Something that's always bothered me, regarding the world of video games...
By usaction
@usaction (649)
United States
October 2, 2011 3:10pm CST
...well, fighting games, like the Street Fighter series, and maybe this goes to other things, like comics. Let's face it, the end bosses tend to be hard (if the game is done well), as can hidden bosses. Examples include M.Bison, Akuma, Rugal, Igniz, Zankuro, Red Armor (SNK vs Capcom) and so on. When I play as the bosses, some can dominate (like most incarnations of Rugal or Akuma), whereas others, not so much (Goenitz, Red Armor). In all of these cases, there are beings (usually evil) who have extreme powers, making them clearly dominating. For example, the final boss of KOF '97, if you catch someone in mid air with his fireball, and do his screen super, those 2 can kill someone, even at full health! Others include Rugal of 94 (2 up-close Genocide Cutters) and Rugal '02 (2 of his combo-supers are kills). Darksied, of the MUGEN world, can also do this, via is Omega Blasts. Yes, I know in the stories (comics, anime, etc, etc), the "heroes overcome the most difficult and overwhelming of obstacles." Maybe I'm just being cynical, but i always am like "yea, right!" A persona has that much power, and they just happen to be so inept, egotistical, stupid, or fill in with your own words, that they can't defeat someone nowhere near their power level. Sure, there's always the "hidden potential" angle. I guess what I'm thinking is if evil has all these powers, tactics, etc, then why do they loose? Or, if good had such powers, then why did they loose to bad. An example's the movie Dune. They have this "sound power." So, if they had it all along, why did they get beat, and why did the good king die? If the prince and a bunch of "misfits" were able to defeat the powers that be, then how did those powers get to be powers in the first place? This is a constant issue with me, when I think of it. Ryu vs Akuma of Street Fighter. I look at all that Akuma has. Hell, he can TELEPORT! He should take out Ryu like nothing. If you remember the Street Fighter Animated Movie from the 90s, Bison beat Guile's @$$, and until he decided to stop warping, he was tearing apart Ryu AND Ken! If he would have kept his Psycho Warp, Ryu and Ken would have never beat him, simply because they couldn't TOUCH him!
So, what's brought this to mind? I guess, reality. We have our petty things in this world. It took forever to clean the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, last year. It looks like it'll take as long, with the Nuke plant in Japan. No telling how that will effect things. "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer." I, and other I know and respect, do the good thing, and continue to struggle in the day-to-day. Then, you have those who to whatever the bloody hell they want, sometime literally! They have money, good health care, food, etc, etc...and it's been that way, across the globe, for time beyond time. It doesn't matter the time period, religion, culture, political climate: it all comes down to a small elite taking control of/for the majority, and the small elite having most, and the rest hoping to get through another day. I grow weary of fighting the same fight, day after day. Do one job, get paid, pay bills, and it's never enough! I've spent my adult life living in situations that I don't really care for, because of this bull-s--t. No "sufficient credit history"--whatever the bloody hell that means!--can't rent a place of my own, so have to room. Only once was it not bad, because I've known the people for a couple. Granted, would have liked to have had my own room, but it was what it was...I reflect upon when I lived on the house boat...if it wasn't for the fact that the showers were OUTSIDE during the cold winter, that could have been almost ideal. Course, I don't need much, regarding living space, although I could have used a lil better regarding a cooking area. But, having my own space, that was possibly the closest to idea...I never really worried about having stuff stolen. Like all, it had it's drawbacks, too, but all-in-all, something like that (tho maybe not a boat) would probably be nice. But I digress. Both the world at large, and my own little part, seems that things just keep looping, and not a fun tune, either.
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