Who is uncivilized or a barbarian?

October 12, 2011 12:35pm CST
Whom would you call uncivilized or a barbarian; the half naked, bare foot person living still now in deep forest and hunting wild animals or the suited booted person living in luxurious palace whose mere pressing on a switch or a button can smash a vast area into ashes with destruction of all life and property there and thus causing innumerable sufferings to humanity in a moment?
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6 responses
@anil02 (24688)
• India
13 Oct 11
hello, no doubt a person living half naked in deep forest is not a uncivilized one. because he is living in natural way. He don't what is civilized and what is uncivilized. A person who is living in society and capable turn a vast area into ash is a uncivilized person.
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• United States
13 Oct 11
I would have to pick the person who lives in luxury and and pushes a button to cause mass destruction and lives. Have you seen the movie 'Unthinkable'? The woman couldn't understand the torture of the terrorist and wanted it stopped until he purposely allowed a bomb to go off that killed 53, then she wanted to torture him until she realized what she was doing and came to her senses.
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• United States
13 Oct 11
Neither. The half naked person is of the earth. The destroyer is just a businessman.
• Philippines
12 Oct 11
If only there is a way to go back to how life was in the 1950's, I would. Yes, until the late 1960's life was so worth living. If there is a way to roll back time, let it roll back there. Let everyone live during those years when people were still honest. Where people prefer to do honest living. It was so peaceful and one can see everyone else trying to do everything to be productive in every way. Everyone is everybody's friend. Whether they know you before or have only met you now, they are willing to flash you a smile, talk to you and offer what food they may have at hand. So if you will ask me as to whom will I prefer to be with among the two? It depends on how the person's heart works. I will always prefer to be with the honest man who leads an honest life.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
15 Oct 11
Let me ask you this, what do you think? Me, well if you look deep into this, I would say the suited man. Why I say this is because, the man in the forest wearing a loincloth, is a surviver, a person doing what the human animal was intended to do. Also I say this because the suited man is keeping the forest man down. Not giving them any insight into the modern world. Now, I am not saying all suited people are barbarians or uncivilized. I am just saying, in an essence that the ones with the suites are the ones with the power that can destroy things much more quickly.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
12 Oct 11
To answer this question, I must think and then attempt to answer to the best of my ability. It is a matter of degree, if I want to choose between these two men. It is question of what way is better. To make this decision I will want to understand the word civilized. I think to enlighten, to reclaim from a savage state is a good definition. The suited one may be surely causing a bright light to change the planet but not sure if this is the kind of light the planet needs. The question is, is the earth in a savage state and will this event change things for the better? I do think not but I must consider this just the same. What is his motivation and plan for the future? Is it to maintain civilization or merely destruction? I do mistrust him. Now the half naked man I might favour but I need to look at this question again. Everyone has something to give, to teach to enlighten and perhaps with this man there can be a good life, maybe even happiness. However, if the refinements of his being are brutality and struggle, I might be better to reject his hunting skills. In conclusion I can not be certain which is better until I get to know the man and know his ways.