Get Him Out Of Here

@p1kef1sh (45681)
October 6, 2011 9:00am CST
Ladies. Are you a solitary shopper or do you take your other half along with you? Is he fully engaged when you are shopping. Commenting constructively on whether things suit you or not. Scouring the rack for something similar but different? Waits whilst you try every dress in the city on and then follows you back to the first store that you visited over an hour ago to look again? Does he do so without complaint and can't wait to get you home so that you can put on a fashion show for him?
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23 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
8 Oct 11
I like to take my husband along with me when I go shopping. We both like to get what we need, get out and get home.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Oct 11
I don't think that you are alone in that Steph. Many fold find shopping a necessary chore rather than a pleasure.
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
6 Oct 11
Truthfully? I can't stand bringing my other half shopping. It's much the same as bringing a 5 year old down the cereal aisle. I guess that's why God invented sports. To give us time to shop in peace...
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Oct 11
Which cereal did you buy..... LOL.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Oct 11
Aren't the words "healthy" and "cereal" incompatible?
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
6 Oct 11
I buy healthy stuff. He likes the ones with toys inside.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Oct 11
I thought I had rather good taste when shopping until I met my hubs. The first time we went clothes shopping together, he picked out everything I tried on and it better have a good label! The man has expensive tastes! lol And he loves to see me in dresses. When we were furnishing our house I couldn't believe that this 'truck driver' I'd married had such a good eye for real quality and style. But food shopping?.....Definitely get him outta there! He's impossible. Worse than a child. When I food shop, I have a list tailored to suit the menus for the week I have planned and therefore a budget. But if the hubs is with me, the budget goes out the window and the menu is reduced to sweets, more sweets and items I wouldn't normally touch with a ten foot pole. lol So we now have a pact......he can shop with me for anything BUT food! lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Oct 11
Well now I know why he's constantly licking the nape of my neck! LOL
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Oct 11
And here was I thinking that a candy stripe dress was an article of clothing!!!
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• Australia
7 Oct 11
I take a good book and a good supply of baccy, and sometimes a soft cushion. Lash
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
7 Oct 11
You usually drop me off at the shop and do all the rest of the shopping while I try and find a couple of items of clothing. lol. I never know where the time goes.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Oct 11
LOL. I like poetic licence. The image is a good one and the picture that I will retain.
• Australia
7 Oct 11
So much for poetic licence. Lash
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@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
7 Oct 11
I am a solitary shopper, although my other half would go without complaining, especially if we went to Wal-Mart! LOL.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Oct 11
The great thing about large supermarket is that you can play without getting under your other half's feet!!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
7 Oct 11
Usually I shop on my own, especially for clothes although I do like shopping with Mum whenever I see her, because it's fun to do so and we give each other girly advice, etc, etc. However, John (hubby) does have his uses because he's much taller than me. So, on the rare occasions we go shopping together he is able to reach the taller racks that I have absolutely no way of reaching by myself (and I can't be arsed asking an "assistant") lol. It also works the other way too; a few years ago we were in York and he tried on a few things in their Debenhams store. He's not really into clothes but he still walked out of the dressing-room so I could give my opinion. I like to think of things like that (the good times) to help me cope with the fact we CAN'T do that anymore. Good memories are so precious in times of strife!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Oct 11
Oh money. It's a pain not having enough but providing that you have love you can overcome anything.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Oct 11
Times of strife Janey? Are you and John parting?
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
7 Oct 11
Nooo, absolutely no way will us two split up. No, I meant the financial side of things. At one time the pair of us worked, now only one of us does so and times can be hard. However, the support we give each other is immense..which is why we will never split up. I always remember the Minister in Las Vegas (and no, he wasn't Elvis) saying nothing would split us up and it won't.
@nannacroc (4049)
8 Oct 11
I hate shopping. I usually take my middle daughter if I have to shop. We go, find or don't find what we want and come home. Mr Croc would shop all day so he goes alone.
@nannacroc (4049)
9 Oct 11
Of course he does the gossiping, he attracts gossips.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Oct 11
Yours is an interesting arrangement Nanna. I know how much you hate to shop and that Mr Croc enjoys it more. of course he does the gossiping bit doesn't he?
