Mind vs. Heart

September 25, 2011 7:08am CST
For sure that every relationship will go through problems. All of us know that problem or fight is a process to have a better relationship. But if we reached the point when everything in your relationship will go unclear. In other words, always fighting even though the reason is shallow. We should follow our MIND. We should think of the things that will make you and your partner be better individually. Following our minds is some how being practical of a particular situation. It can be bad today, but better tomorrow. It can be anything! For example, me and my girlfriend broke up because of fighting. Then we wanted to be together again. No! You should think first. Think if this decision will make you happy in the future. If you guys go together again, there's a chance that you will fight then end up breaking up again. But if you say no to your own heart, it may be hard today but in the future, you will realize that your decision made you and your partner better individually as a person and both of you will learn a lesson that will help you to be wiser next time if you have a new relationship. These things cannot be applicable to any relationship. Relationship has no rules but there are principles for us to be aware.
4 responses
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
Mind and heart always come together and decide together as well. It is the mind that "signals and triggers the heart". I say, we have to analyze things about love, neither can stand alone without another.
@obe212003 (2299)
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
the mind is over the heart, but the heart is the most vital organ in our body. less the mind, the body could live with the heart, and less the heart, i guess you know what it means. to have a relationship, one feels something that the mind can't comprehend. being in a relationship, one needs to use the mind to sustain the relationship or to get out of it. if the heart dictates and the mind follows, then you would feel happy and complete, but when the mind dictates, the heart tends to ache with pain and causing confusion in our minds. i rest my case! lol!
@GemmaR (8517)
25 Sep 11
I think that if you follow your mind, you're less likely to get hurt by love, however you might be turning down some chances which might be really great for the pair of you. However, if you choose with your heart, then you will find that things can get complicated because you're allowing your deepest feelings to hinder your judgement rather than being able to see things straight and with the right mind that you should be seeing them with. I think that you have to listen to both your head and your heart at the same time, and then battle out to see which one is going to win on that particular occasion.
• United States
26 Sep 11
well i just got out of a really difficult relationship and i am still really upset about it i have finally figured out that if i let my heart lead me all i want to do is sit around and cry but if i let my mind lead me i feel a little bit stronger and it seems like it is easier to push all my pain and tears to the back of my mind this is hard for me and i do not know which one to follow i have always been the type of person to follow my heart and it has never led me wrong but it just seems like following my head this time would be easier