Islam a difference?

@naseemkum (1803)
September 26, 2011 7:59am CST
According to me religions are created in selfish manner. As buddhism is founded by founder name buddha as jainism by mahavir jain . Mainly christianism founded after name of jesus christ. But islam according to me non selfish religion as founder not named his religion with his name. As there is no link between name muhammed and islam. How kind he is . Whats ur view upon putting leaders name for a religion?
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12 responses
• Canada
28 Sep 11
Various people are pointing out that not all religions are named after their founder. You keep saying that Islam isn't selfish because it isn't named after its founder (or a group of people so you can include Judaism as a selfish religion). However the main tenant of Islam, which a Muslim should say every day, is, "There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet." Surely this is being selfish? Of course, Jesus is central to Christianity but he is the incarnation of God and the Son of God, how could it be any other way? Jesus endorsed the Jewish scriptures but not the non-scriptural teachings of the Jewish religious leaders. Mohammad claimed that he superseded all other prophets, because he was later. He claimed that the Bible had been corrupted by Jews and Christians so his followers wouldn't follow it instead. He claimed that Allah has no children and Jesus was just a prophet and denied that Jesus had been crucified and resurrected. He also claimed to the last prophet so none other could come later to override his teachings (talk about having your cake and eating it?). This is selfish and arrogant in the extreme!
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• Canada
30 Sep 11
Jesus certainly said things like "He who has seen me has seen the father." and "Before Abraham was I am." clearly indicating that he is God. The Koran frequently refers to Mohammad as a "prophet" or "apostle" (the two seem to be the same in Islam but they're a bit different in Christianity). Is this selfish or simply stating the truth? The big difference is that Jesus showed respect for the Jewish prophets (and John the Baptist - who was Jewish but is in the New Testament) and the scriptures that record their teachings. He didn't say that there would be no prophets after him but he did warn of future false prophets. Mohammad said that he accepted the former Christian and Jewish prophets but claimed that the Bible had been corrupted. He also claimed to be the last prophet (not sure if this in the Koran but I think it's widely believed by Muslims although I've also heard of some later Muslim prophets). I don't think the question is who was being selfish but who was speaking the truth.
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@naseemkum (1803)
• India
1 Oct 11
All the records are gathered from history which happens upon a years and years ago. If my grandfather told that his grandfather is a culprit i should believed that because i cant argue that he is not. As i didnt see him before i have to believe what my grandfather told about him. As peoples are making more informations what they had got from their forefathers.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
29 Sep 11
Yes may be islam is also selfish in ur responses as it says muhamad only god's real messenger not anybody. As in christians jesus said he is son of god so its also selfish. But founder never says this to anyone but people claim that they are leader and they are prophets. Its all believing people's faults.
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
26 Sep 11
yes, it`s different my friend...the name of Islam is not based on their prophet or leader, but from God... if you are moslem, you can see in Surah Al Maidah : 3
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• Canada
28 Sep 11
naseemkum, if Islam's rules can't be changed, why are there so many Islamic sects? Does this mean that it's right to punish women for getting raped and this rule can't be changed?
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@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Sep 11
Yes im muslim. But apart from other religion names i see a difference in islam that its a vast religion that rules cant be changed till now after years and years ago. Even peoples changed they wont change it as muhamdism or something named muhamad. Even they wont had even their leader's face for remember.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
27 Sep 11
Jesus did not invent a new religion neither did he ask his followers to call the religion after his name. It was centuries after Jesus when people corrupted his teachings and introduced names Like Christian and trinity. According to us, Muslims Jesus was a messenger of God and was sent to the people to convey message of God. Jesus did not come up with a new religion. It was the same message which prophets before Jesus came up with. I find your comments about Jesus(pbuh) throughout this post insulting and contrary to what common Muslims believe. "We believe in Allah and what has been sent down to us and what was sent down to Ibrahim and Isma'il and Ya'qub and the tribes, and what Musa and 'Isa (Jesus) were given, and what all the prophets were given by their Lord. We do njot differenciate between any of them. We are Muslims who have submitted to Him." (Al-Baqara, 136)
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
28 Sep 11
I believe people created those religions in the name of prophets sent by god. But islam is convey of last message so its still pure that its not claim after anybody's name.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
28 Sep 11
You can believe whatever you like to believe but you should think before calling any prophet words like selfish. This is only going to make you look bad among people who like to respect the prophets.
• Canada
28 Sep 11
Naseem00, you say that Muslim believe in all the prophets who came before Mohammad. However you don't follow their teachings. Moses taught that Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac yet you believe the son was Ishmael. Jesus taught that he was the son and incarnation of God but you say that Allah has no children. Isn't this rather contradictory?
