Republicans and Tea Partiers are a wedge between Job Creation
By sirnose
@sirnose (2436)
United States
October 6, 2011 1:55pm CST
The Republicans and the Tea Partiers are for the status quo business as usual. They are the thorns in the side of America in this time in history. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and others continue to wage an obstructionist campaign against Mr. Obama and his job plan. The Republicans and the Tea Party wants to call it “class warfare”. Where in fact class warfare started in 1981 with the election of their great president Ronald Reagan who gave millionaires and billionaires tax cuts that have been continued by every president since Mr. Reagan.
This is a drain on the economic life of our economy. The rich should pay; where else will the money come from to create jobs and to stabilize our economy. The Republicans and Tea partiers should stop belly-aching and get out of the way or help the president to create a strong and prosperous future for all Americans.
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6 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Oct 11
The republicans and tea partiers didn't stop Obama's stimulus from going through. Of course that did NOTHING to prevent rising unemployment. They weren't able to stop the obamacare bill either and again, that didn't create jobs, it just caused insurance costs to rise.
The rich ALREADY PAY. They pay more than the rest of the country combined. You know who doesn't pay? over 49% of the earners in this country and they are NOT the rich people. Maybe people spouting this "fair share" crap should look at their own tax returns and see what share THEY are paying on tax day. I think many would then be forced to acknowledge that they are getting back all, or even more than they pay in.
What's YOUR fair share?
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
6 Oct 11
I'm so tire of you bleeding heart Republicans sprouting this 49% nonsense. The only reason this happens is because working class people do not get a living wage that keeps up with the cost of living. This is why we have the Unearned income tax credit scam. I don't think that people get back more when we are nearly taxed out of financial existence.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Oct 11
First off, disagreeing with class warfare doesn't make me a republican. Neither does disagreeing with Obama. There's more to politics than blind allegiance to a political party.
Your statement just shows that you have no idea what you're talking about, or have never filed a tax return. Tell me, after you get your tax refund, compare it to the federal income taxes paid according to your W-2. Exactly what percentage of your income do you pay in taxes? I'm betting zero or less.
"working class people do not get a living wage that keeps up with the cost of living"
Really? Then tell me, what is a living wage? Does this "living wage" have to include money for you to have a cell phone, cable, multiple TVs, video games, etc.? That's what the average family below the poverty level in this country has.
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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
7 Oct 11
Do you really need a reminder of who is in charge of the Senate? Senator Harry Reid, who by chance happens to be a Democrat. Do you know how he got that position? The Democrats have a majority in the Senate? Do you remember that President Obama is also a Democrat?
Oh wait, I bet you completely forgot that little point.
What about the first two years when all three were dominated by Democrats and they couldn't even get a BUDGET passed. Which incidentally is one of their jobs as outlined in the Constitution.
Hmm... So eager to blame the other party that you completely fail to look at your own.
But you really should go look at how many bills are in the Senate. It doesn't take long to find the Library of Congress website where you can actually read the bills. There is a major backlog. Guess what? The Senate STILL hasn't passed a BUDGET.
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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
7 Oct 11
Then it is curious why you are repeating the same rhetoric that is so prevalent is so many left-leaning blogs. It tends to make someone think that you are a Democrat.
If you want the real truth about what Congress is up to, go check out the Library of Congress. You might also want to read the "American Jobs" bill that Sen. Harry Reid is supposed to put up for a vote next week. I would post it but the system times out.
It might surprise you that what the President is saying and what the bill actually says are different. Included in it is another Federal agency and a few other extraneous items that are not designed to create jobs by any stretch of the imagination.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
7 Oct 11
I know that the Demos are in charge of the senate. I did not like the way Mr. Obama and the Democrats ran the Senate and the House. They was to busy ramming Obamacare down our throats at a time when our economy was falling apart. The Republicans were no better with their political gridlock tactics.
I try to see thing the way they really are, and not by party affiliation: I learned that this doesn't make you politically aware to blindly follow any political party.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
7 Oct 11
What kind of jobs will this bill create? It will hire back the teacher that were laid off wen the stimulus money ran out and they will be laid off after the Jobs Bill money runs out. Construction workers will be hired for infrastructure projects that were supposed to be covered under the Stimulus Package of 2009.
