My 10 star rating went down!

United States
September 28, 2011 9:11am CST
Today when I log into mylot I noticed I went down from 10 star reputation to 9 stars. I am very ticked off because I worked hard to get my high rating. I was proud of the fact that my efforts were being appreciated. I know exactly why my rating went down and who did it. But there is nothing I can do about it. I recently disagreed with someone's opinion and now they are penalizing me for it. Isn't everyone entitled to their own opinion? I was not nasty just had a different viewpoint on the matter. Even if someone does not agree with me I always rate them positively because I try to see things from their eyes. I am a real person. I am me. I will always speak my mind without holding back. Just like everyone else I might not see things your way. If that bothers anyone I apologize. I am here to make friends but I am not here to kiss anyone's butt! Thank you in advance for any opinions shared on this topic both good and bad.
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15 responses
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
28 Sep 11
I have had a '9' star for a long time, largely, I believe, because I am sometimes outspoken and tell certain people truths which they don't like to hear. Frankly, it doesn't bother me because, without boasting, I know that my BR/Responded ratio is quite high (it involves a lot of manual counting and calculation but it can be done) and I know that, in general, I give people very good quality responses. I agree that, the first time it happens, a drop in one's 'star' rating seems like a terrible blow but, once you have been here a while, you realise that most of the best people have '9's or '8's simply because they are honest and not mealy-mouthed and will sometimes venture into dangerous country. Religion and Politics should definitely be marked on the MyLot map as 'Here be dragons'!
8 people like this
• United States
28 Sep 11
Well I guess i will join you guys in the 8 and 9 category. I tell it how I see it so I'd rather not be a 10 if I have to pretend to go with the flow just to have the highest rating. I feel much better now about the situation now that you pointed this out to me.
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@Fire10 (293)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I'm kind of envying the whole 9 position actually... I think it would be good practice for me to try to be a little bit more positive while still making my opinion very clear. Overall though, I do see that a lot of comments from 10's are frequently just in the same direction as the person they're responding too... Or so 'go with the flow-ish gentle' that not much seems to have been said. Maybe they are just part of the majority on a subject... :). I find myself the member of a minority on many issues... Heheh... I should get a MyLot scholarship for it!
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@Fire10 (293)
• United States
28 Sep 11
Diversity is worth paying for right?
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@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
28 Sep 11
Many mylotters has gone through this phase even i did exactly two days back but yeah me back again on 9 star we do feel a little bad when our ratings go but yeah there is nothing we can do i hope all we can do is try our luck again and try to achieve that goal again i think here if someone is purposefully rating us negative and we see a huge drop then we can surely report to admin about out situation and maybe he would be the only one who can help us
• United States
28 Sep 11
I guess I will just have to get used to the fact that I will be going up and down. It was just shocking to see. But I guess a 9 is not so bad.
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• Mumbai, India
29 Sep 11
This always happens here i hardly think of the ratings here but when i see a huge drop sometime in the rating i do get surprise but still there are plenty of happy to help member here who encourages us to go on and keeps on motivating us
• United States
29 Sep 11
What I find interesting are people that say that they know exactly why their reputations went down and who did it (negatively rated them). My reputation has drastically gone down several times, and I can tell you for a fact that I have absolutely no idea why it went down or who negatively rated me. There was one particular time that I had an idea why it went down ... people did not like a discussion that I started. I assume that was the reason, because the day after I started the discussion my reputation took a big hit. However, I can't prove that is the reason, especially since that was the highest rated discussion of the day, and I definitely have no idea who negatively rated me, since you can rate someone without ever interacting with them. On the other hand, there were times when I disagreed with people, and I thought that my reputation would have gone down due to this interaction, but it remained exactly the same. That proves that sometimes when you think people are going to negatively rate you over differences of opinions, they do not really do it.
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• United States
30 Sep 11
Top - I know that you are not very active on here ... you are here for the fun and interaction rather than the money. I also realize that you do not respond in many places in one day, and you pretty much stick to a few specific interest categories. Therefore, if your rank goes down in one of those categories, then it would be easy to figure it out. However, we do not necessarily know if it was a recent comment/response that triggered the negative ratings or if it was something that we said five months ago that was resurrected by the comments of another user. Mario - Are we there yet? On a serious note, though, I would not still be here if it were not for the fun that I have with you and many other friends I have made on this site. I also hope that my star means that I am doing something right, but even if my star goes down as long as I can still bring a smile to the face of a friend, especially when they need it the most, then I will be happy. Zukichucha - I saw what you were talking about, and you might be right ... I can't really say either way. What I can tell you is that I have disagreed with that person before without any negative consequences. Then again, it would take more negative ratings to bring my reputation down than it would to bring yours down. On the other hand, there were a few times when I had not disagreed with anyone or said anything controversial ... or at least I didn't think I had and a few of my friends that looked back over my activity agreed with me ... yet my reputation went down by a lot. I know that yours seems like a lot, but mine dropped at least thirteen points, which means it went from blue to yellow rather than red. I admit that I was frustrated at first just like you were, but then I realized that my reputation did not affect how much fun I have on here, so why worry about it.