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
27 Sep 11
My dear Friend, this is hardly a topic to be discussed in this modern era. Times are coming close when robots will be performing and doing your household tasks. Are you gonna ask them their religion??? Religions are created to keep human beings conscientious about their deeds. If there was no religion then we would have become just fighting animals, and there wouldn't have been any civilization. What happened was, its my surmise, in those ancient days, human beings lived in tribes (e.g. red Indians!). They couldn't understand the marvels of nature (e.g. storm etc). So their intelligence (or whatever we call that) gave birth to Gods and religion. Then came the fear of sins. Because those ancient guys thought if they did something wrong, God would fetch a storm or a lightening on their head. It was a real nice thing, that helped in the cultivation of Civilization and humanity! Personally, I don't believe in religions. My belief is: there is only One God, Only one Super-Power who is behind everything. We can't name that Power! That is the God for every living creature. This thought makes us all only 'human beings'. That unites us all under one tree. Let us promote such thoughts!
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
29 Sep 11
@ Naseem... Thanks a lot!!! I didn't know that I had written something this good ;). Well, all my thoughts originated out of only one idea and you have pointed it out. The wars, the fights coz of religions, under the name of religions. When we don't have anything to fight for, our idle minds indulge on the religious ideas and fight about that. Feels sick!!! Hereafter, practicing religion should be strictly restricted for those who are retired and have nothing real to do. I mean, what difference does it make, if I am a Hindu? I still need to work, toil hard and earn my living. I still have a lot of problems. and religion isn't gonna help with that, is it? @ JerusalemFolk... Sir, thanks for replying to me. I wish a Happy new Year to you too and also to your family. May you get all you wanted and may the Almighty always smile upon you. Your quotations about the coat and body, are real good, except that we can't prove them. I have been taught the same way, and I have read religious books since I was kid. My only finding is, 'God wants us all to be happy and He will hate it if we started arguing about whose God is great!' That's not gonna do any good to humanity. Let us all be HUMANS only! @ Graptopetalum... I agree to all your points, and as you remember, I wrote that it was my surmise when I wrote about the invention of religion. In fact, that is how many wise heads and philosophers think! Could we offer a better solution? Can we? I didn't say or mean that we should have an Universal Religion! No, simply because that is not gonna work. Within a few days, they will divide this universal thing universally and we'll have 100 more religions and 1000 more wars. NO, I didn't mean that. What I want to insist on is, why not treat everybody as HUMAN. Just a Human Being, as the real science recognizes us?? Why can't we all (I mean, the decent guys) be happy together, & united?? Think of a world, where there's no religion and every human is treated as human. How real and practical would that be??? :) Thanks to all of you once again... I expect to read more from you!!! Have a good day!!!!
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
28 Sep 11
Thanx for ur kind response as this maturity lacks in people. Is a good question that whether we claim robot about its religion. Ancient man believes and started religion as to believe the superior power. As if there is no quarrel because of religions im happy about that. Quarrels happening because of the religion's name.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
28 Sep 11
Thanx for ur kind response as this maturity lacks in people. Is a good question that whether we claim robot about its religion. Ancient man believes and started religion as to believe the superior power. As if there is no quarrel because of religions im happy about that. Quarrels happening because of the religion's name.
26 Sep 11
It doesn't make any difference. Buddhism could be called "Blue Banana Cult" and it'd still be the same thing. The name is just for easy reference and, since the easiest way to refer to something new is by the person most easily recognised within it, it makes sense. In some ways, the name approach is better: Christianity after Christ ("the anointed one"), Buddhism after Buddha ("the enlightened one") and so on. "Islam" is the Arabic word meaning roughly submission, surrender, and obedience. Personally - and looking at it PURELY from the "words" point of view, with no comment intended on the religions themselves - I'd rather strive to be like someone I admire, to better myself and attain ideals considered beyond human ability than submit, serve and surrender. But, as I said above, it doesn't really matter what something's called. Words are just words, after all.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Sep 11
Yes i accept but why religions are created in part of leader's name. While islam is not on the leader name so it would be better difference from other religions.
27 Sep 11
Why? Like I said: "The name is just for easy reference and, since the easiest way to refer to something new is by the person most easily recognised within it, it makes sense" to name it after the 'leader'. "While islam is not on the leader name so it would be better difference from other religions" - not at all. Like I said, "it doesn't really matter what something's called. Words are just words, after all."
27 Sep 11
I just read through loads of other responses and I'm going to opt out of this conversation: you don't listen. You just hammer on and on about the same thing, no matter how many people tell you your premise is wrong or politely try to point out that you're looking for something that isn't there. Pointless trying to discuss something with someone who won't listen.
