Wanted to wait till after Christmas, but I might just quit now.

United States
October 12, 2011 8:17am CST
Well, I haven't started my new job yet, that starts on Monday, yay!! But things at my old job are just getting worse and worse. First, was my weekend. They've decided to cut down on their labor, so they have fewer people working now. On Saturdays they have 2 people on until 8, then 1 leaves leaving the other to close by themselves. On Sunday, they only have a second person on until 5:30, then the closer is alone. So on Saturday we got slammed. We had a line to the door for 3 hours straight. The girl who was supposed to leave at 8 thankfully stayed until 9:30 allowing me (the closer) to get out on time. She had called our manager during our rush and told her we needed help. The manager told us to call around.. well how are we supposed to call around when we have a line to the door? We called one girl but she couldn't make it in, so we ended up having to deal with it ourselves. Sunday was even worse. First, the girl they put on until 5:30 did absolutely nothing. I walked in at 4pm and there were dirty dishes everywhere, nothing had been stocked, there was bread still to be made. The first thing she does when I show up is go outside to smoke. So I run around crazy trying to get all this done, meanwhile she's eating! She ate a cup of soup, and 2 cups of tomatoes. I ended up yelling at her because I only had 1 bin of tomatoes to get through my night, and if she kept eating them I would have had to make more. She didn't seem to care. So at 5pm I got a little fed up with her not doing anything, and told her she could go home early. She said she had to wait for her ride anyway, so she spent the next half hour staring out the front door waiting for her ride. I asked her if she had punched out yet and she said no. She was getting paid to just stare out the front door while I ran my butt off trying to get myself caught up for the night. I got slammed again that night. 3 hours straight of a line to the door, again, and I was by myself. I ended up staying an extra hour after close trying to get myself caught up. All I could think about all weekend long was how this just wasn't worth it. I'm not getting paid enough to put up with this sort of headache. I make just barely over minimum wage, but I swear I've never had such a physical and demanding job. Not only do I need to be capable of running around like a crazy person trying to get all of our tasks done, I also have to be as nice and polite as possible to every customer that walks through that door, even the ones who are complete jerks. And to put all this on one person's shoulders because they're too cheap to put enough people on to cover a shift. Sunday night after my shift was over I left a note for the manager saying I won't work Sundays anymore. Ever since I told her I would do Sundays, I've closed every single week by myself. I haven't had a Sunday off since before school started. Well, Sunday used to be our family day, but since I have to be to work at 4, we can't do anything. We haven't gone apple picking yet, or to a pumpkin patch, or anything. So I need my Sundays back. To make up for losing my Sundays, I told the manager I could close on Wednesdays, and I'm still available Saturdays, but I've requested the next 2 Saturdays off for Halloween activities. So yesterday I was at work, and the district manager came in to do the schedule for next week. I saw that she put me on for next Saturday even though I requested it off. I spoke up and told her I couldn't work that day, so she crossed it off.. but that left me with no shifts at all next week because they don't have me on for Wednesday. Not to mention how bad they messed up this week's schedule. My availability is open until 3pm on weekdays. So yesterday and today I was scheduled normal hours, but for Thursday I'm scheduled 3-7 and on Friday 11:30 till 5. I told them I can't work these shifts, my son has soccer games and I need to be home to get my younger kids off the bus. They told me they'd straighten it out, which they did, they gave those shifts to someone else.. but that left me with just 2 shifts this week because our week starts today. I have today's shift, and my Sunday closing shift.. which should be my last Sunday. They haven't replaced those lost hours at all. Since my new job hasn't started yet, I've been relying on getting a lot of hours at Subway to pay for daycare for my little one.. so I don't know how I'm going to pay that bill next week with only 2 shifts this week. So I'm really frustrated right now. Although I'm starting a new job, I really wanted to keep working at Subway a few days a week, 1. for extra money especially with Christmas coming up, and 2. just in case things didn't work out at BoA and I need something to fall back on. But with everything they're putting me through right now, I can't help but wonder, what's the point? Maybe I should just put in my 2 week notice right now and be done with it. BoA will pay more than enough to cover my daycare costs and leave me a little extra cash.. it's just going to be tough the next couple of weeks until I get my first BoA paycheck. But obviously Subway will be no help over the next couple of weeks since they don't want to give me any hours. (BTW- my manager told me she received a customer compliment about me. A customer that had come in on Sunday night wrote to the manager to tell her what a great job I had done dealing with the huge crowd all by myself. So obviously I'm a good worker and the customers like me. Don't you think they'd bend over backwards to try to give me as many hours as they can with what I'm available?). What do you think I should do? Deal with it for as long as I can, to make sure I have a couple extra bucks for Christmas and a job to fall back on if the new one doesn't work out? Or should I not stress myself out by trying to deal with it and just quit now? Keep in mind, BoA is only 20 hours a week, but pays much better, and I still have school to worry about as well.
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10 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
12 Oct 11
It's very unfortunate that they are treating you like that....they should give you kudo's for all you do. But I think it's not so much the corporation that does this but the manager...and I don't know why. I have a friend who is a manager at another fast food place..there is another manager over her....she has worked all different shifts...closed..opened ...done training and everything else and they don't treat her very well either.....makes me mad. I am wondering if corporate found out about how you are being treated it might be a different story.
• United States
12 Oct 11
It's not my store manager. She makes a draft schedule, then the district managers change it all up on her. The district managers know nothing about our availability or how we work or who we work well with. There are slower people not so great at the job, then fast people who are really good at the job, but they insist on putting the slow people together.. when they should put one slow person with one fast person.. You know. I say just let the manager do the schedule and be done with it.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
13 Oct 11
That's for sure. Why would anyone that isn't even at the store attempt to do it? They seriously need to amend that! Incredible!
