Are you sure you NEED a thousand dollars accessories when you can't effort it???

September 27, 2011 11:10am CST
Imagine everyone is busy shopping for new birkin bag. Maybe for a new Prada shoes or even a Chanel trousers??? Recently, I'd been seeing so many young people who are carrying branded bags and wearing branded shoes which cost a few months of their salaries. Some even mess with their parents for some pocket money to get a Louis Vuitton tote bag! Mine...MINEEEEEEEE......what is happening to this world this day? The question is, ARE YOU TRULY CAN EFFORT IT? Well, you will start asking me back. Someone: Well, I like the bag and I'm willing to spend on something that I like. Me: I don't mean to bark at people who are buying branded items for themselves as a mean of pampering their desires, don't you think it's a bit TOO MUCH to spend on it when all of your earning for the month goes for the item? I have a young girl, aged 25, told me that the bag a girl is carrying representing their "status". Does it mean if I'm just carrying a recycle bag but having millions of dollars in my bank account, does it reflect me being a low status person? lol I wonder...... Comments....commets....everyone... HUGSSSS xoxoxoox
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10 responses
@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 11
Oh no, I'm not one who will spend my money unnecessarily. I'd rather take that money and enjoy a wonderful dinner with my family. Those are people who doesn't know how to value their own money or their parent's money. What status are they talking about when they don't use their brains to think on how to spend their money wisely? To me that is definitely a low status.
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• Malaysia
27 Sep 11
So true, Lyn. Recently, there are so many branded bags sellers adding me to their list. They said, " cheap liao lor....this one is supposed to be RM4,900 but now you can get it for RM3,900. Less RM1000 is alot ler......blah blah" I said to myself, " My friend, $4,900, is equal to people who working at Mc Donald for 6 months lor" Maybe their money is easily earned. Well, I don't know. heheheh~~~
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• Malaysia
27 Sep 11
Also, a branded bag looses it's meaning when they start selling it like that.
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 11
They see you got potential to buy what cause you're a rich woman, hehe! RM3,900 only mah!
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 11
Like my sister said having plain plastic as her wallet does not mean she has no money, it can be taht she has more money than others..(^^) Agree with you. Perhaps they don't know the feeling of when they are out of money. People who afford to buy those things are those who knows how to 'spend' and 'search' for someone to turn to so they can have what they want. I know that people can get obsess with branded items but I really sure we can control that without any doubt. Spend more for a single branded item?? Not my taste at all~(^^)
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 11
Perhaps someone sponsored her?? Most of the time they get sponsored from others. In such industries when we would not have any idea when we will get jobs or not, it is very risky to spent much money for accessories. For me myself people will respect more for those who knows how to spend their money wisely as most of us are just an ordinary people. One thing I fear about celebrity spending so much is it could affect their fans and other people to do the same like them. We should be careful as we can't compared our lives with those celebrities.
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 11
You've got a point, CT. Some sponsors are too generous. I just want to be myself so that people will not think me differently.
@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 11
People who can afford to buy those pricey things are boastful people who just want to show off that they CAN AFFORD them, but who knows they would realize later on in life that it was a stupid thing to do.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
28 Sep 11
OMG Jacklintan, this has always been an issue with me. I see these girls with these huge expensive purses and it has always puzzeled me. Why in the world would anyone spend that much money on a purse? I don't get it at all. To be honest, I always made my own purses out of toddler overalls. They are different and they serve the purpose and best yet...I made them for under 5.00. At one point I was making them and selling them. I don't notice another woman's purse unless it is unique and very cool and I might comment on it. It's just purse. Last year my daughter talked me into buying a purse at Target for `12.00. She kept saying, "mom it is so YOU and yu never buy anything for yourself ...Do it!!" Well she was was me and I do love the purse but I felt guilty. I just don't buy things like that. Obviously if I'm feeling guilty over 12.00 spent on something so trivial, I really can't even comprehend spending 50.00 or more on some brand name purse. It's not only out of my price's out of my thougt range. I don't get it.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
29 Sep 11
Yes, I am over 50. I think I've always been this way, even when I was young. Other than being overly particular about the brand of jeans I wore when I was younger, I never really got into that kind of thinking. I made a lot of my own clothes when I was a teen and I also shopped for bargains, I work in a store and on a much smaller scale, I see this same sort of thinking. I get a kick out of the ones that will stand there pondering the lighters and be willing to pay more for a "cooler" looking one rather than a plain one. I just think it's funny, like, why? To each his own I guess.
• Malaysia
30 Sep 11
Oh well, we have been young and the young ones today will have to be like us one day too :)
• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
Sid, Are you in your 50s now? The reason I asked this, because most women at this age, they really know the importance of savings compared to those in their early 20s now. Newer generations appear to be daring, more expose to the latest dressing sense and designers items. All these items are expensive as they impose import duty and taxes that probably most younger generations didn't care. Material items seems to be a pursuit for younger generations today.