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• United States
26 Sep 11
Your premise couldn't be more wrong. First, "Christ" wasn't Jesus' name -- nor was Jesus, actually. His name would have been Y'shua ben Yosef ha Judah. "Christ" derives from the Greek "Christos" which is a title meaning "annointed." Nor did he found Christianity -- according to the New Testament he was a Jew all his life, the last supper was a seder, the ritual Pesach dinner. It was those who followed him that named the religion in his honor, once they had split his particular heresy of Judaism off from mainstream Judaism. (And, we might note, Judaism is named for the nation of Judea, not it's reputed founder Moses.) Nor is "Buddha" a name, but a title meaning "Enlightened." The man they called Buddha was named Siddhartha. Leaving the completely incorrect premise aside, I'm far more concerned with the teaching itself than with the name they gave it.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Sep 11
Oh christ is not jesus name and Buddha is not gautama name then why they started a religion resemble their name in their principles. After fixing the name for religions they fix the same name in their name. Its a total confusion how they named their own religions.
• United States
30 Sep 11
In Judaism, the idea that Jesus was the Messiah is a heresy. Naturally, you don't believe this to be the case as you are Christian, under most forms of Judaism regard him as a false Messiah. Other than that, he was as I've said a Jew speaking abut Judaism to Jews.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Sep 11
Metallion got it right, and I hope I spelled the name right...I am dyslexic and when you go to respond you can no longer see a name.... The christ figure was a Jew. He practised the Jewish faith. He did not "Start" a new religion, he even said he did not come to change anything. It was Paul who started christianity. It was a case of worshiping a man of faith only they changed his faith. The christ figure never converted from the Jewish faith. Islam sprang from a pagan religion as allah is an ancient pagan moon god. Their religion has not changed since then. It is still centered from those ancient centuries, with all of the barbaric practices of stoning and amputations of thieves. The "religions" of the far east are basically sets of "truths" and are very interesting practices. They also are not named after people.
• Canada
28 Sep 11
Adoniah, I don't think it's entirely true that Paul started Christianity. I believe Paul honestly did what he believed Jesus wanted. I have to accept his teachings recorded in the Bible as true, or I will get into a mess and so will anybody else who tries to be a Christian but rejects Paul's teachings. Mind you, a lot of Paul's teachings are hard to understand and open to considerable interpretation.
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@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Sep 11
Yes religions are created to make popularity upon certain peoples. As so its created with some leaders name to make faith upon that leader. As christ is a jew before but paul is follower of christ so he founded one and named christianity but since there is no religion upon muhamad even muhamad was a good prophet for long years ago. So religion with no changes makes a difference.
• India
29 Oct 11
I would like to let it be known that Buddhism is not the name given it by The Buddha. Nor is Mahavira the founder of Jainism and Jainism is not named after any particular person. The same is true of the "names" of other religions.
@bensclai (62)
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
Christian, from Christ which means the same as messiah - "the annointed". For me, not selfish. It was by divine providence that followers of Jesus Christ were called christian.
@pahak627 (4947)
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
We don't really know the origin of each religion's name. It was a long time way back before we were born. I just think the founders were not the ones giving names to the group they founded. It's the people who named it. This is only my opinion but I have an example, there is a religious group here in our place with no definite name. This was brought to our place by a certain missionary from the US. He was Mr. Hunter. Until this date, we call the group as Hunter. It's the name that we in the community are already used to.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Sep 11
Yes even we conclude that names are given by peoples. Ur family is called by ur surname as religions are called by founders name. Even some religions had their founders name why islam is unique that its doesnt link with its founder and even its doesnt portrays the power of founder where other religions mainly concentrate no founders nor gods.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Sep 11
Yes even we conclude that names are given by peoples. Ur family is called by ur surname as religions are called by founders name. Even some religions had their founders name why islam is unique that its doesnt link with its founder and even its doesnt portrays the power of founder where other religions mainly concentrate no founders nor gods.
• Greece
27 Sep 11
mostly people name their religions not leaders. and most of the times they get the name of the leader. it is simple a coinsidence that islam did not get its name from its leader.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Sep 11
Dnt be silly their religion is named after their leaders so they get name of religion from their leader nor they dont get name of leader in the name of religion. As islam doesnt teaches u selfishness so our prophet wont name his name for god's religion.
26 Sep 11
listen my friend the islam is the last update of 2 majore religions :(Christian and Jewish ) and islam believe all profites of that 2 religions and profit mohamed you can check this link and you will understand very will Autoriser la saisie phonétique Muslim believer can be extracted whatever the Jinn religion and Wright Are you a Muslim cleric who converted Alchristh or any other religion, while men see other religions convert to Islam
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Sep 11
Yes i accept islam is last update of those two selfish religions which was created under leader or country or groups name but islam is full of meaning of submission where every people can believe. Is islam also a selfish religion created for particular people by a particular leader. My answer is No