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
7 Oct 11
Well shopping for girls clothes always takes such a long time that I always shop on my own. We go into town together and then split up. He goes off to do as much shopping as he wants to on his own while I explore I or 2 shops at most, usually only one. Things take me a long time even if I cannot find anything and decisions take me ages. So this way he does not get bored and I do not feel pressured to make a decision. Its a system that works for us. Not sure about fashion shows. I do show him anything I have bought but only because I want to. I am not at all sure he is interested.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
8 Oct 11
I have always shopped on my own, possibly becuase I never had girlfriends and any boyfriends were only met to go out. I know women often want to have their opinion supported by other people but for me I know what I want and what looks ok. I never trust sales people as they will say anything to sell their stuff. I just have to be careful not to talk myself out of something I like.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Oct 11
Many women appear to like the approbation of another. So to shop on your own shows a singular mind indeed! One that I can readily identify with.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
9 Oct 11
my partner likes to come along if he can, then he gets to see what i want to get. But i'm not sure about buying clothes for him yet, i don't really know his size expect he likes his t-shirts bigger. He's not fussed long as i like it, even better when we're looking in the bra n undie section. But he's not gotten game to buy me something on his own yet.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Oct 11
Wait until you ask him to buy your sanitary needs! If he does that then hang on to him! LOL. I was tested early on and passed. Not much embarrasses me now.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
10 Oct 11
I got him hook line and sinker as it is, he'd be happy to go get things. but i not tested him yet. Thou have sent him food shopping and he got everything on the list along with a few other things. hmm mite test him out next time we go shopping, and show him which ones i get just so he's prepared.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Oct 11
What other half? Sometimes I used to drag him along, sometimes not, depended on the occasion...
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Oct 11
Is he finally gone Dawn? Dragged away.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Oct 11
nope, not yet
@GreenMoo (11833)
6 Oct 11
My other half hates shopping as much as I do. We tend to go shopping once in a blue moon and buy everything we'll need until it's absolutely necessary that we do it again. We'll both hit the supermarket (it takes two of us to cope with two or three trolleys) then take it in turns to race into shops whilst the other sits in the car for everything else. I never go clothes shopping, so he's spared that horror. The only thing that's good about shopping day is that I get to read my book whilst it's his turn to nip into shops.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Oct 11
The Boss has taken to bargain food shopping at the end of the day. Although we have our own she couldn't resist a packet of tomatoes for 9p the other day! I am trying to learn patience when non-food shopping. I don't mind supermarkets but I hate the traffic jam to get out of our local one. You can be longer queuing than you were in the shop!!
@GreenMoo (11833)
7 Oct 11
My personal favourite was hitting Asda just before closing on //christmas Eve. I scored enough mushrooms at 1p a punnet to keep us in mushroom soup for the rest of the year and enough sprouts at the same price to guarantee an explosive New Year full of bubble and squeak. But I still hate shopping :-)
@GavinKaos (272)
• United States
30 Oct 11
I know this is addressed to the ladies, but being one of the husbands in question, I have known guys to complain, but several like to shop. The only store I HATE going to with my wife is good will. There is so many options, it takes her forever. She will get a cart full of stuff, but by the time shes done, she has 2 items. Overall I like shopping with her unless i'm tired of having a bad day. I hate window shopping because see all the things I can't get, but if we are there for a purpose, its not too bad. I love it when she is organized and we are not pressured for time.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
30 Oct 11
Clothes shopping is my least favourite. When she knows that she wants something but doesn't know what. We can traipse round the stores for hours!!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
8 Oct 11
Hi p1key! My bf hatesgoing shopping with me! He hates going grocery shopping with me and if he does he picks out magazines and pays no attention to me and doesn't even know when it's time to go to the next aisle (he's pushing the shopping cart). As for clothing shopping, no way! He likes to go himself and the likes me to go with the girls. If we need things for the apartment once in awhile we will go together, but usually I go for some things or he goes for other things. And once in awhile he will look at a short fashion show. The man has no patience whatsoever if it isn't about him! If he buys new clothes he will prance around in front of the mirror for hours!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Oct 11
Sounds like me Opal! LOL. Although I am trying to do better as I think that it's only fair that I show an interest. Sometimes! LOL. I'll come clothes shopping with you though. I like shopping with the girls. The coffee and cake bit especially.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
8 Oct 11
Thanks p1key!
