Which Bible Character do you like the most and why ?

Jesus in the Bible - Jesus is risen and we all have hope because of his action.
Hong Kong
October 4, 2011 11:35am CST
There are just so many characters in the Bible.What do you think of them? Adam ? No, thanks!If it wasn't for him, we human won't have that kinds of suffering by the result of original sin ? Abraham ? I don't know. I think we have to remember his faith anyway, even sometimes he only showed us little faith as well.Jacobs ? Although he was tricky but he did treasure about God's blessing, unlike his brother. Moses ? How can we forget such a hero in his old age ? At least he gave more hope to all the elderly people in the world since God called him by the age of his 80.What about the kings? King David ? He got all the favor from God even he made many mistakes ?Since he really had a heart for God and understand the importance of repentance and response to God's word all the time, no wonder he became a man after God's own heart.King Solomon ? A Smart guy but failed at the end of his time.What about the prophet ? Elijah, wow. A powerful one who got the similar personality like we do.Jonah? He always act like a funny guy in the Bible but I think might not like fish anymore after his experience in the big fish belly.We can go on and on... But maybe it is your time to share with us now.I think I like Jesus the most. Who doesn't anyway?
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18 responses
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
I love Jesus Christ although I also love other characters. However, I cannot remember all their stories in the bible. My father use to tell bible stories when we were young which I cannot even repeat to my children. Gone are those days when we really flip pages of the bible.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
6 Oct 11
Wow, I have not heard of such an idea in a long time. I cannot believe someone from hongkong is going to say it to me. I am really going to read the bible again. You are really right that God's words will not change. Thank you
1 person likes this
• Hong Kong
6 Oct 11
hope - There is always hope in life.
Irene, Equip yourself with the Bible and someday God may use you in a mighty way. God loves you and God bless you and your family as well.
• Hong Kong
5 Oct 11
Flag of Israel - I like the lag of Israel because it reminds me of God's people.
Hey Irene, it is never too late to read the Bible again. You know something, it is not a matter of how much do you know the Bible, it is how you obey God's word in the Bible and act it out. Kids in today's world really need to follow a standard and God's word is for sure the highest standard and the only standard that people need to follow with. Although all the value in the world will changed everyday, but God's word will never changed and that's why the Bible is still the number one best selling book in the world after so many years.I hope you can read your Bible again. God bless you.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Oct 11
I'm a big fan of Noah..saving all those animals. No-one would bother doing that now would they?
• Hong Kong
5 Oct 11
Thank you, Naoh. - I want to say thanks to Noah that He saved my great great grand father's life.
Hey, you got a point here and it is funny as well.Noah didn't aim for animal protection at that time because all he knew was obey God's word. Of course what he did would be beneficial to the animals as well. Anyway, it is true that people in our world today's never knows how to treasure animals and just keep on killing for money.Look at all the whales and different kings of fishes, I think they will be disappear in our earth soon. I think people just want to killed them for a bigger benefit for themselves and actually they don't have to do that.Well, that's what I think anyway. I think all the animals still exists today did owe Noah's saving activities even God was the hero for providing such a plan to Noah to carry out.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Oct 11
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
There are a lot of great characters in the bible. A lot of them are unique, and are faithful to God in their own sense... they too have been chosen, of course by God to be his example that we can all follow. I think I am closing in on Joseph the Interpreter- he was sold by his brothers and he overcame and even used his talent to Glorify God. Also, I like Jacob's Faith in God as well that no matter how hard it became for him, no matter how many people (he loves) he lost, and even the things he worked so hard for was taken away from him... he still stuck up to God and still thinks God will redeem him.
• Hong Kong
9 Oct 11
dreams - dreams can only be interpret by the Holy Spirit.
Yes, Joseph . The dream interpreter. How can we forget him. Although he got a hard time in prison , but still God's Spirit was with him. That's why he could interpret dreams. I knew a prophet whose name is John Paul Jackson. He is the only one I think who can have the same kinds of gift just like Joesph.He is in ministry in sharing all he knew to many people and trained many people as well. Although all people can get to know all these symbolic meaning from the bible, but coaching is still very important.There are many people who can interpret dream by the power of the Holy Spirit, but none that I know of can by pass John Paul Jackson. That's why you can see him sometimes on Day Star TV and show you how he can interpret dreams according to the Biblical symbol instantly.I am not exalting men , but it is true that I was amaze by the way someone God can use in a powerful way to interpret dreams like that.Of course God is using what they call Dream evangelism to reach out to many people and has really lead many people to accept Jesus as their own personal savior. Glory to God.Happy mylot.
