My gall bladdeer attack
By oscarbartoni
@oscarbartoni (2581)
United States
September 29, 2011 9:21pm CST
I had my gall baldder attack about a month and a half ago and it was very painful. I could not sleep or find any position to get comfortabel in. After the pain let up some, I went to my partners house where she took me to the nearby VA hopsital to see what was going on. The doctor there did some test and told me that I had a gall bladder that needed to be taken out right away so I had my partner take me to West Roxbury Ma. hospital on the other side of the state. Since I tested postive for MRSA I was in a private room. They tested me more that day and the next day. When the surgern came in to talk to me, she told me that the window of opertunity had gone by and that she would schedule an operation in the future for me. I was in there for 4 days that time. My partner came back to pick me up when I was ready to go home. In about a week and a half, my operations was upon me so I went into the West Roxbury hospital the day ahead , because the surgery was scudled for 6 in the morning. I finall got in the operating room in the early afternoon. They gave me norphine to help blook the pain in my stomach andright shoulder because of complications. I stayed there for 4 days before they let me go this time. Again the VA transported me back to the VA hospital nera where I live. They gave me oxycoton to help keep the pain at bay and I found out that I was allergic to the oxycoton. I was scratching my body all over especially my legs. The doctor there gave me some pills to take to counteract the allergic reaction of the oxycoton. So I wound up doing with out any more pain meds and I needed them,.
What experiences have you had before, during and after an operation?
2 responses
@nashtom (23)
• United States
30 Sep 11
I two have had my gallbladder removed. I had mine removed just before Thanksgiving of 2010. What caused me to have my gallbladder removed was a case of pancreatitis not very comfortable. I was discharged shortly before Thanksgiving and was home for a few days when a complication set in. I had developed an infection in one of the incisions and what a stick there was when the surgeon started to clean it out and I will admit it did not tickle when he was removing the stitches and cleaning out the wound. I ended up having to take a shower twice a day for several days and change the dressing twice a day as well. I will say this if I did not have the man I have in my life alot of the medical emergencies that I have had I would have gone through them alone and scared. So to the man I care so much about I can only say Thank you for your constent love and support.
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
30 Sep 11
We each have our medical problems. I think that I am like Humpty Dumpty, I only hope that the doctors can put me back to gether again ulike the real Humpty Dumpty. After the operation I looked like someone shot me with a shotgun because of the 6 holes in my stomach. Some have healed very nice but a couple are still very noticable.
@samafayla33 (1856)
• United States
1 Oct 11
That sounds extremely painful and I hope that you get better. :) I feel like I have to control intake of certain things when i am ill. I used to think I was humpty dumpty when I was younger, but now I know everything is done in moderation for the mind. :)
I hope that you get to feeling better and you and your loved one will be okay, After surgery is the toughest thing because all the healing is going on inside and outside the body.
@samafayla33 (1856)
• United States
30 Sep 11
man that's painful, I hope that you get to feeling better because I have twinges that are uncomfortable in that area that sometimes feels like an electric shock up my side. :( I never heard of oxycoton for the gall bladder, it must have been a difficult surgery. :(
@nashtom (23)
• United States
30 Sep 11
I am responding on behalf of oscarbartoni the surgery was not that bad just long and done laposcopicly. My stomach looks like I got shot with a shotgun. My partner can tell you more about the medical stuff then I can. She tells me to tell you that Oxycoton is Percocet which is a pain killer. The Oxycoton was for after the surgery for they gave me moriphine shortly after my surgery to help with the pain and discomfort. My partner can do medical intuitive if she knows what the signs and symptoms are and she is usually right on the money for her intuitive advise.
@samafayla33 (1856)
• United States
2 Oct 11
That's some pretty powerful medicine that can't be just done by Hannabal Lector because that side under the rib gets painful and you can't stop the pain with tylenol. I wish you and your partner didn't have go through so much pain.