting.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
24 Sep 11
Hi rappeter13, after posting a new discussion I hope friends and members here who have common interest would join in the topic. And I'm really happy to comment back to their responses respectively then. Of course it would be more pleasure as if we still have lots to share by having back and forth commenting. I always feel happy no matter how many responses I have received as long as it's not a zero responses discussion It's sure that quality responses are always welcome [em]thumbup[/em ]Anyway nowadays I tend to do more responses than starting new discussion lol.... Happy posting
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
24 Sep 11
You are right rappeter13, it's hard to start a new discussion if out of inspiration. And the phobia of worrying about the number of responses would make one to retreat too. No matter how it would be a great pleasure if any of our discussion started would receive many responses. One can realize such great pleasure only if he doesn't scare to open new discussion. Hoping to see your dream comes true very soon I understand that we will earn more if posting a new discussion and comment back to all the responses received. If having considerable time I still would like to write new discussion for sure. Anyway I'm quite busy and could hardly spare any free time to open and to comment back in my own discussion. I'm contented I still could eke out one or two posts here frequently. I just wish to be an active member here and doesn't matter how much the earning made here
• Romania
24 Sep 11
I am also the type who prefers to respond to other discussions, and this happens from more reasons: firstly, because there are days when I lack of inspiration and I don't know what discussion to start. Second, because I hate it when I am starting a discussion with enthusiasm and I don't get too many responses. Third, because there are days when I see many good discussions which my friends have started and I don't have the physical time to open a discussion and to respond, as I don't like to leave answers without response, just when I don't know what to write back.
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• Romania
24 Sep 11
Yes, we do earn more if we further a discussion, but I prefer to let a discussion ended, if I cannot contribute with a meaningful response. I am also concentrated on being an active here, because I enjoy my time here, and I like the fact that I also get rewarded for this.
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@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
24 Sep 11
Whenever I open a discussion, I hope that the discussion has been written in a legible way that I can understand, and that the discussion is about a topic that I feel comfortable responding to. I find that more often than not, I open a discussion due to a catchy title, but when I read the discussion I don't really understand it or I find it hard to think up of a quality response. This is probably why I have been skimming a lot of discussions lately without really responding to any of them; and that probably also explains why my myLot earnings have been stalling for the past few months......
• Australia
25 Sep 11
Oh I see, so when you said "open" a discussion it actually meant "starting" a discussion...... my bad for not reading your discussion correctly too because I could have noticed what you were referring to if I have read it more attentively! Anyway, I don't start many discussions, but when I do, like everyone else I hope that there will be many responses; doesn't have to all be quality and long responses, as long as there is a response I'm happy and contented!
• Romania
24 Sep 11
I was curious about what do you feel when you create a discussion, rather than responding to one, but I guess I wasn't clear enough. But it is interesting to read this also, and I have to say that there are many times when I read a good discussion, which I find really interesting, but I don't know what to answer and that way maybe a good debate won't start. And of course, there are discussion which I don't understand either, and then it is logical not to write any response to it.
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• Romania
25 Sep 11
It happens with everybody not to get the point of a discussion right away and I was a bit ambiguous too. Now I know what your expectations are whenever you start a new discussion and I guess you are a bit like me, you love to see a high number next to your discussion
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• Indonesia
24 Sep 11
Hello rappeter13, When I open a discussion I expect to get at least a response because when I usually started discussion when I have something in my mind and I need someone to talk to but I just could not post it on my facebook or get help from offline friend. I dont open discussion too much but im quiet satisfied with the responses I got. I always try to comment back to the responses as soon as I can. I dont have intention to create a debate topic, most of my discussions are based from real life experience or problem.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
So you like more to share your experiences and problems and expect to see how others who have had the same experience as you did, have solved their problems and got a solution? I like all type of discussions those which help me solve a problem or those which include thinking and philosophy.
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• Indonesia
29 Sep 11
Hi sgain rappeter13, sorry i had a bad connection and I just saw your comment back on my response, well Im happy to find mylot because i can seek advices and yes my problem is solved, I feel so much better by reading the words from mylot members who responded to my discussion. I feel a big change in me and its happen since I join mylot.
• Romania
29 Sep 11
If I were the admin of Mylot and I would read what you just wrote here, I would be very proud of myself. I guess he never imagined how great impact this great site has had on many people.
• Philippines
24 Sep 11
Yes.That is what i am hoping to get answers from other people.Any one are expecting to have answer on their discussions started.and feels great when you receive answers from other in here.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
Yes, this is a great feeling whenever somebody responds to my discussion and when I can discuss a bit more with everybody. This way I feel that I am doing a good job and I also can express myself more.
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• Romania
24 Sep 11
It is great. It is like a reward, an acknowledge that I have done a good job, that I have opened an interesting discussion which moves the users and makes them answer.
