I'm a newbie

October 10, 2011 4:11pm CST
Hi my fellow lotters! I'd like to ask for somx tips on how to improve my earning in mylot... And I want to improve my reputation... Whats tje best practice...? Thanks...!
3 responses
• United States
10 Oct 11
Welcome to myLot! Best place for all new members to start is in these two links: http://www.mylot.com/o/guidelines.aspx http://www.mylot.com/o/faq.aspx Quality participation is what you need to keep in mind while participation here and also knowing that no one earns for the efforts of others therefore, it is dependent on your specific participation. Start quality discussions that interest you and comment back to your responders. Respond to others discussions with useful and helpful information. In the FAQ it will answer a great many of the questions you will have and also by learning the guidelines it will allow you not to waste efforts. As for reputation, provide useful and positive participation as other members are the ones that rate us, therefore, keep the community in mind while posting here and you should do well. Best of luck and hope all your myLot experiences are positive ones.
2 people like this
• Philippines
12 Oct 11
Thank you.. I'm still trying to be an effective writer on this site. Trying to answer as many discussion that i can handle. I have learned a lot reading the FAQs but still I have some questions on how they are paying. :)
@yogohard (79)
• Italy
10 Oct 11
Hi and welcome to MyLot, the only way to increment your earnings and your reputation is to be useful and participate with other users about interests what you like ! How many times you have join some forums and spend much time around them to ask some questions and help others ? Here you will be pay...and for some user like me is also an incentive to improve written English.
• Philippines
12 Oct 11
That's one of the plus being on this site... Improving our english... As you can see I'm filipino and I'd like to improve my english both written and verbally.. Earning some money while learning is really something... Thanks!
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
16 Oct 11
There are different ways, but one of my favorite ways to enhance earning here on myLot is to successfully complete the tasks. There is the list of available tasks, and one can choose the ones one feels comfortable with. Completing them will add to your earnings.