Is Barack Obama Hitler?

United States
October 3, 2011 8:12pm CST
This morning on Fox News, Hank Williams Jr. made some very pointed comments about the president of the united states. He stated: "told "Fox and Friends" that he thought Speaker of the House John Boehner playing golf with President Obama "would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu ... In the shape this country is in?". When asked to clarify his comments he said: "Well that's true. But I'm telling you like it is," Williams has blamed Obama for the economic shape of this country before he even became president, working for the McCain campaign, and with Sarah Palin. Now ESPN has decided to pull his opening to Monday Night Football (about the only thing he is really known for). What do you think of Williams comments, and do you think ESPN should have pulled the spot?
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11 responses
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
4 Oct 11
Considering our news is now so censored that even the cable stations were not allowed to report the "American Days of Rage" until it was a week and half into it. They only reported it then because 80 people were arrested. Are you sure that it was really ESPN's idea to pull Williams? How do we really know WHAT is true in this country anymore?
• United States
4 Oct 11
Well the only thing I can tell you is that the press release came from ESPN, the funny thing about it is that I didn't hear anything about this till ESPN said something. The problem with publicizing such comments is that you kind of push a story that might not have actually been a story in the first place.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
5 Oct 11
Well, more info is out now. I think that it is very cowardly of ESPN to fire him. There is no freedom of speech in this country any more. He even said it on another network. I still think that there is someone else pushing some buttons.
• United States
6 Oct 11
I heard he apologized, and he basically said the same thing you did. But, you have to understand that ESPN is a business, and this country is run by them, and for them. Until the American people stand up, we only have ourselves to blame for the way it is. I understand it was another network, and if I was him I think I would take a break from going on that network. If you watch the video of this you can see that they basically made him eat his own words, when we all know what he meant.
@Tmulley (91)
• United States
4 Oct 11
Well I am sure this discussion could go on and on for days but its plain and simple to me, its just some things you DONT say...and that was most definitely one of them. No matter what his opinion may have been he should be smart enough to know that he has to be selective on how he says it. Otherwise what happens, will happen! And thats why it was pulled...he should not have said it if he was not ready to go down for it...simple as that.
• United States
4 Oct 11
Very well said
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
4 Oct 11
First, I think your headline is misleading. If Williams said that Boehner playing golf with Obama was LIKE Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu, he didn't call Obama Hitler, any more than he called Boehner Netanyahu. And if he had, why not? There is freedom of speech in this country, so they say. What little is left of that we should leave alone. And so what if Williams blamed Obama for the economic shape of this country before he was voted in? He has a right to his opinion and that has nothing to do with this. I do not think ESPN should have pulled the spot. There's more than enough censorship for political reasons already.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
4 Oct 11
I think Williams was right on target with blaming Obama with the failing economy before he was elected president. After all, it was the liberal community organizers like him who forced banks to make all the bad loans responsible for the collapse of the banks and housing market. They all want to blame George Bush for it but it is their fault, really.
• United States
4 Oct 11
Peavey, I understand what you are saying, but if you actually watch the video you will see that it is the FOX News host that puts those words in his mouth, and he swallowed them. The other problem that we have in this country is that mentality that it is one against the other. We send elected officials to Washington to work of us, and make the government work, not fight one another. When ever you use the name of the president of the United States in the same sentence as Hitler you are in trouble. I recall when liberals were calling Bush Hitler, and the outcry that followed from right wingers. I brought up the comments about the economy to give a pretext to Williams logic (or LACK there of!!). I hate to tell you this, but ESPN is a corporation, and as long as it doesn't violate his contract he really can't do anything about it either.
