All year Christmas

@Anne18 (11029)
October 5, 2011 4:33am CST
I know it's a cliche, but Christmas really does seem to be getting earlier every year in the shops. No sooner have the children gone back to school than the shops are full of Christmas cards. I wonder if there is any point in taking them off the shelves at all! What do you think?
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10 responses
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
6 Oct 11
They have to make room for their other stuff during the rest of the year. But I do hear what you're saying. I used to love to go to Hallmark after Halloween and look at the decorations and the fancy stuff they had. I even bought all my presents there last year. New great grandson and all.
@Anne18 (11029)
10 Oct 11
Great grandson, hope he is doing well. Will he be older enough to know about Christmas?
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
6 Oct 11
I think it would be better if stores waited until after Thanksgiving, or maybe even December 1st. It makes Christmas less special, for one thing, if it's always available.
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@Anne18 (11029)
10 Oct 11
I totally agree it does make things less special, espically for the young children who don't have much time concept
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Oct 11
I agree with's just gotten ridiculous. It used to be that after Thanksgiving all the Christmas stuff got put out. Then it gradually crept to a little before Thanksgiving which was ok for those that wanted to get an early start but now..we haven't even got through Columbus day and it's already out. It's like pressure to those who can't afford it. I refuse to buy into it. We all exchange gifts but that isn't what it's all about. We don't go overboard on the spending and focus more on the family and friend get-togethers. I love the season but I can't afford and won't go into debt to buy a lot of gifts. My kids were not raised to look at Christmas as a time to get costly things and I told them the truth regarding Santa at a very young age. There was no need to make a big list and get their hopes up and then be disappointed. The gifts they got were from me because I loved them and it was just one part of Christmas that was fun but certainly not the only thing. Far from it!
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• United States
5 Oct 11
You are right! It is a shame. They do this so we buy now and later again. I think shoving holidays is wrong but of course businesses do not care. As long as they get our money that is all that matters. It is ridiculous but there is nothing we can do.
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@Anne18 (11029)
10 Oct 11
I suppose we could find enough people to stand together and make a protest!!! Try and get people to stand with us that it is far too early. But then again there are more important things to prostest about these days. You are right as longs they get our money they don't really care because they know we shall buy once we see the stuff.
@kelly10 (678)
5 Oct 11
I'm someone who spreads the Christmas shopping for gifts, food and drink over a few months to help me budget and not struggle to find a large amount of money in December. So I like it that there are food and drink already in the shops for me to purchase, but I do think that the decorations shouldn't be in the shops until November.
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@Anne18 (11029)
10 Oct 11
I like also to spread the cost of christmas over a few months. I actually brought some Christmas gifts at Easter because I saw things I knew people would like. I have biscuits and chocolates on top of my wardrobe as the supermarket were doing them half price. I brought the advent caleanders as they were only a £1 each. Decorations and cards should be later. I once got my first christmas card through the post in October one year!!! Too soon, I have four birthdays from October that I need to think about first
• United States
5 Oct 11
Actually now that you mention it, I have noticed that stores have started to stock up for the Christmas holiday a bit earlier than usual. Normally they don't start putting things up till after Halloween. Just the other day, I went into Bj's and they have their halloween items stocked up and right behind it they also have Christmas, I looked at my hubby and asked him "Isn't it a bit early for Christmas?" Personally I am still shopping for Halloween, my kids still need their outfits. I guess they start putting in shelves maybe last years inventory which they weren't able to sell, that's just my personal opinion.
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@Anne18 (11029)
10 Oct 11
I agree, perhaps we should just have bigger stores and let them sell everything all year round. Talking of being unseasonal in Tesco's today they were selling proper hot cross buns!! When was Easter?? Months ago. What tickles me is that as soon as Christmas is hardly done you get Cadbury's creme eggs in the shops before Jan 1st
• Canada
9 Oct 11
That is a very good question, and something I've often thought about. I sell products from a catalogue, so my family buys from me, rather than from a store. My catalogue offers all kinds of great holiday decorations, cards, wrap, etc. Before I started selling, we'd all buy sale items on boxing day, thus eliminating the need to buy Christmas stuff, alltogether.
@Anne18 (11029)
10 Oct 11
Thats a good idea buying sale on boxing day, problem is I wouldn't know to store stuff due to lack of space in the house. I have brought like this in the past and then forgot where I have put it and only find it when I have gone out and rebrought!! Sod's law
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Oct 11
Getting that way with all holiday. August comes out the Halloween stuff, October the Thanksgiving stuff AND the Christmas stuff, and December is the Valentines Day stuff and Feb is Easter stuff. It is annoying as it just drags out the holiday in a bad way. But the time it gets here... I'm tired of it! Granted I like to drag them out to the last minute while actually "having" the holiday...but before is just to much. I like to make the day my family has christmas last to the last minute. Open a present every hour or things like that. But I don't like going shopping in October and seeing all the christmas things. I never buy before the holiday..always on the sales after the holiday and am ready for next year!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
26 Oct 11
You give them credit. I say just plain stupid!!! Schools start at all different times so I can kind of understand them having back to school stuff going on in August. My GD started school on Aug 10! So they kind of have to cover the whole month of august. But the holidays...that's a different story. They are the same every year...putting halloween things out in August, Thanksgiving stuff in Sept and Christmas in September (yeah, Ive seen it already!) is stupid. I know people need to kind of stretch their money, but 4 months for one holiday! And this is just decorations. Not gifts...maybe they should be doing the gifts sales earlier!
@Anne18 (11029)
16 Oct 11
A shop was selling back to school stuff beginning July in our town, the schools hadn't even broken up from school!! They broke up end of July!!!!! So daft if you ask me
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@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
5 Nov 11
I suppose that all that is because where you live Christmas has lost its real meaning and has become a race of who gives more and more expensive gifts. If you get into it, you will start shopping as early as possible and getting into debt for it. The way I see it, I buy a little something in the last days of December for the little ones. The rest of my family and friends receive homemade products. I have an apricot tree and I make jam for everyone. I recycle jars all year and make nice labels for them. This year I will have tomatoes too so I will make some tomato chutney as well. As you see, not much money wasted on unneeded gifts, not much time spent at shops.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
12 Oct 11
There's a store on a ski town near hear which is Christmas-themed. I know for a fact that they have Christmas items on their shelves year round. I know that it would be great to have the Christmas spirit all year. And have people experience helping and gift-giving. But I think market people take this to mean literally, and to sell Christmas items year round.
@Anne18 (11029)
12 Oct 11
When I went to Scotland in the summer we visited this town and there was a Christmas shop selling just christmas stuff open all year round. This was the first time that I have ever seen a shop like that. It was a very warm day and felt very strange looking at christmas stuff when it was warm!!
@Anne18 (11029)
16 Oct 11
We will soon lose all sight of things and everything will roll into one. We will have nothing ot get excited about anymore
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
12 Oct 11
I know what you mean about being warm and the shop selling Christmas item. The ski town I've mentioned above turns into an extreme bike town in the summer, yet they continue to sell Christmas items.