How will you know if someone commented you back?

@mariahhh (1328)
United Arab Emirates
September 28, 2011 12:00am CST
Hi. I have been receiving notifications in my e-mail if someone responded to my discussion. But I noticed that I don't receive notifications if someone commented back to my comment, either in my discussions or to other discussions that I commented. So how will you know that someone commented you back? Did you change the settings? or you just go back to all discussions you joined? Thanks a lot :)
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8 responses
• United States
28 Sep 11
I do get several repeated comments to many of my own comments. But there are times that at some point they do stop coming. Depending on the discussion and what was being discussed I usually have the discussion still open in another tab. If it is something I am really interested in I also bookmark it and return to it the next time I do log in. It is easier then going through the discussions I replied to and having to search through the pages for the particular ones.
• United States
28 Sep 11
Just wondering if you have checked the preference tab to make sure you tick the box that says: "email me when someone comments on my response". If not you may want to do that and start receiving them. It is in the preference tab above the page and or go here: I thought maybe this can help if you are not already getting them.
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@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 11
Hi hardworkinggurl :) I checked the link you gave me, and yes, all the boxes are ticked. I do receive an email if someone commented me, but not all the time. I will try to bookmark the site next time as you suggested. Thanks a lot. :)
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28 Sep 11
hardworkinggirl is correct though mariah, i recieve notifications to my emails regarding people commenting on my discussion, but then i'll notice someone commented under my comment, and i have no notification to that.
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• Philippines
28 Sep 11
Hey, i got many response and also discussions started.I think there is something you did not do in setting like receive discussions in mail, updates or so.I think you can go to preferences check there about the on the receive email discussions, response or so..I think many already give it to you.the answer.
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@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 11
hi! Yes, I checked the setting and I am subscribed to all. I do receive notifications for the comments I receive but only for the first comments in my response. For the added comments, nothing. Maybe I will just do what hardworkinggurl had suggested. I will just bookmark the discussion. :)
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
28 Sep 11
Dear Mariahhh! First of all Warm Welcome To Mylot ! Some times in spite of our checking all the boxes, we may not get the notifications about many a things because of some technical snags! So and also because I like to roam on the site to know about the activities, I normally go back to my initiated discussions to see if have got any further additions! This I do mostly for my current discussion only! !!! As I discussed earlier many a times I do come here on this time to have some good time and I feel relaxed to attend this site and to respond back to some discussions and to initiate a discussion or two! Since I do it for my entertainment and enjoyment I really don't have very large number of postings to be attended! So for me there is no problem to check back any comments if I am getting!!!! Now a days I start a discussion and stick to it and try t complete the discussion by responding back the responses in the form of comments, which makes my task much easier to follow the new comments too! Thus in my opinion it is individual's need , taste and approach towards this site which makes all the difference! I feel happy to see a new response or comment to my discussion when I go back to them, which I think gives we a pleasant surprise and a sort of kick, which i may not get If have known about the posting through my e mail! Thanks for the discussion I liked participating in it!!!!
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 11
Hi AKRao :) I agree. I will just go back to the discussions that I previously responded, so I can see all the comments I receive from the other members. Thanks a lot for your response. Have a nice day. :)
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I don't know what others do, but I check each discussion from start to finish each time I go to comment on a response. I know I don't catch them all but I try.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
Try to check your settings, there might be problem with it. Check your spam mails maybe the notification are there. if you still didn't received any, then go on "reponded" to track your comments. I am doing same thing..checking on "responded" since I do not have any notification from mylot for a long time.
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@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 11
Hi Jaiho :) Yes, maybe I will just go to the responded tab and I will also bookmark the discussion that I'm truly interested. Thanks a lot. :)
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28 Sep 11
don't worry about it, because you will recieve a notification about a NEW comment, and then what you can do is just glance over the rest of the discussion just to make sure no1 else commented! i actually find that if you comment on a discussion, and the person who STARTED the discussion, comments back, you get a notification, but if it is someone else comments under your comment, you don't. you are able to go into "discussions" and "responded" and check all the discussions you responded to, to see if you have any comments :)
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28 Sep 11
yes sometimes they are i'm not entirely sure why unless its just like a little loading clicth.. or maybe you need to look further back.. sometimes when someone comments again, it moves to the top of the list, so where you think it should be it isn't if you get me? lol!
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@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Sep 11
You are right, I guess there was a problem while the site was loading. Whenever I try to check the responded tab on the computer here in the office, the other discussions are not appearing. But if I use my laptop at home, I can see every discussion I responded to. I guess the computer in the office is so dated. LOL. I never noticed before that the discussion I had responded to moves to the top of the list whenever someone leaves a comment. That's great. It is easier to check the new comments. Thanks a lot chicksdigscars! :)
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@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 11
Hi chicksdigscars :) Thanks a lot for your response. Yes, I just sometimes go to the responded tab. But I also noticed that some of the discussions I have responded are not in the responded tab. I thought before that the discussion was deleted, but when I tried to search it on the myLot search engine, it was there. Are some of the discussions you responded missing in the responded tab, too?
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
oh, i had notifications in my email turned off because as i am active in mylot, i do not want the email full with notices that i have received a lot from mylot. he he
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Sep 11
Haha! Is that so. Yes, with all the notifications from myLot, my email address is totally full:)) I bet with that 10 stars of yours, you will probably receive hundreds of notifications a day if it is turned on. :) But how do you go back to the discussions you had responded or commented? Do you use the responded tab? Or do you use the "my activity" in your profile page?
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
17 Nov 11
I notice a lot of times if I go back into a discussion much later (or if someone else responded to my initial discussion) that there are sometimes comments on the comments. It seems like the only time that mylot tells me that someone responded is the first time they respond or if it is a response to my comment.