By the way why are our highways and bridges in such disrepair when the government is collecting billions in gas tax? Because the money is being spent on mass transit (subsidizing up to 75% of the cost), Bike Trails with no user fees, walking paths with no user fees. Former Rep. Oberstar proposed a highway bill in 2009 that continued the practice of taking money from the Gas Tax (a user fee to pay for highways and upkeep that people who drive pay because they use the roads) and it spends about 2/3 of the money on non highway projects. Is it any wonder that our highways are in such bad shape. I say lets use the gas tax (user fee) for what it was intended and make mass transit a pay as you go.
This bill also gives employers incentive to not bring back employees who were just laid off. They get $4,000 for each person they hire who has been unemployed for longer than 6 months. If you don't hire an unemployed person they can sue you and you have to prove that you, the employer, had excellent reasons for not hiring a unemployed person.
Who are the people who will benefit from this bill? The teachers, big democrat supporters, public employees, another big supporter of the democrat party, Union workers in the construction industry, again democrat supporters, and lets not forget the Trial Lawyers, extremely large supporters of the democrats, who will be suing for every person who is unemployed for more that 6 months and has not been hired. We don't need to spend hundred of thousands of dollars to create one job that may not last that long. Many of the jobs created or saved under the Stimulus Bill are no longer around.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Oct 11
"Many of the jobs created or saved under the Stimulus Bill are no longer around."
Like those ones in congressional districts that don't exist!
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@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
7 Oct 11
Some people don't seem to remember that the idea for a stimulus package started with Dubya who started a war we didn't need. When, Mr. Cheney, is the Iraqi oil going to pay us back for that war?
Republicans believe that we can't tax to wealthy because they need that money to create jobs. Well, they've had the Bush tax cuts and unemployment has only gone up. Why haven't they created jobs?
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
7 Oct 11
Yes, what a joke, we need to tax the working class and poor so the rich can be taking care of. This is what the Republicans and Tea Partiers fail to realize. If the rich doesn't pay their fair share of taxes then the economy suffers.
Why haven't the rich created jobs? They claim that they are afraid of Obamacare they just don't know how it will affect them if they started hiring people. Translation: We like our tax cuts and living a lavish lifestyle, and we would have to give up or cut back on our lifestyle if we started creating jobs and hiring people. ...

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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
11 Oct 11
Every American should pay their fair share..Not just the rich.............Its not the Governments place to create jobs, and if the Government would get its nose out of the way of the Free Enterprise system, and stop all the restrictions this country would start to flourish again.
Our President is doing nothing to create a strong and prosperous future for all Americans, all he is doing is getting us further, and further into Debt, that is going to make our children and grand children slaves to the Government.
As for class warfare all our President is doing is just that. He is trying to put the blame for everything on others and not taking any responsibility. He is suppose to be a leader and all he is doing is playing the blame game.As for his so called jobs bill all it is is another big stimulus bill with a different name, that did not work the fist time he tried it, why would it work now.......
@tacooftwister22 (14)
• United States
7 Oct 11
Well obama's amazing stimulus plan to create jobs went through and the republicans/tea partiers didn't stop it. And guess what it did? Nothing. It costed over a million dollars to create stupid jobs like a temporary janitor for 20 days who got paid like 2,000. Maybe if instead of increasing taxes and handing out in large amounts the government should make a flat tax of 10%. Imagine that. Instead of paying 50% of your paycheck to the government, you now pay 10%. I'm sure every single person in this entire would country would go out spend the giant 40% boost in income. Not only would that boost are economy instead of lining the pockets of Nancy Pelosi, a shitload of jobs would be created. The greater consumption of goods would reduce unemployment, as more factory jobs, transportation, and cashier jobs would be needed. Of course though with the massive amount of consumption of the U.S., we would bring the date when natural resources deplete a whole lot closer. So maybe instead of focusing the spending the money everyday items like computers and tv's and furniture, the government could provide small tax cuts for renewable technologies like solar and wind. I might be wrong about my stuff but that's just my guess on how we could solve are problems.
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
10 Oct 11
Who pays 50% of their paycheck in taxes? The tax rate isn't that high.