My friend who didn't prepare for her monday examination!

@yskaps (233)
October 7, 2011 2:54am CST
one of my friend,her xams will begin at coming monday.she had called me right now and said couldn't concentrate on studis coz her fried said that xam would be change to next week.according this reason she didn't study anything.and should be complete 4 modules for monday xam.what she can do?Any suggetions
1 response
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
I think she still has some time and should start her revisions asap! My friend once came to school and forgot we had tests that day. She did revision in about 15 minutes I think
@yskaps (233)
• India
7 Oct 11
thanks for your response.she still 4 modules have to complete but 3 are left and 2 days more
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
Are modules and chapters the same thing? Tell your friend to not worry and do her best coz worrying will only make things worst. Good luck to her from my side