world trade center conspiracy theory

@cormiera (278)
United States
October 5, 2011 11:38pm CST
i watched a couple of video's on the world trade center and alot of people think its because of the government and the government planned it etc and how the witnesses randomly committed suicide etc etc when they had a lady willing to testify and said she was not going to commit suicide and was really wanting to unvail the goverments secrets and said it live that she wasnt going to do anything like that and the next day they found her hung in a tree did the goverment kill her and how many of u actually beleave that 9/11 wasnt real and was planned also their were video's on and of the day that 9/11 happened god rest the souls of the ones who died and all the loved ones who suffered but their was a vid of a shadow casted on the ground that was to have been a missle going into the trade center and paid actors to talk to the news crews
3 responses
• United States
6 Oct 11
The people who believe these theories are people who just do not get that there are people who want to kill us just because we live in America and do not believe there extreme religious views.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
6 Oct 11
ReViewMeMedia I tend to think you are correct
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
6 Oct 11
cormiera What would be the motivation ... what are they covering up??
@cormiera (278)
• United States
6 Oct 11
but you also have to keep in mind that the government is twisted in alot of ways and would do anythin to cover sumpin up
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
6 Oct 11
I find the conspiracy stories really sad. I don't understand why some people want to believe them. I think those who get inviolved with the theories do a good job in convincing those who are questioning the possibilities so I don't really blame them. I strongly believe there was no conspriacy and am saddedned some feel otherwise.
@cormiera (278)
• United States
6 Oct 11
hmm well i was just wondering how many actually questioned that day but i guess you agree that it was real and the government had nothing to do with it
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
6 Oct 11
I do think it was real..I see no point in the government causing this..that just makes no sense. There are always conspiracy theorists who love to speculate...
@cormiera (278)
• United States
7 Oct 11
true true
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Oct 11
Ugh! I am soooooo tired of this 9/11 stuff. I was out of work when the whole thing came down and so I would watch the morning shows before I went out job searching and in the evenings when I got back. So I saw the entire thing from the very begining. All the personal stories, etc. I am so tired of hearing about it. It was a traumatic ordeal and i can't heal from it when they keep going on about it. I also saw the Dr. Drew and his rehab show. The girl whose fiance was on the phone with her and was at one the Twin Towers when the plane hit. How horrible. It is just too much for my condition to handle. I am allergic to stress and it just drives me up something horrible.