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• Philippines
24 Sep 11
Yes true ,you are happy that because you got the response from other. good job fr you because you did start the interesting topics that let any one read it and gives comments to you.. keep up the good work.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
24 Sep 11
It is given to expect a lot of response from mylotters and friends. It is also expected to receive respond that will oppose to our view and wants to debate. I respond to disagreement with nice words and respect the respondent, it is their opinion and we cannot control them for what they want to write. I don't let the debate come to a heated discussion so,if the comment is below the belt,I only hit the button and report it to mylot admin. have a good day
• Romania
25 Sep 11
It is important to keep everything in a reasonable context, and that is why things which are against rules or ethics cannot be tolerated. I like nice debates also, that is what I am looking for, to have a nice exchange of different points of view, with the condition that those views to be genuine.
• Philippines
24 Sep 11
Mostly, I just vent out here.LOL Although it's great to start a discussion here because there are lots of users who responds intelligently, although not all.
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
You'll get disappointed every once in a while here. Just remember, users don't respond to discussions because it's boring. Users don't respond to them because most of the time these discussions need a lot of thinking.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
Yes, there are plenty of intelligent users and the majority try to give the best responses they can. Mostly, I am more a person who responds to others discussion, because it is easier a bit, and whenever I start a new discussion I am full of hope that it will be a great one. And when I realize that it wasn't, it makes me feel very disappointed.
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@petersum (4522)
• United States
23 Sep 11
No, I am not at all hopeful. Unless your discussion is posted at just the right time, you don't have much chance of getting an immediate response. Once it has disappeared from the latest page, it might as well be gone forever in many cases. Just a few are lucky enough to catch people's attention for some considerable time. A very general discussion, like this one, might just work because it effects everybody. There isn't an excuse not to answer. But you never can tell, especially on the start of the weekend. But don't expect too much in quality!
• Romania
24 Sep 11
@petersum: I guess you have a much better observation ability than I do. According to you, if you start a general discussion, more people would have something to say to it? In that case, I will have to start more general discussions, but I like specific discussions more. Maybe that was the reason that I have got less answers to the majority of the topics, but I guess they were meaningful ones.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
23 Sep 11
petersum: yes sir. this is an important point. The discussion should not disappear from the latest page for a long time. In that case we may have more responses. Also a general discussion might bring more responses. You are rather clear in your ideas. thanks.
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• Philippines
24 Sep 11
Of course, I hope for lots of responses. I think a lot about what I post in order to have responses.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
So do you meditate a bit before starting a new discussion? Where do you get the inspiration from?
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@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
24 Sep 11
I'm not one with too high an expectations. What i see is what i get. I would prefer a discussions with lesser responds so that starters would be back to comment on our responds. From what i seen, some starters tend to start but they don't respond. It's especially the case when that particular post has more than 20 or more post, and they start to get arrogant. I don't like that.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
Yes, it is a positive attitude, because this way you won't feel the frustration which I feel when I have high expectations and don't get too much responses. There are times when I know that I will get only a few responses, like the discussions about soccer, but I know that my friends from that interest will provide me good answers and that I can debate a lot with them. Maybe those users who have 20 posts or more have several discussions opened with many responses and they don't have the physical time to respond to all responses, and maybe they are not arrogant at all. I try to do my best to answer to the responses of my discussions and to comment on my responses to other discussions, but because I don't get a notification by email, I won't know that there are comments to what I have responded.
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@fantabulus (4000)
• India
24 Sep 11
Hooo rappeter When I start discussion I not think about response only think when the mylotter will join my discussion then I will comment on it in funny way. Responses may be less or more no problem because everyone has their own choice. But I observed when I started funny discussion like on eating, on bathroom received more responses but when I started discussion on business then 10 to 15 responses received means the people likes funny discussions more and specially Fanta start only funny discussion.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
Of course, everybody like to have fun and to laugh and that is why funny discussions generate lots of comments. But I am person who has fun in real life more, as I can make fun of situations and in my native language. There are things which are funny in Hungarian, but can be considered weird when writing it in English and comic situations need a certain previous experience from others. That is why I write about other issues here. But of course, I always appreciate funny discussions and responses.
@anonima73 (153)
• Puerto Rico
23 Sep 11
I hope to make a debate and gain many insightful responses but then get annoyed when nobody responds to the conversations I most want to hear a debate from or get few irrelevant. I'm noticing there's a high rate of myloters that only wish to gain money, not sure about this tough. While I also do care about the money I care more about the knowledge I can gain from this website with all the different perspectives. Why would I waste my time on a website I'd be bored in? If I'm gonna spend my time here every now and then I'd love to have fun and not just be thinking "post, post, POST!!! I want money!!" That's just boring. Although I am not that good of a writer I always try to speak out my opinion. One problem I do have is that I tend to base all my examples on my life...but I can't help it I have yet to walk out into the real world(A.K.A. After graduating highschool)
• Romania
24 Sep 11
I agree that there are users who post just for the money, especially the newbies, because this is the reason why the majority, if not all of the members came here. I think as time passes, they will get addicted to this site, they start to learn, they improve their English knowledge, get friends and then the quality of their posts will improve also. Maybe if the newbies would read the guidelines and some FAQs from the beginning, they would start off better than they do. I remember I had some difficulties at the beginning also, but now I feel that this is a site which I have to log in daily.