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
13 Oct 11
I bring him with me when I do shop specially in the past few years like Christmas shopping. He hates when we go to the store then jump on the other store and get back to the first store. He has problem in his knee that's why he hates walking a lot. Sometimes I hate it when he's there, I really don't enjoy shopping cause he always wants me to do it quick. I just want him for a companion and someone who will carry all the stuff I've shopped.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 Oct 11
At least you are honest about why he comes with you!! LOL.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
Yeah , that's my only consolation cause I only bring my own bag as long as he can carry the load.
@pumpkinjam (8860)
• United Kingdom
6 Oct 11
As I despise shopping with a passion, this is definitely not the case for me! I especially hate shopping with my other half, whether for groceries, clothes or anything else! He's the one more likely to look in every shop in the city and end up getting the first thing he saw. Saying that, on the very rare occasions when I have looked for new outfits for myself and he has tagged along, he is totally useless. He either gives me the kind of "no way would I be seen with you in that" kind of look or he just ignores me. Other times, he suggests things but I wonder if he's trying to make me look older or something because the stuff he suggests is always horrible. Even when I tell him exactly what I'm looking for, he'll find the exact opposite! And, as for getting stuff home to show him, the last time I got dressed up, he laughed. But mostly, if I ask if I look OK, he's too busy staring at the computer to even look up so I just get a grunt.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Oct 11
Too many men pay scant regard to their partners Pumpkin. But I can empathise with your dislike of shopping.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
6 Oct 11
Usually for grocery shopping our whole family goes. Since we shop at Walmart I sometimes will walk through and browse the clothes and if I see something I like I'll hold it up and ask him what he thinks. The bad thing is, he usually is afraid to tell me it won't look right on me. So I usually save my clothes shopping to do with a friend or my sister so that I can try things on without kids screaming fighting and being silly in the dressing room. Then I know I'll get an honest opinion on how things look too.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Oct 11
Why is he afraid to say what he thinks. Does he think that you will react badly?
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• United States
28 Oct 11
ya know im a huge couponer and shop weekly with a huge list and all business. while i find it fun to have my spouse and if im having social anxiety he can check out for me but he SLOWS ME DOWN! i have to explain what im doing, how i am getting something for free, how the coupon policy is, where things are etc. if i really wanted to improve the experience of bringing him along i would make two copies of my lists and fliers but that would just be more time wasted. at the end of the day its better to just go alone
@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 Oct 11
Perhaps he'd say that he was just taking an interest in what you are doing!!!
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@bhanusb (5709)
• India
10 Oct 11
Hi pIke, I think ladies will not like to be a solitary shopper. Who will follow her to carry the things purchased and who will remain with her from shop to shop? Definitely husbands are the proper persons whom the ladies will prefer. After all they are the obedient sweet honey.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 Oct 11
Mine isn't obedient, sweet or honeylike when she's shopping!! LOL.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
9 Oct 11
follow me back to the first store that I visited over an hour ago to look again. Impossible. It happens but I don't drag him to that sort of trouble. Earlier in the relationship, I swear he'd go miles with me during shopping but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Groceries, however, is a different story. Because he knows I need someone to carry all the items for me.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Oct 11
You sound like you both work well. Thank you.
• United States
6 Oct 11
My boyfriend enjoys shopping much more then me. He is such a passive and patient guy, I guess I hit the jackpot. lol But the ex, erm well he is an ex and would never have an ounce of patience. If ever he wanted me to grab the first thing I saw and would not even have the patience for me to try anything on. Nor did he care what it looked like when I got home with the new outfits. Which is why I shopped alone when we were together. But the present is what I am grateful and blessed with.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Oct 11
Sounds like you have got a good thing there. I hope that it lasts forever.