@topffer (42155)
• France
29 Sep 11
As I don't respond to many discussions daily I generally know the interest where I have been rated negatively, but I can't tell who rated me negatively. It is very difficult to guess it because, as you said, "you can rate someone without ever interacting with them."
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• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
as for me....i don't really care if my star goes up or down. i came here for the money, i stayed for the fun, i took leave for some work, and i'm back for my friends.... its turning out to be something like when i go on a drive with some annoying friends of mine....when i'm driving, and they're bugging me..'are we there yet?'..'are we there yet?'..'are we there yet?'. when they do that, it seems like ages until we reach our destination...coupled with the fact that they're being annoying and all. makes for a lot of negativity which everyone in the car can feel. and then the annoyance just grows and grows until i just feel like strangling someone.. but if everyone in the car just sits back & some car games and have fun along the way, the journey magically doesn't feel that long. all of a sudden we're at our destination, and everyone is all smiling and happy and wishing that the day won't end.. so just like myLot....i've chosen focus on the fun part and not get stressed out, help my friends here have some giggles and poke around a bit. leave out the conspiracy theories and bring in the laughter and smiles... and just simply enjoy myself with the company of others. then, before i realized it, i had a nice blue star shining at me....and it hasn't turned to a different color of the rainbow yet. then i think to myself (which doesn't happen very often) maybe....just maybe, i might be doing something right?. but then, that's my own little opinion.. :) for thought...? which reminds me....i'm kind of hungry for the munchies now.. :p
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@petersum (4522)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I may be wrong but I don't think one person can effect your rating too much. At least they shouldn't be able to! Here's a positive from me to help.
4 people like this
• United States
28 Sep 11
Thank you! Maybe my comment was taken the wrong way by a few people then. :( But I am just upset because I love mylot so much but today it made me mad to see this.
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@sjvg1976 (42019)
• Delhi, India
28 Sep 11
Yes she just need 4.22 +ves or -ves to go down by one point.
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@petersum (4522)
• United States
28 Sep 11
PPE: That explains a lot! I just hope you haven't given some vindictive people full guidance on how to f*ck up a user's star!
4 people like this
• Malaysia
28 Sep 11
hiya zukichucha! hmmm....well, the star rating is kind of like the stock market. sometimes it goes up, and sometimes it goes down. regardless of how high or how low, i sincerely think that it's our perseverance at making good discussions, and engaging each other in discussion that counts. everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views....and sometimes i too might have accidentally stepped on a toe or two. but then, such is life...isn't it? might as well make the best of it and just go on doing what we know is right (and legal too ). don't fret too much about your star rating. keep the good discussions coming, and i'm sure it'll be bumped up to a rosy 10 before you know it!
5 people like this
• United States
29 Sep 11
That is a good way of looking at it Mario! Next time I will remember that just like the stock market I lost value but next week I will redeem myself. I actually enjoy a healthy debate! I don't like drama but love with the right person engaging in a discussion of varying views can be very interesting. Binggaling- I love the name! No you are not color blind! LOL I think he was saying having a 10 is rosy (like saying it is cool).
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Sep 11
Mario! Where the heck have you been? I have definitely been missing that bright yellow bum-bum of yours streaking around myLot! If we keep up this interaction, we will surely have all the colors of the rainbow in just this one response box. *HUGE HUGS*
• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
@zukichucha - binggaling is like that sometimes....i think its because i haven't given her a rose in a long time.. and don't tell yourself that you've 'lost value'....that is such a negative thing to tell ourselves. just say that you're 'undervalued'... then you know that you're really worth much more than what most of the others assume... and usually we really are actually worth more than we think...aren't we all?
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@sjvg1976 (42019)
• Delhi, India
28 Sep 11
Hello Zukhi, Many of us have experienced the bitter taste of DRS system.Its bad use of DRS system just to negate someone not being agreeing to their point. I always rate people +ve and have never rated anyone -ve because i know it hurts when someone sees his/her own reputation dripping down.I had observed it with my self when i was new in MYLOT. I started from 4 went to 3 next day and it took me around 5 months to go to 9 but really it bothered me alot to see those fluctuations but recently i don't bother much about the reputation as i know once i will start thinking towards it will only give me tensions.Secondly its not in our hand what is in our hand is to write quality contents which we should do so that people can give us more +ves. Really some people are immature and think they should negate people just for disagreeing but they forget that disagreeing also is a part of discussion and only makes the discussion better. You should not worry as you are on 95 may be few +ves will take you again to 10 may be tomorrow when you log in to MYLOT again you will find yourself where you were.
