Is my daughter allowed to become a mylotter?

@chrislotz (8137)
October 1, 2011 11:16am CST
My daughter is 28 years old and lives with me. We share the same computer. Am I allowed to refer her to mylot with using the same computer? Does it matter that we have the same IP address. Also is she allowed to sign up using my paypal account because she doesn't have one of her own and doesn't want to get one? Does it matter to mylot or do they not allow two members to use the same IP address? I need someone's help with this because she wants to sign up but I don't want to loose my priveleges here as a member if it isn't allowed. I would hate to get kicked out of mylot. It is my salvation when I am bored to death and have no one to talk to. Cheers and happy mylotting, Chris
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5 responses
• United States
1 Oct 11
Yes it is allowed, however the account affiliation form must be completed. Not doing so will look as if you have two accounts. Admin monitors the site so important to make sure the form is completed.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
1 Oct 11
Do I sign her up first and then fill out the form or do I fill out the form first? It really doesn't say.
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
1 Oct 11
Thank you so much. I will tell her and we will do it today. I hope she likes this site as much as I do and I hope all you wonderful members will make her feel welcome, which I am sure you will.
• United States
1 Oct 11
Yes Vidhya is right. She must have an established account first then fill out the form.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
1 Oct 11
You can use the same computer at home for another account in Mylot as long as your IP address is different, or your ISP assigned IP is a dynamic address. If not, Mylot server detect you have two account with the same IP, your account will be terminated immediately without notice, i personally will not take that chances, it is very likely using the same computer with the same ISP at home, the IP sniffer software use by Mylot will claim you have two accounts no matter you are right or wrong. I had seen member account got terminated before even though the member steadfastly claim he has only one account, but there is no ground for appeal here, once Mylot determine you violate the rule, you are out of here. Period!!
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
1 Oct 11
Now I'm afraid. Some people say it's okay and now you tell me it isn't. I'm confused.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I had a friend here last year, his account was terminated after he and later his wife are using the same computer and obviously the same IP at home for mylot activity, his account is terminated few days later and he can't get the adm. reopen his account even though he tried hard by explaining to them, the admin. consider he is cheating and violate the rule, there is no warning or appeal in Mylot, once the admin. determine you are cheating, you are out of here with no recourse, it is final, after that i didn't be able to read his discussion anymore. Period end of story. It is strictly up to you to decide what you want to do with this one, if you think other is correct telling you it is ok, then go ahead and open another account with the same computer and ISP at home, you may be lucky mylot doesn't know it, i am not going to stop you fro doing it, the worst case scenario is your account got terminated, then may be other members can reinstate your account, i can't comment on that if that happen. You just have to make the choice who is right yourself.
• United States
1 Oct 11
The link I provided above explains we can and maybe lampar your friend was not aware of the affiliated form. As the FAQ says, that having more then one person here will be monitored closely, so there is a chance that something went wrong on the behalf of your friend, however if had the form completed he possibly could have had a chance to prove otherwise.
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@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I'm answering from my e-mail so I cannot see if anyone has responded back to you. You can be on mylot using the same IP address since you are two different people. But I don't think you can use the same paypal address. But I have no idea and now that you asked, I'm interested in knowing myself.
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@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
1 Oct 11
Your daughter is definitely allowed to be a member of mylot as well. Providing that you don't share the same account, it's really not a problem at all.
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@Bravest (42)
• India
1 Oct 11
Hello Chrislotz Your Daughter Is Allowed To Signup At Mylot But She Needs A Different Paypal Account However Having A Same Computer Or IP Address Doesnt Matter You Can Be Banned By Using One Paypal Account
• United States
1 Oct 11
We can share our PayPal with our household family, but the affiliated form must be completed. I provided the link in box 1 which explains.
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• United States
1 Oct 11
There is a preference tab at the top of the page where you list all your information Welcome aboard!
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• Canada
1 Oct 11
I just signed up and seeing you are a newbie, where do I put my email account in paypal? I can't find the link to assign my paypal account and my mom just went out and I really don't want to wait for her to come home before I start working the site. I know you just did it so it should be fresh in your memory and I am hoping you can help me out with this. I need to learn this site but I will do that after I have everything done right. Thanks for the help my friend.