...and the walls come a tumbl'n down...

@usaction (649)
United States
October 2, 2011 3:29pm CST
A little more than 20 yrs ago, The Berlin Wall finally fell. Some may not recall this, depending on various factors, including age, or may have heard about it, but not understood it, really. I know I was still in elementary school, when it happened. My pa was in the USAF, and at the time, we were in West Germany. There was East and West Germany, countries, as well as Berlin, the city. Berlin was, and is now, the capital of Germany. As I recall, the city of "Bonn" was the capital of West. No, this note ain't about WW2, history (per say), and the cold war. It will be a look at the things of the past, and concern for how things may shape, in the near future... With all the laws being tossed about, especially the "State Police Act," aka, the (UN) Patriot Act. Threats to cut social security and medi-care+caide, as well as cut to military and Veterans benfitns+pay...but no plans to cut millions being pumped to Libya, and BILLIONS in the Middle East. According to an article on military.com, the above cuts they propose account for -10%- of the TOTAL BUDGET! That's right, only a mere -10%!- Which makes me wonder where the other -90%- goes to? How about shaving from there!?! So, I'm sincerely hoping that Ron Paul wins for 2012, though I don't know if it'll be too late, by then. Cops can arrest you for filming them, IN PUBLIC, if they're doing something wrong. The FBI's encouraged to look through people's trash. To say I find this disturbing is an understatement to an understatement! Of course, I don't hold any answers. What does the future hold? I don't know. I want to "seek the truth, and find answers," as my friend Will says. Some of the answers I've found, which is probably barely a nip of the iceberg, is worrisome, and admittingly, I tend to keep some of it out of mind, because the sheer mass and scope of it can be consuming and overwhelming. There are so many different POVs, each having their own arguments for a cause, and it becomes a effort to find out who's accurate; sometimes I think that's the point...to make things so difficult to determine the truth, that by the time it's been discovered, it'll be too late to do anything about it. But then, it's never to late, until your dead, so one keeps fighting, to get what they want and need. The "vaga bound" has a certain appeal to me. Doing clinical trials, getting paid a few K, and staying at hostels, for the time I'm there. I've even come across some, tho a lil more expensive, where I could have my own private room. Course, they all tend to be cheaper than motels, and even apartments/houses. Seems every major city has at least one, usually the state capital, but also others. I'll be staying in my 1st in Vegas, so I'll see how that goes. I looked into a couple in Virginia, as well, so that may be something to look at. Having my own, "off the grid" lo-cal has an appeal. Being out of sight, and out of mind, for any true crazy that may go down, in the near future. One "anti-hero" I like is Ozymandias, of the Watchmen. He wants all of these good things for mankind. However, the other "suites" don't see it that way, and waste lil time in using very lightly veiled threats against him. In response, he uses the only language they'd understand, by stating that he has so much fortune, they he could easily buy and sell their companies, effectively crushing them (financially), and thus leaving these "powerful men" powerless. He also realized that the warmongers in power would constantly bicker as kids, and the only way to stop the countdown to total nuclear desolation of the planet is to give them a bigger enemy to face. In a perfect world, it wouldn't be needed, but we don't live in a perfect world. Not saying that I hope someone decides to fake some big power house enemy, and destroy millions, but have you noticed that only in times of disaster is when people tend to most come together. Maybe, in humanity's whole stupidity, this extreme action is the only way that can be reached to stop trying to kill each other, and help...and CONTINUE to help, not kill. Lacking some "outside force" uniting people, the idea of having a "rabbit hole" continues to hold appeal. Not saying to be there, and hide away from everything, forever, but a "fall out" would be nice. Somewhere to be, should people prove to be too dumb. Then, the issue becomes stocking it, and being able to protect it. I still feel the "western part" of the country to be good, but a trip out east, for the time, I think will be good, so we'll see how the rest of the year plays out...
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