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
23 Sep 11
I'm sorry but I do disagree with you. You are a good writer and able to express an opinion well. I agree posting simply to make money would be boring if not insane? Unless that is too strong a word I think there has to be at the very least a few reasons for writing and you have listed a couple of good ones. Any world that might be common place to you might well be new to another person.
• India
24 Sep 11
i am new to mylot,but every time i start a discussion i hope the discussion gives me relevent answers so that i get my doubts clear.Yes i also haven't got any good answers till now but i thinks that its may me my fault that the topic is not that interesting to my friends.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
You will see, as time passes by, you will have more experience with mylot, you will know more people from here and you will be able to open great discussions also. What you need is to have lots of friends, so they can get an email notification whenever you start a new discussion, so the probability to have more responses is higher.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
23 Sep 11
This may depend primarily on the topic in my discussion. Of course if I write and no one answers me, in a sense I remain bad. However, more or less almost always 3 or 4 people respond to me and what interests me is the quality of their responses.: Sometimes it is short and concise, while sometimes long and dispersive. That said, everyone is always welcomed by me.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
It is true, it depends mostly on the topic. But there are times when I open a discussion about something that is very interesting for me, and I find out later, when I see only a few responses, that it wasn't so interesting after all.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
23 Sep 11
rappeter: Yes. Whenever I start a discussion I always start with a view that many members will be interested in the topic started by me and the discussions initiated. I use to watch every five minutes to know how many responses are received. I have noted that more responses are received in respect of common topics wherein most of us are interested in. For example topics like mylot, food--they receive more responses. I have received 35 responses for some discussions and in a few only 5 or six. I wish more people post their views here.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
It seems that you are an enthusiastic person, who has a high hope of getting many and quality responses. Whenever I start a discussion, I do the same as you do, I check back as often as I can to see if there are new responses, new comments. Usually, I log in to mylot at night and whenever I start a discussion, there are only a few comments or none. Like it was with this question also. When I went to sleep, I had 4 responses only, and today when I opened mylot, I have seen 17 and later 21 responses. It is great, I believe. It is just fantastic when I see how many people have something to say with an issue which concerns me.
@iCeeLuSh (187)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
Sometimes, when I open discussion I think that many will answer my questions but now I do get those people who are replying to my discussion is only those who are really interested. Some will just post because they just want to post just to earn money but the thing that they are saying are not related to the topic lol that was really annoying tho.
• Romania
23 Sep 11
But when you post off topic responses, you are not getting paid for that, and maybe the admin will even delete your question. For me it is very frustrating when I open a new discussion with high hopes, when I seek for lots of quality answers and I only get a few, and maybe only 1 is a meaningful one. I have this thought many time: "This is going to be the best discussion on Mylot so far", but I am very disappointed after seeing that it wasn't so interesting after all.
@Jeltroy (107)
• United States
24 Sep 11
Believe it or not, the discussion I started about being able to walk a cat on a leash is the one that has gotten the most responses - 6. All others received less than that. Go figure. I've noticed that some mylotters are not interested in a good debate. They seem more concerned with getting that money by responding to many discussions, even if it's just a short answer. Also, there are some discussions that are hard to understand because of broken English, punctuation, etc. I find my self not even bothering with those discussions because I can't even understand what they are trying to say. A shame really. I'm sure they could be interesting discussions. Anyway, I try to answer discussions as thoroughly as I can. I just hope they're not too long.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
It happens to me too when I read a good discussion that I want to share so many things and when I finish what I wanted to write, I realize that the answer is way too long. But I like to be as exhaustive as I can, although there are times when I can summarize in a few lines all I want to share. I have to say that I like the most discussions about soccer, because it is my major interest, but I like other type of questions as well, such as philosophical ones, or about religion or many other social matters.
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@rqlutz (59)
• India
23 Sep 11
right now i am still a newbie here at mylot and therefore i don't have a high expectation with the discussions that i start. I want to make many friends so that when i start a discussion they would be notified by email and they would response fast and that is when i would be expecting a high response. I also check on the interest that are highly active so that i can start a discussion there because i know i would be able to get a high response.
• Romania
24 Sep 11
Good point! You are doing what every newbie should do, make a solid base: gathering friends, making some research about the interests and you will see what moves the people. But there are interests where are many users, there is a lot of activity, but I cannot find inspiration neither to respond to those discussions nor to open new ones. But if you can, you will have plenty of discussions with lots of good answers.