• United States
4 Oct 11
Pick any of the 3 Hebrew boys that where thrown into the furnace and you have who I like in the Bible. Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego had so much faith in the God that they believed in that the didn't mind being thrown into the furnace by the king. Me myself would have so much fear that I probably would have been like Peter and said "oh I don't know him that well." Paraphrasing of course. But to have that much trust is a wonderful thing.
• United States
6 Oct 11
Thank you. God Bless you as well.
• Hong Kong
5 Oct 11
God loves Israel - Israel is a nation of God that we need to pray for them everyday.
Yes, these three men were really brave enough and have faith as well. Faith is truly a gift from God. We can believe that Jesus is our savior today but when compare to those testimony in the Bible, we are just nothing.Maybe it is not easy to live in the modern world as well where too many things are just talking about rational and scientific proof. People are believing in themselves and what they can see in today's world. That's why it really hinder their faith as well. I think God is so good that He is still perform many miracles today Visit the website on my profile about Bible Character often and you will see I placed many you tube on different kinds of miracles in my Squidoo Len for the visitors to take a look.I search over the internet to find all those reliable you tube and it will increase our faith as well.God bless you.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
8 Oct 11
Jesus IS our link to the holy ancestry; our 'ticket-in,' you could call him. But the one I like the most is probably Jabez, an Old Testament man in the line of Abraham, who has a book written about his two lines in the Bible---"The Prayer of Jabez." He prayed that God would expand his borders, and God made him rich.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
8 Oct 11
And btw, Moses lived to 120 strong enough to climb that last mountain and look upon the land God wouldn't let him enter, after spending 80 years in the desert with the people of Israel.
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 11
i Like Moses... with his power to part the red sea... and fight agianst the ancient Pharaoh armies.. etc.. kinda exciting and nice..
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
5 Oct 11
I would not want to be anyone in the bible. I believe alot of the old testament is not true,just made up stories or real stories blow out of porportion. I do believe most of the New Testament is true. So why would I want to be someone who maybe never existed? That is how I look at this.
• Hong Kong
5 Oct 11
If there is no old testament , there won't be any new testament either. I think you can study more and you will find out both the old and new testament is the word of God.When we say things like that we need external evidence and internal evidence as well.The Bible is not finished just in one day or two. It took 1500-1600 years for the whole Bible tho comes up like what we have today. All the questions that we can think of have been asked by our forefather many years ago.People who rejected the Bible just because they want to reject it and not willing to be humble and be objective enough to do a real study about it. if you really do, you will find this book is not just an ordinary book but really the word of God.God bless you in your search.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Oct 11
While there is no doubt in my mind that Jesus is the most important individual in the bible, I have to say that my favorite person in the bible is Virgin Mary. The reason that I feel that way is because she was a mother just like I am. However, she knew from the beginning that she was going to eventually lose her son and yet she was still selfless enough to have loved her son through everything that he did in his life.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
4 Oct 11
Yes, I agree that Jesus is liked the most. If you want a character not of Jesus' power, then I'd say mine is a tie between Moses and Sampson. Both of them stood up to the powers that be. It was Moses' faith and Sampson's God-given strength that made them awesome.
• Hong Kong
6 Oct 11
Rob,I think we all agree that Moses is a great hero in Israel history and at least the Jewish today won't deny it .But Samson ? He got strength and power but was never an obedient character. He loved to do things according to his own way and feeling as well.However, his story do serve as a warning for all of us to treasure on what God had given us as a gift to fulfill God's plan in our life. Samson could handle it in a better way but just his weakness is also a black hole for all men as well." Women ", it can build a man and also can destroy a man as well. I say this not because I am blaming women or lower than position as well.I think women are a good partner to men as well. I am saying this because many of us who failed in life do have influence from women.Maybe women is not the real problem but sin does.I think the desire of love and passion of intimacy are the two things that most men would fail about.Actually men are not that strong inside and always looking for some kinds of tenderness to fill up the internal loneliness and weakness as well.Well, perhaps Samson had won a great battle at last, even without his own eyes. But at least he did conquer his enemies at that time. God was so merciful to him anyway, even the story end up with glory but also with sadness as well.Perhaps the real strength and power is from within and spiritual, but not with physical.