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• United States
4 Oct 11
Clrum, can you please provide me with PROOF that banks were forced to make loans to people that couldn't repay them? Remember, Bush talked about the housing crisis in 2005, and did NOTHING to stop it!!!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Oct 11
Hmm, fired for speaking his mind on a show where he was asked to speak his mind? Kind of a stupid reason to end a long running and apparently pretty successful theme gig. On the other hand, did ESPN have the right to pull the plug? Absolutely. But we also have the right to consider ESPN officials pretty thin skinned and petty for doing it.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Oct 11
I don't think Old Hank did it that way.. but it might work for Jr. ;~D
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Oct 11
LOL Debater! If we see someone with the nickname "NotBocefus" we'll know!! :~D
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• United States
4 Oct 11
Ted, in this day an age it isn't always profitable to have an opinion. Maybe someone should introduce him to MyLot!!!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Oct 11
First off, no, Obama is not Hitler. FDR is the only president we've ever had that I'd say could be legitimately compared to Hitler. As an analogy, one could argue that it's accurate as Boehner and Obama have made enemies of each other, but I think there were similar analogies to use that didn't include Hitler. Did ESPN do the "right thing". No, I don't think so. They are a sports network, not a political news channel. They have the right to do as they please though. He has a contract and if that contract has a clause that allows them to fire him for such statements than they can do as they like.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Oct 11
Well FDR is the only president to use concentration camps on innocent US citizens based solely on their race. That, to me, makes him the closest thing to Hitler that we've ever had in this country. I'm not saying he IS Hitler, or Stalin, or any of the other well known brutal, world domination type of dictators, but he is the closest thing we've had in this country. People who compare presidents like Bush an Obama to Hitler really can't draw ANY parallels.
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• United States
4 Oct 11
Taskr, I see what you are saying. I guess I can agree with you that he was the CLOSEST thing, but still no where near Hitler. I agree with your assessment of comparing presidents to Hitler.
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 11
no..hitler is another guy.. from germany .. few decades ago..white guy. Obama is american guy.. with no moustache..
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
4 Oct 11
good one, Rafi.
• United States
4 Oct 11
Very true
• Malaysia
5 Oct 11
hahahha.. just having fun guys in mylot.. heheh.. Being a president is not an easy job.. hope Obama can pull it off..if he cant..guess he better quit while he can..
@laglen (19759)
• United States
4 Oct 11
I think you are taking the analogy too literal. Regarding ESPNs decision to pull Williams from the show, that is their right. If it is in breach of a contract, that is for the courts to decide.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
6 Oct 11
but it was analogy. he wasnt calling Obama Hitler. It was simply an analogy.
• United States
6 Oct 11
I agree with you, but he it is just something you don't do. It is like comparing someone to GOD!!!
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• United States
4 Oct 11
I understand what Hank was trying to say, but he just choose a very poor example to use. He should apologize for using that name and just explain what he meant, and move on.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Oct 11
Of course, Barack Obama isn't Hitler; neither was George W. Bush or Bill Clinton Hitler nor is Joe Biden and the mysterious invisible third person Williams sp0oke of to make up the "three stooges" the enemy. I wonder if Williams was sober long enough to be aware of the friendship between political adversaries Tip O'Neil and Ronald Reagan years ago or many other members of opposite parties who actually LIKED and RESPECTED each other. I think Williams comments were indefensible and I personally think ESPN did the right thing in pulling his song, which they had every right to do. I think they have more viewers who think Williams went to far than who defend him, regardless of their own opinions about President Obama and his policies. If I were in charge there the song would be gone permanently. We can't do anything to stop all of the hateful rhetoric and hyperbole clogging up our airwaves and rightfully so - these idiots after all still DO have their rights to free speech; however, I think if anything can be done to discourage this behavior it should be. The right practically destroyed the careers of the Dixie Chicks because their lead singer said she was "embarrassed" President Bush was from the same state as her; where is the outrage over Williams drunken rant? Annie
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Oct 11
I'm glad ESPN has made it permanent! I think your last sentence says it all, debater. We've all probably said some things that may not have come out exactly as we wanted them tom but instead of wasting time being all defensive about it why NOT just admit it was wrong and vow not to do it again! Annie
• United States
7 Oct 11
I agree 100%, and I am sure that there are many people that know that he was wrong, but won't take their partisan hat off. You are correct that the right destroyed the Dixie Chicks for doing something that wasn't even close to what Williams did. The other thing that should bother people is the apology that Williams issued on Tuesday, when he realized that he was going to lose money over this. But, the one thing that we all should look at is that Williams has not taken personally responsibility for his comments, and he really needs to do that. He is the one that put himself in this situation, and he is the one that opened his mouth. Just admit you were wrong, and don't make the mistake again!!