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
13 Oct 11
I think it is stupid that the store manager does not get to do the schedule for your store. My store manager does my stores schedule. My area coach does not one little thing with the schedule. Heck, I don't think he even knows the names of half the people in my store. He is area coach over 9 stores though and he would not have time to do the schedule anyway.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
30 Nov 11
The stress probably isn't worth the few hours and the low pay, though I can understand hanging onto it until you know whether BofA works out. So, what did you end up doing? (I will never get caught up in this life lol)
• United States
30 Nov 11
Started BoA October 17 and think I worked Subway for 2 weeks after that.. but those 2 weeks were only 1 shift per week. After my last shift, which was similar to what I described here, I decided the stress wasn't worth it. I left a note saying to take me off the schedule immediately because I just could not take anymore. I am happy I quit. I really don't have the energy to keep up with 2 jobs, school, and 5 kids. Keeping up with the 1 job is enough for me.. and I really enjoy being able to use my days off as relaxation days, or days to get caught up on house and school work. I happen to have today off and will be home alone all day since the kids are in school. I haven't had a day at home without the kids since I started at BoA.. so I am definitely looking forward to the peace and quiet today.. and plan on doing a lot of laundry, Christmas wrapping, a bit of school work, and hopefully taking a bit of time to just veg! Might try to find a movie on Netflix to watch all by myself!
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Oct 11
How frustrating for you! Unfortunately, I think I would stick it out if I were you. It's just risky to not have a job, especially with all the kids' activities, etc.
• United States
13 Oct 11
I have another job.. this is my 2nd job.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
13 Oct 11
I know first hand how hard it is to work a job where you feel taken advantage of or not appreciated for your hard work. I stuck it out working 2 jobs as long as I could, but I eventually got fed up with it all. I was fortunate enough to have my part time job offer to become my full time job at a slightly higher wage than my full time job had been. I still don't make enough money and I sometimes think about getting a second job again. I think I could do a second job again if I found one that treated me right. I am going to be making about $10,000 less this year than if I had kept both jobs. That number right there is depressing. I think you should try to stick it out at your Subway job for right now at least. It may not be a lot of money every week, but that money that you make between now and Christmas would be a few hundred dollars at least and that could be Christmas money.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
13 Oct 11
It seems to me that you have been taken advantage of by the manager. You are complimented on how well you managed but you are overworked Kat. Difficult decision but you should have time with your family on a Sunday. They must miss going out and having fun. Yet, you would like the extra money for Christmas so you are torn between working if they call you for a few shifts or giving notice. Tough. I think that if I could do it then I would take a few shifts if they offer it to you in the week but definitely do not work on Sundays. Your reputation is good so I do not understand why you don't get the shifts you want? I am surprised that you did not report that lazy girl. She could have helped you by straightening up. I am here on my bed with my phone beside me waiting for the telephone interview and i have written down a few details like how much I take home after tax etc. If he calls then I have to tell him not to mention it to my boss as I would do it myself if my final interview goes successfully and I get the job. They do know each other so I must be very careful. I am going to say that I need a new challenge. This week is going to be so busy as God is coming on Friday so let me know wish you the best of luck in your new job and may they see you and appreciate you for the wonderful person you are.
• United States
13 Oct 11
Yes I probably will keep it for now and just work whatever hours I'm given because an extra 5 hours a week is better than none at all. Please keep us updated on your interviews and how things go. I really do hope you get this job!
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
15 Oct 11
Back when I was still struggling with a couple of part time jobs, and still looking for one full time one, I went through a similar experience. And funny enough, I came up with the same phrase... This isn't worth it anymore. That was when I already going through the application process of my full time job. I also wanted to quit my part time job right there and then. I was stressed out (it was also a retail store, where we were understaffed, and the customers were more aggresive than normal). But after my shift was over, and I've cooled down a little bit, I realized I should hang in there for at least a couple of weeks until I started my new job. At least until I get my first paycheck and have figured out that I was going to be alright. I've read your comments here, and I think you're doing the same. So, hang in there! Think peaceful thoughts!
• United States
15 Oct 11
I would love to think peaceful thoughts.. but I'm completely freaking out about how I'm going to pay my bills between now and the time I get my first paycheck from BoA since my other job isn't giving me any hours what so ever. After tomorrow I don't know when I'm working there again because they don't have me on the schedule at all next week. I know things will be okay after I get my 1st paycheck from BoA.. but until then, I have no idea what I'm going to do.
@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
12 Oct 11
I'd stick with Subway as long as I can stand it. And maybe things will change. Maybe they won't. But I'd give it a little more time. And if it doesn't end up being worth it, then I'd give my noticed without looking back. It's just such a financially heavy time of the year, so that's probably why I'd give it a little more time.
• United States
12 Oct 11
Yeah I guess so. Having some hours is better than having no hours I guess. Plus I really do need the extra Christmas cash! Especially with all the expensive stuff I want to be able to buy my kids, and I'm emptying our savings accounts in order to get them into all their groups and clubs they want to join. Sheesh! Kids aren't cheap!
12 Oct 11
So sorry for you that you have to deal with crappy people like that girl in your job - again though I think thsi boils down to what works best for you and whether staying here is worth it or not - in your heart you'll probably know what is the best option - good luck with your decision!
• United States
12 Oct 11
Yeah, I guess I'm just mad right now. I think staying and getting a shift now and then is better than quitting. I think I really only want to quit because I'm mad. I'll get over it, I've been mad at them before.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
12 Oct 11
that's a tough situation. If you really could use the money then bite the bullet and stay with the 2 jobs. If not, then definitely quit it. Too much stress for you!
13 Oct 11
If you don't want to be frazzled starting your new job, then pack in your old one now. You can then have a time of peace before you start the old grindstone again! Blessings and all the best for your new job!