I am going to quit my job.

October 13, 2011 12:31pm CST
This is a hard decision for me to make, but it's something I have to do. I'm not sure when I will go through with this, but it will be soon, I know that much. I need to sort out my life, and can't really do that when I have to focus on work every day. My body can't handle the work anymore and I may look into getting onto disability in the near future. I need to make sure that I have some sort of income, and I know that will be hard, but I know I'll figure it out soon enough. For now, I still have to work, so I will do so.
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21 responses
@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
14 Oct 11
I remember when I decided that about one of my jobs. It was hard, but it was a relief at the same time.
@billant8 (48)
• Greece
13 Oct 11
Good luck with your new occupation..I hope you found a job that really suits you. Probably if it happens , you will see job/working with a better point of view.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
8 Jan 12
Do you ever do mystery shopping? I started doing that in October and have made quite a bit. It supplements my disability payments. What are you doing these days? This discussion was posted 3 months ago and I'm sure it is no longer current. I hope things are going well for you now. Happy New Year!!!
• Canada
8 Jan 12
I gave up on mystery shopping when I was denied each and every phone shop I had applied for several times. Having free long distance meant I could do these jobs and not have a problem with getting them done. Nothing has changed, but there is a little more online work coming in for me, which always helps.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
8 Jan 12
I'm glad you have been able to find a little more online work. I wish I could make some suggestions that would work for you. Hopefully things will start working for you soon.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
24 Jan 12
yes, it was hard decision for you i can feel it but if you think that was the best for you, do it...
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
13 Oct 11
Hello Kris, This is reality of life we need to do work to have source of income to feed ourself.From your discussion it is not clear what you are going through but it looks as if you are not happy with your job. You should change a job if you are not happy with your present job but be sure don't leave the job till you have a source of income otherwise it will be difficult for you to survive. Hope you get a better job soon.
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@vasumathi (436)
• India
13 Oct 11
i think , you had taken this decision after long thinking. It will be a tough decision in your life. soon u will get a better job which suits you
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
14 Oct 11
if you want to apply for disability, do it while you are still working. i know here in canada it takes a long to time to receive it. what about working part time for now?
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
14 Oct 11
Hi kris182_2000, my sister was in the same situation that you are in. She is a single person and has a lot of disability going on in her body (health). She needed an income, had to work, needed money to pay her bills. However with trust in God she made it. She is now on disability. It wasn't easy she had to get a lawyer but she got it. You have to ask God for guidance in this matter. I pray that you find the right solution.
@hoodedboi (185)
• Philippines
19 Jan 12
Choose a career based on personal satisfaction rather than earning potential... The ingredients necessary to produce genuine happiness vary from person to person, but one thing is true for all- material wealth or possessions never fully satisfy the inner longings of the human heart. Neither do they establish self-worth and fulfill our inner need for love.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Oct 11
I quit my job five years ago so that I could stay at home and raise my children. At the time that was the decision that seemed to make the most sense to us and even now as we look forward to our youngest child starting school in just a few months, we still know that it was the right decision to have made. It is quite an adjustment to make between working and not working, but it is something that is very much worth it.
@hestylim (1210)
• Indonesia
14 Oct 11
Hi Kris, I know how you feel. I feel the same as well. I think I need to stop my current job, like too tiring doing it. If it's not because I need the bucks, I won't keep doing it. I just keep on telling myself that everything will turn out right at the end. So, I just keep doing what I am doing and trying my best to find what I love to do and pray deep inside my heart that someday, this will turn out to be something that earn me bucks to pay all my bills. Let's never give up hope! The sun will finally come at the end. :)
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
14 Oct 11
hi there kris. i suggest that you think it over. there are a lot of people out there who does not have a job and are struggling to find one. i think you are one of the lucky ones to have a job. but if you really are not happy in that job then go ahead and follow your heart
• Philippines
14 Oct 11
If you're no longer happy with your current job, then it's better to quit. But before quitting, make sure you have find another job already. Nowadays, it's so hard to find one and you can't just throw one away. There are so many people looking for a job and competing with you in finding one. So, find one first before quitting so you will still have an income.
@Dassodils (2010)
• India
14 Oct 11
Hello Kris...First of all, You have to seek for a good job that gives you satisfaction.And then resign from the present one. We have to enjoy the things what ever we do. Most of the people are not satisfied with their job. But they just keep silence for earning.You have to take care of your health too. Otherwise it will effect on works.Just do what you think.Wish you all the best.. :-)
• Canada
13 Oct 11
We all have to do what is right for us. I am sure you will find a better way to make money that is more suitable for your needs.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
13 Oct 11
Hello Kris. From time to time, we have to make changes to re-orient and re-locate. I understand some types of jobs are too strenuous. Now, do you have career goals, the type of job you would prefer and enjoy ? I wish you will find the ideal job you are looking for !
• United States
13 Oct 11
Kris I know you have been having a hard time with this job, and I find that you are completely under appreciated for all your loyalty there. As for disability, it is not something easy to get unless you have been under some form of treatment, and even then sometimes it is not a guarantee. I know the best thing is to get rid of this job, but then having no income at all will be tough to deal with. Maybe you can take a few days here and there and start seeking other employment first. Sometimes it is not easy to find a job if you are not currently working. Do what is right for you but be sure you weigh the pros and cons.
@TenzhoLee (193)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 11
Well, internet has some good ways of earning passive income. A lot of work at home mom manage to earn income as much as their husband, why can't you?
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
14 Oct 11
I better get another job if you are not happy in your present job cause it may affect your work somehow. It is important that we are enjoy and happy in this that we do so can do it well.
@ralphs (209)
• Philippines
14 Oct 11
ok if you're not happy with your job quit to it and find another that you will be happy and not boring.