5 people like this
• United States
29 Sep 11
I totally agree! I am just going to concentrate on writing quality posts so I don't over analyze this situation and let it bring me down. I know you are right that there are immature people everywhere. A mature person would have let me know what I said wrong and why it bothered them.
@mehale (2200)
• United States
28 Sep 11
Don't take it too personally. When I started posting in a lot of political discussions, my rating went down from 10 to 9 and has yet to come back up. I guess they rate based on whether or not you agree with them, lol. That does not say much for having different opinions though does it? At any rate, I rated each of your responses with a "+" so maybe that will help....oh and the discussion too.
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• United States
29 Sep 11
I never thought of that Ghajini and hopefully I won't be penalized for people getting me a +. I am not asking anyone to rate me that way and that was not the purpose of me starting this discussion. I was just venting and everyone is trying to make me feel better. But you do have a point.
@Ghajini (775)
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
That's kind of you, however I am not sure if this kind of discussion is really allowed since it may just turn into bad things or might be even considered like a means of soliciting positive votes.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
29 Sep 11
Hi zuki, I feel that you are giving far too much importance to your rating and also one person cannot take your rating down.I never rate anyone since it always skips my mind to do so, may be I should do it more often. I certainly would be honest in my rating without rating everyone positive with the hope that everybody else does the same to me.It doesn't seem right to me...I also would expect others do the same , when they are rating any of my posts..all the best and happy mylotting
• United States
29 Sep 11
You are right. I was putting too much importance on my rating! But now I am just going to ignore it and just continue writing quality posts. More importantly, I am going to have fun! I always rate everyone but only because it is a habit now.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
30 Sep 11
That's the best way of handling things here ! Just have fun and don't worry about anything esp rating because it is not in your hands to change or do anything about it - all the best and happy mylotting
• United States
29 Sep 11
the rating system here is a joke! Its nothing more than a popularity contest just keep being yourself be true to who you are and to hell with what anyone else thinks
• United States
29 Sep 11
That is exactly what I am going to do. I am not going to change because I would only be lying to myself if I am being fake just to fit in. But at least now I know what to expect.
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
29 Sep 11
I understand how you feel. This happened to me a few years ago and I chose to leave mylot. And it was a good discussion. The person did not like my response, and I even had my friends of mylot coming and writing me to tell me I needed to go look at the post. Well needless to say, I got mylot involved making sure I had not done anything wrong. they read my response, and said my answer was a correct one. But it made my life miserable on here after that and I left. Like you we are all different, but I respect everyone's right to their own beliefs. If anything I try to learn from someone else. thats what is so wonderful about mylot. I would not know about as many different cultures as I do now, and I thank wonderful people like you and then thank mylot for having this place for us. Oh and just to tell you how minimal the discussion was about that I had replied to was on buying concession items at a theater. If we can't answer something that basic, I know I better stay out of the political discussions here. Keep going you will get your star back. Hug to you today.
• United States
29 Sep 11
Wow! If someone can't take a joke or accept criticism then they have problems. I am glad you are back. Hope to see you around! I also don't discuss politics. But only because I have nothing to say on the matter.
• Indonesia
29 Sep 11
Hai there...! I really do not believe that you are really pay atentions to your ratings. For me, the important thing is just online at MyLot and enjoy every second of it. Just that!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Sep 11
I am going to ignore my rating from now on. As long as I know I am making friends and having fun that is more importantly anyway. Not everyone will like what I have to say and I have come to accept that.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
29 Sep 11
hi zukichcha It,s really bad. I am too working hard to get 10 star rating but did not get yet. But it,s hardly matter one rated positively or negative. I write here my feeling and opinion. It might be different to other people. But we should honor all the opinion.
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• United States
29 Sep 11
Exactly, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even if I don't agree I respect the fact that they shared their opinion. But I guess not everyone thinks like we do.
@Ghajini (775)
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
Interesting discussion. I understand how you feel, however in the end of the day don't let these things ruin your day :). Sometimes just enjoying what you do will be much better and you'll be surprised that rewards will just come your way. At least you are aware that due to this discussion, you might even get more negative votes. Anyway, have a nice day and don't let these negative things ruin your day and stay on mylot.
• United States
29 Sep 11
It made me upset but only for a little bit. After I thought about it I realized that like you said, if I let this negative thing affect me then I will leave mylot. I am not going anywhere because I love this site. It makes my day go faster and it is enjoyable to converse with so many individuals.
@JosephP (1116)
• Jamaica
28 Sep 11
It is always upsetting when you put work into something and get negative results. I have been there my friend and I dislike it also. I wish you many positive ratings and the return of your blue star
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• United States
29 Sep 11
You are not very far from a blue star either. I hope you get there soon! But since red is my favorite color I will enjoy my 9 as long as I have it.
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@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
i can't find my recent discussion too. did they remove it also