what do you prefer to do when bored?

@r03249 (357)
September 28, 2011 2:15pm CST
I'm currently jobless and bored most of the time and I can't think of anything to do most of the time. I feel so bored now. Maybe I should go to sleep now but you can't always go to sleep when you're bored, it'll be like all day. any suggestions? :)
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13 responses
@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
Why not write some interesting articles or poems and post them on sites like Wikinut. You will learn more, and get to improve your writing skills. I think for jobless people this is one hobby that one can try.
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
wikinut...can i just simply sign in the way we do it here in mylot? i think that i will pay that site a visit. if you know of good paying sites for doing some articles, will you please be kind enough to send me an invite? yes, i am one jobless person, too, as of this moment. many thanks for your time.
• Morristown, New Jersey
28 Sep 11
that is a fun hobby. Writing I mean. I've never tried wikinut, I never heard of it before. But I write for Triond. I don't make a whole lot of money doing it – so far $.65 in two weeks which isn't that bad, especially for a beginner like me with only about 30 articles. But it's a lot of fun to write for them – I like the fact that you can write whatever you want. I just submitted a poem and I hope they publish it. it's always neat to see your earnings go up and see how many people read your article. I write about all kinds of things, whatever strikes my fancy. It's a lot of fun to submit it and then see it published.and I never know what sites are going to publish it on, so that's a surprise to. I just write about whatever interests me at the current moment. It's a lot of fun and a hobby I just recently started. There are so many places you can write online. In some you make money in and some you don't, but you can get good comments. A place I like to write poetry at is allpoetry.com. you don't get paid there, but you get a lot of good comments on your work and you could enter contests. It's a lot of fun and I have a whole bunch of poems posted there.
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
Hi averygirl. Yes, I'm trying to find a job online. And I have my personal blog. I am just so bored at times that even those things that I enjoy don't appeal to me.
• United States
28 Sep 11
Well when I am bored I will find something to clean or watch a movie but now I have found just being on the internet helps to pass the time too. Or go for a walk.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
i agree with you that there are so many ways to deal with boredom. doing the internet is what i do most these days to deal with it if time permits me to do so. otherwise, it is home chores that gets me occupied. well, home chores are endless...they never get done.
• United States
28 Sep 11
So true!! The work seems to be never done!! Just like the bills it never ends!!
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
so true. xD home chores are forever! I hate them because of that but bo other choice but to accept them and just do it. xD
@webzap (884)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
Aside from myLot and internet surfing, doing some backyard chores are one of the many alternative things to do when you are bored or don't have anything to have to time pass. This is one better way than thinking of sleeping the whole day or watching some movies in your tv set.
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
yeah. and I don't really like sleeping so much or staying in front of the television all day.. Household chores are much better alternatives. :) Have a nice day!
@ckciasigurl (2081)
• Italy
29 Sep 11
hi ro32 try to enjoy here to mylot you will have some friends and you can have to learn here , to improve the english and many more having mylot is a big help for me i hope this can help you to relief your bored...
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
certainly. :) But sometimes, reading so long comments makes me bored even more. xD I guess I just need some cheering up. Anyway, I'm fine now. Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice day! :)
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
Stay online specially in mylot. It's what I can suggest cause when I'm bored I stay on the computer for a long time.
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
Yes. :) But sometimes, I even feel so weak and too lazy to answer some discussions here. XD
@bodhi_91 (191)
• India
29 Sep 11
When I looked at the topic, the answer that cooked up in my Mind was "Sleep", but as that is pretty much cancelled by you from before, I would really tell you to find your point of interest which can keep you engaged. It depends from person to person, like I would indulge myself in roleplaying and strategy games, or a bit of book reading. Maybe you could surf new sites. And for long term purpose, some new friends in locality to pass time with can be good!
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
hi again bodhi. I'm not much a SLEEP fanatic. I don't really like sleeping so long and I'm even, at times, guilty for sleeping so long. I don't really know why. xD And yeah, thanks for the suggestions. Have a great day! :)
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
29 Sep 11
I have always had an active mind and imaginative and have never known boredom. I can be alone for hours and never be lonely: My mind is always engaged in something and I really enjoy moments of aloneness, since that is often when I can freely examine and re-examine my thoughts.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
do you not intend to find a job, so you will have more time doing things than be bored. i think you should be more active in mylot too... if you cannot or do not want to find a job.
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
Of course I want to have my job. I'm just waiting for my license so I can already apply in a hospital. In the meantime, while waiting, I submitted my resumes to different companies already who's in need of article writers. I'm just too bored here now waiting for some job offers. :)
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
although there are so many things to do at home, it cannot be helped that i get bored, too, at times. the endless home chores require more than the time that i may spend doing them in a day. i am just simply no longer as energetic as i used to be. as for boredom, i spend time at the computer...hours always per day...laugh it out or smile it away because, the hours i spend at the computer, they are just much too much. as for sleeping, i have known insomnia since as a baby, so my mom told me. too bad that i cannot do that. it always feels good when i manage to have a good number of hours of sleep. lucky you on that count then.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
28 Sep 11
I feel bored once in a while too. One of my preferred ways to get rid of the boredom is to go to the public library, and read newspapers, books and magazines. That is in many ways informative and educational while I have the spare time to do it.
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
28 Sep 11
sometimes when I'm bored I go on my lot or my page 5 or some similar social networking site where I get paid. It's nice because then I can waste as much time as I want on the Internet but still have a justification for it – I'm getting a little bit of money. That feels somehow more useful than just sitting around watching TV. But TV is also good for boredom, so is reading. I love to read and I'll read for hours sometimes. One way to keep from getting to bored is to set your alarm clock and only do things for one hour and then switch to doing something else. Like read for an hour, then go on the Internet for an hour, then read for an hour again. If you split things up during the day you don't get bored with things quite so quickly. But I just spent an hour reading, and then 45 min. talking on the phone, and now I am going to spend an hour on the computer before I get back to reading. I too am unemployed and I have too much time. So I can totally relate to what you're talking about. But those are the things I do – go on the computer, watch TV, talk on the phone with people, and read.
@r03249 (357)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
Sounds like a good plan for me. :D This is the consequence of being such a couch-potato. lol
@elamel (127)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
I used to do household duties if i feel i'am bored or i think of something that will make me laugh..
@sunli123 (538)
• China
29 Sep 11
I do have some boring time, don't want to do anything. I couldn't do housework, watch films, tv(just change from one channel to another but view nothing) etc. The worse is, I couldn't fall asleep at that time, just have random thoughts which make me feel tired.