Learn English with MyLot

October 11, 2011 2:49am CST
I briefly argue that MyLot is not just a medium to share thoughts and experiences for those who can write or speak in English. I think MyLot can also be place to learn English. Have you ever thought of that. I hope that MyLot is not just reserved for those who can speak English, but also for people who are still learning the language or people who do not speak English at all. Do you think that MyLot could be the media to learn English ?
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10 responses
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 11
Hi sijabatnaburjut, there are lots of benefits to be myLot members here. Yeah I envy those who have good command of English could enjoy sharing their thoughts and experience with others comfortably without any writing difficulty. To be frankly I'm here to learn and improve my language as English is not my native language. Actually I already treat myLot as the great media to learn language. Therefore I always do my best to log in here daily so that I can read and type posts here often. To me English is not an easy language to command, and there is still a long way for me to go before reaching my goal, if I really wish to improve and enhance my language. Therefore I hope myLot would grow steady and mighty and be ever green forever Happy posting
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 11
From the description I know you are an enthusiastic and helpful person towards friend Your friend is lucky indeed to have you as her friend. It's true that even there is someone more than willing to guard us every now and then, we still need lots of practical exercises in writing and speaking often. Lol....your friend's learning situation is quite similar as mine before. Though I have friends who are good in English but they are not living nearby and some are really busy with their hectic schedules respectively. However, I'm still fortunate, for my husband is good in this language. He did the same teaching steps like what you are guarding your friend. This happened in the first year when I was doing myLot posting. After that I can command my language rather better and I have to rely on online dictionaries when typing posts here until now. But I'm glad that this doesn't happen as frequent as before. Thanks for the BR and happy posting
• Indonesia
15 Oct 11
No, I am not like you said. Anyway, I was so sorry for my late reply. I just checked out this discussion and realized missing one response, and the response should be for you. I shouldn't do it to every one here on mylot. Back to our topic, she is not good at English but she is spirited in joining mylot and knowing about how to make money while studying. So, I asked to join mylot and now she is improving her English step by step. I am very surprised to know how hard she learn English and surely wouldn't let study it with herself.
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@viney17 (688)
• Philippines
11 Oct 11
I think the whole internet can help you learn English, i mean most of the context written or articles in the internet are mainly in English. Still you can really learn English in here, but there are people here that really see other's grammatical errors and i hate them, they say rude things and such, i prefer guys who calmly and gently show the errors, and correct them.
• Indonesia
11 Oct 11
I am not someone who like to see the other person's language mistakes. For me, it is fine if someone says that my English is poor an I will keep trying to fix it. Do not fear criticism but make it a teaching tool. Oke viney and keep on posting.
@viney17 (688)
• Philippines
15 Oct 11
for me im not viewing what people tell me as insults, even if its a clear insult i tried to view them as a challenge to improve myself on that part.
@viney17 (688)
• Philippines
15 Oct 11
We need to sacrifice something to achieve something.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
11 Oct 11
Sure, yes. I've actually read some people say that their English got better thanks to Mylot!!
• Indonesia
12 Oct 11
It is true mylot the best way to improve our English competency, isn't it ? Have a nide Lore and thanks for commenting.
@allknowing (132525)
• India
11 Oct 11
I am not sure how one can learn English here specially when one is not supposed to point out mistakes and unless mistakes are pointed out how can one improve. I see so many grammatical errors which continue just because no one has pointed them out.
• Indonesia
12 Oct 11
I wouldn't be mind to check my grammar because of error. We have to let someone knew what the problem was rather than presented a lot of error here on mylot. We could help or improve other with their writing.
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
11 Oct 11
Since I am here in mylot I feel like if I went back to school. Everyday reading and learning new vocabulary. I studied English as a second language 14 years ago and I feel I am forgetting a lot of it and when I write I keep forgetting the spelling, In mylot I try to do my best in writing not only to earn money but to learn. Good luck to everyone and keep on.
• Indonesia
11 Oct 11
I thought the time you spent for the rest of your life is to study English. Your dedication to study English is very exceptional. Keep learning
• Indonesia
12 Oct 11
Yes, I never miss mylot. I always am active everyday.
• United States
11 Oct 11
I don't know if you'd be able to learn English on MyLot given the low quality of most of the writing. That said, I think it's a great place to practice your English. Although I am native English speaker, I'm always looking for opportunities to practice my grammar and writing skills. I'm also quite new to MyLot. Are there threads that are in other languages, or does MyLot only allow English posts?
• Indonesia
12 Oct 11
Hello prettyruby welcome to mylot. There are not threads on mylot. Just enjoy it and keep posting.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
11 Oct 11
Indeed,we learn while mylotting. If you happen to read other mylotters topic and responses, it's not a perfect grammar, esp with the non-English speaking people. But mylot never says perfect grammar is a must here. So, we can always post our response and topic thu it has some errors grammatically, as long as everyone can understand it, or else it will create confusion and might lead to some debate. have a good day
• Indonesia
12 Oct 11
Yeah, I am not from an English speaking country. I have been learning or studying for at least twenty years and I think me English is never perfect. I love writing on mylot, because I think that I can improve my English competency by looking or checking someone's discussion on mylot. Thanks anyway for commenting on my discussion.
• Philippines
11 Oct 11
I do agree with you that posting here in Mylot does help in learning the proper way to talk in English and since it lights up when we right with a wrong grammar we learn something.
• Indonesia
12 Oct 11
Thanks a lot for your comment. Good Day.
@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
11 Oct 11
Yes,mylot helps us to learn english.I have been here for almost a month already,and I can observe some improvements in my grammar.Mylot helped me improve my grammar.It has also contributed to the improvement of my typing speed.I love mylot!
• Indonesia
11 Oct 11
I said that your English ability is very good. I emphasized that you should also pay attention to punctuation. People often write without regard to punctuation, so the meaning of what they wrote was not the same as desired. Keep learning and do not give up.
@Sunardi (41)
11 Oct 11
I think that's right.Other than to learn English,Through MyLot certainly be looking for a side hawker also ha....ha...But for my that recently join in Mylot can be a little amused wrote.Here at Mylot,I joined for a successful speaking and inspired
• Indonesia
11 Oct 11
Ha....haaa...new member. Keep up the good work. Waiting for your discussion.