Do I love her?

@Dymo75 (340)
New Zealand
October 2, 2011 1:12am CST
Hello. I haven't been here in a long time, but I'm here now. After knowing a certain someone for some time (5-7 years I guess) I've kind of known her as a friend. But recently, I started having a niggling of a feeling for her. I've seen that myLotters seem to know about love, and can usually differentiate with confidence what's love and lust. What about this? What exactly is this thing I feel? Thanks!
1 response
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
2 Oct 11
i once wrote that there is a thin line between love and lust. some signals for both feelings are the same, except that love lasts longer while lust stays only for a while. what exactly do you feel? if you love someone, the feeling is not short spanned. it lasts.
@Dymo75 (340)
• New Zealand
3 Oct 11
I've been feeling this for almost half a year now. All I'm doing is just keeping it in, and trying to stay out of trouble. Is this healthy?