• United States
5 Oct 11
Jesus would be first, naturally. Because of who He is and what He has done for the human race. But I like several others too. Job has to be one of my favorite normal human character in the Bible. He was put through so much, the deaths of his children and livestock, being robbed, getting sick, his friends blaming him for sinning... And through it all, he remained faithful to God and never once uttered a curse word at God. He never blamed God for what happened. Today when something goes wrong we tend to blame certain circumstances, and we tend to blame God. We either say, God if you really cared this wouldn't have happened to me! Or we say, if God truly existed this wouldn't have happened! Or even this: God is evil so this is the reason this happened to me! We may even blame others for our misfortunes. But Job didn't do that. He didn't blame anyone or anything, but instead blessed God for what he had been given, even though it was short term. In the end, God rewarded him many times over. Whenever I am struggling with something I think back to Job and his faith. It's hard to be like him because the human side wants something to blame. And I suppose that we believers can blame someone, namely Satan, for the cause of it all. But I suppose we can also blame our weaknesses too. I can see that both Satan and our weaknesses unfortunately go hand in hand. There are other people from the Bible I like too. Ruth, Deborah, Esther, Mary Magdalene, John, Simon Peter, Stephen, Joseph (Although I do admit that even I got annoyed when he kept talking about his dreams, still he was faithful to God and did love his brother. Samson was another one. When I was a child I fantasized about being that physically strong as he was. Moses for putting up with a bunch of complaining people.. I can't fault the Hebrews for complaining to Moses, but geeze, it would have gotten on my nerves too. The man had more patience than most of us today, and a lot of faith. Plus, I have something in common with Moses. He had trouble speaking and was known to stutter. There are so many I like. To name them all... I think my post would become something akin to a novella.
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
4 Oct 11
I like the man who became King of Israel at the age of Eight years- Josiah. He encouraged the exclusive worship of Yahweh and outlawed all other forms of worship, hence restoring the true worship of God. He also renovated the temple of God and executed Baal prophets. And so many good things to bring true worship into order.
@m4ndr4ke (219)
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
No love for Samson? He's the strongest man in the bible and he just loves to smash! His only weakness are girls and that resulted in his downfall. Still in the end, he prayed to god for one more chance and he did what he does best -- SMASH!
@yskaps (233)
• India
4 Oct 11
i didn't read bible yet.and only know jesus.
• United States
4 Oct 11
Jesus is a good person to know.
@IreneVincent (15962)
• United States
17 Mar 16
I enjoyed reading your post and thinking about how to answer. I would really have to choose the true God, Jehovah and then, his only-begotten son, Jesus I wanted to recommend to you a web site, where you can watch FREE videos and read Bible-based articles in your own language, the language of your heart. I think you will find many interesting things on this site, since you are obviously a Bible reader.
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. It describes our beliefs and organization.
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
For me of course, no one else but Jesus Christ, He is the Savior! The Word of God speaks about Him from beginning till end. About other Bible Characters, I would also like is the life of Paul (Saul before)who was brave and bold on his account. I really do like the way he rebukes and challenges other Apostles. Another one I like is John, who was the last disciple who lived. The one that shared the last book of the Bible which is the Revelation that talks about the Coming of Christ and the end of this world and how God will gather His own and will make a new heaven and new earth.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
i like Moses and mission to free people against slavery. even in this modern times there still exist slavery.of course i agree with you Jesus is also the best character the rest are like recipes and the main ingredients is Jesus. without him then the world would felt incomplete. he s the perfect messenger by God as we already know he sacrifice his life in order to save sinful people and left with many great teachings.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
For me Abraham because he wants to change his life even if he is rich so good manner it is.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
5 Oct 11
Of course we all love Jesus, pretty much half the Bible is bout him right? Even though I'm Christian, I rarely read the Bible. Besides Jesus, I reckon my favorite Bible character would be Moses. There was actually an animated film about him and I use to watch the film all the time when I was a kid. His journey was so amazing and so interesting. How he betrayed his Egyptian brother, followed God's words and saved God's people from the Egyptian slavery. It was such an inspiring story. Such an amazing man, one man was able to save hundreds of people and bring them back the land they rightfully own. It offers a strong message.