• United States
27 Sep 11
If people can afford their items then I suppose it is okay to buy what they want. Sadly there are some who can't afford yet always buy more then they actually need. While in Arkansas last month, I found it funny where my boyfriends niece was complaining she was going to have her car repossessed, yet during a lunch gathering she was showing everyone her Prada very expensive bag. My boyfriend told her to sell her purse so she could pay for her car. No it does not mean that one is of lower status at all, it just means that those that do consider one of lower status who do not own the branded items, are the ones who are silly and irresponsible.
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• United States
28 Sep 11
While some where oohhh ahhh over the bag and some were calling her dumb. I simply zipped it up and figured she was grown up enough to know that life goes beyond a designer bag.
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 11
Guess the bag is more valuable to her than the car.
• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
What happened to your bf's niece is obviously, reflecting what happened to young girls today. :)
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
27 Sep 11
I am not gaga over banded stuffs. I sure like how they look but the unbelievable price tags are just so unbelievable. I would go buy something else with that amount of money, or maybe save up and do something later in life. I don't look for brands. In fact I buy stuffs if I like them and I don't care if they're cheap. I mean I am not earning myself why would I care of they are cheap
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 11
Some buy the fake or the copy of the branded stuff so they could afford to buy at the lower price than the original. I thought that now people having problem in their financial status yet I found that they got no problem with it as they keep spend their money like we don't have any economy crisis right now..I can't understand how the way they think nowadays~ As a young woman I don't think we should spend that much and should not think too much about cheap stuff. They are great too right?(^^)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 11
:) regardless of cheap stuffs or expensive one, consequences always there waiting for us.
• South Korea
28 Sep 11
Haha I don't really like fake branded stuffs coz you can see right through them. I am better with stuffs having no brands at all actually
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
28 Sep 11
i don't understand fashion, but if we see people wearing a branded bag, it doesn't mean that they own them because i've seen in tv that there are some place where you can rent a branded accessories like bags and stuff.
• Malaysia
28 Sep 11
Why do we need to rent a bag? It's not a car nor a house. Our desires creates plenty of business apportunities. Definately.
• Malaysia
28 Sep 11
OIC. Now I understand why they have a rental service for branded bags. But, I always believe, if I cannot afford a branded bag, I wouldn't be carrying it. Sometimes, it's good to be just what we are.
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
28 Sep 11
Maybe because on some business, what you wear reflect your business future so it's important to appear "expensive" in some events and party. That's why there's a place for renting these kind of things...
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
4 Oct 11
I think of this as a phase...and I went throught the same thing. There was a time it boosted my ego to have brand things...then I grew up, I matured... My daughter went through this and is coming out if it.Unfortunately many do not grow out of it and I suggest they have some security issues. It's sad when they can't afford it but feel they 'need' it to feel good about themselves and try to impress others. Thing is the ones they want to impress usually are not worth impressing....
• Malaysia
4 Oct 11
There are certain criterias we need to look into it. As females, and fashion lovers, it's never wrong to carry one of those bags that we love. moreover, what are designs for. The main reason why I don't have many choices of branded bags, is I can't trade them for money in times of needy and they don't generate interest % for my bank accounts. :)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 11
ops is =*if
• Malaysia
4 Oct 11
ops= it is *is sorry
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
28 Sep 11
I don't know, if I love something, I usually buy. But, of course, I know the limits. I'm not going to buy a $1k bag or something like that. But, I only buy because my dad can affort or I use the money that I win on the internet (actually that's the reason why I work on the internet, to buy my own clothes and shoes).
• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
hi moneywinner, If you're winning money everyday, you're towards becoming one of the richest ppl on earth. Btw, how do you win money from internet? Do you mean gambling?
• Indonesia
28 Sep 11
Hello Jacklintan, I can understand if an adult (above 40-50 years old) carrying hermes bag it is suits them, some bought expensive bags because they like it, some because they wanted to look rich. But I just cant understand if young lady carrying hermes bag, okay we know some are born from rich families but still I think Hermes bag doesnt suit them, its make them look older...sorry no offense to young lady who wears hermes bag or the kind of bag. there are many kinds of bag that suit young lady and not too expensive, but I guess its because people seeing branded bag as social status or pride, people are trying to be called as socialite. for me...If I can make my own dress or bag, why should I buy. Im proud wearing my own made fashion and bags, even if im given branded bags for free I will not take it...because it is too common to wear branded bags, but carrying our own made bag is very rare.
• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
Hi fashionfever, Nice to meet you here! So, I assumed you're one of the fashionista and bags and dresses are your pursuits. Hermes bags are huge in my country. Most seen carrying these bags are those who either married a rich husband, business builders, entrepreneurs or just happened to be born in the rich family (you're right about all the above-;)) WOW! You make your own dresses and bags. I'm surprise and I'd always love doing something like you did. Do you have any website I can look? Really like knowing someone like you who has their artistic ways of seeing things. :)) xox hugs
@Gamerfvt (20)
• Brazil
27 Sep 11
Depends of the acessory
• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
and...what are they for you?