My brother is a nobody in life and it makes me furious

Puerto Rico
September 28, 2011 7:34pm CST
Grrr just looking at him pisses me off! He's 20 years old already and has done absolutely NOTHING to be independent or even gain a dollar in life and mean nothing! He drives horrid, 100% depends on mommy and daddy, does not want to get married, has never even TRIED searching for a job because he says he can't because it's "impossible", he sleeps ALL day, if he's awake he plays video games or watches anime 24/7, he doesn't study for university, he doesn't want to move out of home EVER, nothing! He doesn't know to cook, how to use a credit card, how to nothing! But what pisses me off the most is the fact he has LOTS of potential to achieve GREAT things in life and yet he's super negative attitude makes me want to slap him and tell him to just DO SOMETHING already! He's a very smart young man and whenever he dedicates himself to something (just because ti has a deadline) he memorizes entire book chapters in less than 1 hour and gets A's, talks about very complex stuff and has even formed theories. He loves dinosaurs and dreams to be an archeologist and yet does nothing to at least consider this path. Haaa sorry about the ramble had to let that out.
5 responses
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
4 Oct 11
Yes, it really is kind of frustrating. i don't have a brother. But my best friend's brother is super lazy. He never do household chores, always in front of his computer playing online games, or watching anime 24/7. He never want to work part time, he tried once but after a day, he resigned. His girlfriend got pregnant so his parents support him, bought him a house and everything. my goodness, he should at least be embarassed and try to find job. :/
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
29 Sep 11
yes that sounds very frustrating to know someone can achieve so much(especially a family member)more yet doesn't put in the effort.
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
Sounds a lot like my brother but remove that watching anime 24/7 because he is not into those but was playing online games or pc games. He does something though but has was not yet brave enough to try applying for work. I really don't know what he wants in life, but I can see that he tries to do some work like selling stuffs together with our brother. I just hope he will find the courage to be bold in what life has to do with him in the future and be of help to our family. Just don't feel so sad, encourage your brother to do what he feels like doing. Like a simple hobby gardening, wood works, glass painting, etc., anything that can convince him to do something for future profit.
• United States
29 Sep 11
Let it out I do about my brother in law all the time. He is a total loser not far from your own brother in attitude though he drags along several children with him and is almost 40. My husband an achiever who works hard, very hard hates to see him mooching off the folks and others. Seeing our nieces and nephews dumped all over kingdom come so he can go out drinking on money borrowed form his parents. I would love to blame him for it all but in truth my in laws are as much to blame for letting him ruin their lives and controlling them they way he does.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
29 Sep 11
The good news is he is still pretty young. I know he could be further along, but sometimes it takes some people longer than others. I would just try as much as possible (and I know it is hard) to be patient and gently suggest things involving archeology ..but don't argue with him or he will become defensive. Wishing you all the best success