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
4 Oct 11
I don't think they should of pulled him as others have said. Also no where does he imply that Obama or Boehner are hitlers. He is saying that these two people are enemies that shouldn't be playing a game together. I think the ESPN how ever has the power to make the choice that they want to do it is their broadcast and his statements could effect the ESPN ratings even though that is doubtful considering the amount of power ESPN has in the sports arena of TV they are really the only real place to get good sports info on all the different sports they are far better than FOX or any of the other stations.
• United States
4 Oct 11
I agree that his intentions weren't to imply that Obama was like Hitler, but when you mention that name it doesn't play well for you. The other thing is that this is the problem with our political system that we have right now. Our politicians should be working together, not against each other to solve our problems. You are correct that ESPN has a lot of power, it is the most expensive cable network in the country.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
4 Oct 11
Yes. ESPN should have pulled it. If not, they would have been accused of showing bias toward Hank, because ESPN has LONG been a politically-correct institution. For example: If there's even a hint of a headline involving race in sports in America, ESPN covers the snot out of it. Like when LeBron James was baited into crying racism over his criticism, ESPN made it a point to ask every one of their black basketball analysts if they agreed with it and why it was happening and about the social impact and blah yada. Very uncomfortable to watch nervous white people trying to initiate that type of conversation, but that has become ESPN's forte. They don't do controversy well. Ironically, a lot of ESPN's attitude has to do with Keith Olbermann, a man who would never use Obama and Hitler in the same sentence (Bush and Hitler is another story lol). But that's a different topic. "Hitler" is one of those overused words that doesn't even mean "Hitler" anymore. It's like calling someone a "racist" in this modern age. It just doesn't have the same meaning. Everyone uses "Hitler," from political folk trying to make a point to Joan Rivers. I think Hank was trying to draw a picture of polar opposite enemies, not directly compare Obama to Hitler. But he's a big boy and should know not to drop that name. And, yes, I'm pulling the race card here. ESPN only yanked the Hank because President Obama is black. They're hypersensitive about race like nobody's business. They took a measure of action which they feel was proactive, nipping any cries of racist sympathizing in the bud.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Oct 11
So you're saying they're racist SOBs. :~D
• United States
4 Oct 11
Mater, I don't think that they pulled because of the color of the presidents skin, I feel it had to do with calling him one of the most dangerous and evil human beings ever to walk the earth. I think that they would have done the same thing if Hank called Bush Hitler. You are correct that ESPN tries to be as politically correct as possible, and doesn't handle controversy very well at all.
• United States
4 Oct 11
They're certainly racial. ESPN has set the precedent way back. You cannot say anything negative about a black person that can be spun you said it because the person is black. The spin was going to inevitably come that Hank saying what he said was coded racism. ESPN wants no parts of that. So I'm definitely saying it's racial. Had it been Bush or any other white president, ESPN wouldn't have pulled Hank's opening theme. They don't get political. At least they didn't used to. They never really have until Obama emerged on the scene in 2008. And I know they've thrown McCain on there and a few others for a pretend balance, but they're as racial an organization as there is. They reserve the entire day for Obama's NCAA picks. One of the biggest morning shows, 1st and 10, admits its racial preference for black people. They will only bring a black person on to debate Skip Bayless, sometimes 2 or more black people. And they do this for NO other reason except for the fact that they're black, and they readily admit this fact. They're not even trying to hide it up there. It just goes unnoticed mostly because they're a sports network.
• United States
4 Oct 11
It is ESPNS's right to pull the song as much as it is Hanks right to FREE speech. FREE speech is an illusion really. Anything we say can and will be held against us. No one is right or wrong in this debate. I believe that the magnitude of it was inflated for sensationalistic reporting. Williams will benefit from MASSIVE publicity, HECK all parties got so much exposure it is a WIN for all involved. ESPN as a brand can associate with whomever they want. They pulled the song to spare them the headache of whiney Americans stomping their feet and riding the "SOMEONE SAID HITLER" band wagon. I think we need to compare Obama to someone else, maybe JULIUS CEASER? I dunno