OMG Friends Can Be Like This Too?

October 12, 2011 1:13pm CST
Just a month ago I joined my new college, for which I was so excited. I was dreaming every day that I will be now in College no more old ugly school, now I will be enjoying my college life which is an important part of life. So here is how was my first day in college, I was late for 10 min.s but that was okay because many were with me. I entered my class room and there was no teacher in the class(she was also late as me) I took the seat in the last row. There was no one on the side chairs I was sitting alone. Then after 5 minutes the teacher entered the class room. She was middle aged woman with sindoor on her head that shows she was married. She was our economics teacher. Approximately after 2 - 3 min.s there came a boy on the door asking may I come in madam? All eyes went to him, there was a good looking nice tall boy with stylish hairs and nice pairs of clothes.(That was the moment when I first saw Rahul) mam allowed him to come in. He came towards me and sat on the chair side of me. "Deepak" - I said in a confident voice and raise my hand to shake hands. "Rahul" - he said and shake his hand. After that we started our talks about where we come from, who we are etc. Till that time he was thinking of me as some bold personality who talks less and is always angry. So he was not messing with me in any of the talks. Days passed we made our group of 4 friends I, Rahul, Varun and Sahil. Rahul what I thought was not like that. I expected him to be like "some rich family guy, who lives their high class lifestyle with not caring much about others" but he is like "Sure he is Rich belongs to a Rich family and he might be living some high class lifestyle but he have a very bad nature of showing off. He show off his things like his car, he tries to park his car in the front of his gate so that every one looks at his car. He stops others from talking to girls but he talks with them alone." The thing why I am writing this all is because I wanted to know something. You all might be unknown with this but I am a joker type of guy who tries to crack jokes at some funny moments. But after few days of meeting this guys I now only feel like this. This boy always tries to insult with his words always tries to make me down in front of others, always tries to spend my money if possible. I didn't knew he will be like this. Now I want to leave his company and want to be with others or alone I am really fed up with this. But leaving his company will also make him think that I am showing some attitude towards him. I am very much confused in this situtation, I want to know what I should do?
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4 responses
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
12 Oct 11
Why are you asking what to do? You already told yourself what you want. You don't want to join him/his group anymore. You want to get out of there and rather be alone as going on with that. So what is stopping you? Nobody can stop you, it's your life, you have to decide what is best for you. What wonders me is why you changed your mind about your friend Rahul. First you did like him and joined him. It bothers you he is showing off in your eyes but ever thought about the fact that he is annoyed by you because you always like to paly the joker? How come you find yourself not a problem to others and how come you never talked with him about it? The title of you discussion is: Friends can be like this too? I assume you see him as a friend? So why aren't you open to him and tell him what bother you about him so he can do the same with you? You are not a pre-school anymore. Stand up for yourself ask how,what or why and don't be blind for the kind of person you are and what kind of impression you make on other people. Since this "rich boy" doesn't feel too good to spend time with you. Wisdom is what I wish to you.
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• Philippines
13 Oct 11
THIS sure hits the spot right! @darapmonsta: You're in college! Learn to stand for what you think is right :) If he indeed is your friend and you treat him as a friend, then saying your thoughts and impressions about him should be normal and common.
• India
13 Oct 11
That was really a great answer to me. Thank you mate. Today when I went to college I tried my best to avoid him but in last just for sometime I went into his company and it was really great. I mean he didn't used those insulting phrases for me again. I am going to be like this. Before, I was like okay Rahul says this we will do this. Rahul says not to talk with girls we will not talk, Rahul says use goggles we will use goggles. But now onwards I am not going to listen to him. Today also I did what I wanted to do, not what that guy was. Thank you man thank you.
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@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
13 Oct 11
I totally agree with WakeUpKitty. You already know what to do. Leaving his company doesn't mean that you "literally" remove yourself from him or the group. The least you can do is be civil when your with him. If he talks to you, then talk to him. If he does something which you think is wrong or insulting, then stop talking and simply move away from him. Make up an excuse like "I have something to do" or "I need to go somewhere". Unless you want to tell Rahul face-to-face "Hey, you're attitude's quite irritating. Stop it.", then it's better to distance yourself from him time-to-time. Being in college is wonderful but you need to step up from the crowd! I came from a private, semi-chinese preschool and highschool so my environment's a bit enclosed to those who I commonly associate with. When I went to college, I took that opportunity to expand my horizon. True I got a huge culture shock but when I got a grasp and got comfortable with things, I loved and lived my college life :) I met new people and befriended people from various groups. I don't enclose myself in a single group. College is somewhere you learn to know yourself and prepare yourself for the future. Use this time to meet other people. You say that you're now in a group of 4. Why not try to make new friends? It doesn't have to be in a same circle :) Since you said yourself that you're a joker type of guy, then it's easier for you to meet new people :) Step up! If you keep worrying about what your standing will be with this "Rahul" guy, then you won't be able to enjoy college. Try new things and find things that interest you.
• India
13 Oct 11
Yea I already know what to do. But the thing I was asking was how to get rid of him. And I got my answer from you. I have heard so many times that being in college is one of the best times of life. I too want to enjoy these days in my college. I will start making new friends, I will come out of the crowd. Thanks for your precious answer. This one really helped.
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• Philippines
14 Oct 11
Glad to be of service Have a great college life
• Philippines
12 Oct 11
You may still talk to him, still treat him as a friend but, do not linger with him anywhere anymore. It is easy to find excuses. All that you have to do will be to tell him that you will be staying at the library to do some readings on some matters of interest to you. Or, that you are going to an aunt's house and she does not welcome other visitors. Just keep away from him when it is not classroom hours. You can find a million reasons not to be spending time with him at all.
• India
13 Oct 11
Today in college I did my best to maintain a distance with this guy. But I did came into his company in last. He didn't insulted me even a single time today, it worked great. Next time if he says anything like that I am going to talk straight to him. Thanks trinidadvelasco thank you very much.
• Philippines
13 Oct 11
You should talk to him. Tell him how you feel about what he's been doing. Let him understand that you don't like it when he embarrass you in front of others. If he won't listen to you, then better to stay away from him since you really don't feel comfortable with him. You can always find new friends. You're still in first year and there are still so many things that can happen. Make new friends and enjoy your college years.