People around, giving false PROMISES..... and keep us in a mess...
By wealthymouli
@wealthymouli (710)
October 14, 2011 9:34am CST
When some one around us gives us a promise and not keeping his/her words but keep on postponing and thus making us in a kind of mess and not able to decide and thus indirectly causing us unwanted delay in doing the work, how would you feel? I really felt very much bad on one such instance.
Recently when one of my friend( I am still confused whether to use the word friend) promised me something and dragging for months together in keeping his words. I would rather be happy if he would have told me in front of my face that he cannot do / or keep his words. Neither he said that nor he kept his words thus causing unwanted stress. I really wonder how these people manage.
Do you have any such experiences.
10 responses
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
14 Oct 11
Hi mouli, The problem with most people is that they want to be on the good side of everyone and this makes them promise things to everyone, sometimes even when they know that they may not be able to keep up their promise.I feel that it is better not to make any promise if you are not sure whether you will be able to honor it, instead if you do something unexpectedly, people would feel happy..
@venkataraman_vc (5293)
• Chennai, India
14 Oct 11
There is one more point. Sometimes, even if the other person is prepared to keep his words, we provoke him/her the other way by our own words. It happened to me many times. (I mean, there were times that I gave some promises and situations where I couldn't keep. Later, if I tried to explain, the person on the other end never tries to understand the situation and keep on talking. We have to just hear, because we're in the receiving end and God has let us in that position.)
However, this hasn't happened to me so far. Means, no one has given me any promise nor failed to keep. Everyone was expecting from me and there was no one I can expect from, so no promise, no failure.

@venkataraman_vc (5293)
• Chennai, India
15 Oct 11
I don't know how you feel. But, when it comes to me, if a person tries to comment (or command) over things that I only can decide, that's provoking, I feel.
There were no friends I expected anything from, so there is no one to get the said CREDIT.
(I said everyone was expecting from me only. When I occasionally expect anything, they play safe and clever.) I am glad that at least God has put me in a position that I have something that I can give to others. At the same time, I am tired that always there's someone expecting something from me.
When more than one (even three or four) people expect something from me at the same time, there is someone going to be affected. If that person feels the other way and judges from his point, I can't help it and I let it be.
Rectification, is possible only if there is no ego between both. If either of them thinks he/she is supreme, the problem never ends.

@venkataraman_vc (5293)
• Chennai, India
15 Oct 11
In one particular issue, I was thinking I have kept the commitment up and I have also informed the concerned person. At that time, that person didn't say anything about it but later he is accusing, that too after a long time. I feel, he could have clearly told me that there is some more to be done. That's a failure on his part, I think. Raking up a closed commitment, is considered as a new commitment.
@wealthymouli (710)
• India
15 Oct 11
I feel it is not provoking. The person one who gave words must understand the long long wait given by the person who with great and genuine human quality. When beyond limit one who was affected must and might try to explain their position. As you said, it happens to you many times that you could not kept your words.
My point is when some one who can not keep their word, it can be communicated clearly to enable the other to proceed further.
May be, the person who ditched me is also of the same mind set as you said, has not faced the problem of some one who ditched him by false promise. HERE also your friends are to be praised as they have kept their words. It is their CREDIT.
Doing justification TO THEIR FALSE PROMISE is not right. Rather rectification would make those people evolve.

@jugsjugs (12967)
25 Oct 11
I will say that there are a lot of people like that about, that promise things to other people all the time and they never keep their promise.I feel that these people are the kinds of people that are not fit enough to call them self a friend at all.I tend not to pay much attention to people like that, are you know what they have been like in the past, these people also never change.
@wealthymouli (710)
• India
25 Oct 11
Thanks jugsjugs for the participation. Though its a belated one, I really feel happy that you participated. Me too of the same opinion. They do not come under the category of FRIEND at all. If they are, then they should have tell us their INABILITY.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
15 Oct 11
Because promises are pretty serious and they are often can be broken, causing hurt and pain so I don't actually make promises at all. In my group of friends, we are sometimes unreliable so that's why we never make promises to each other. A promise is a pretty strong word and only make them when you are sure that you can do it. If you can't, you will bring down the person you promised to. So to play it safe, don't make promises, you wouldn't want the other person to really on you too much or else you will find yourself regretting it. So making promises is pretty risky, only make them if you are very sure and if you can truly make the other person happy.

@wealthymouli (710)
• India
15 Oct 11
Of course the real meaning of PROMISE is pretty strong. Yet we all use it even in lighter manner in life many times. Strong or Light, my view of starting this one discussion is once we give a word to the people around, be it a relative, a friend, or a not so close but a person in need, we need to keep our word. The point is when not able to keep it, at least inform - explain the situation to the person to whom it was given so he/she may not waste his/her time with false hope.
Its not about the promise, its about keep it and when at a later stage one feels he cannot keep his word, it is better to explain the person concerned than to further lie, giving false hope and postponing. When beyond tolerance if the person accuses there is no point in TELLING REASONS. This is my view. No doubt people differs opinion. We need to live among people with diversity of opinions. But we can live in harmony if we make others feel comfortable. Is it not?
@passion3924 (121)
• United States
14 Oct 11
I do also hate when people say that they will do something take you somewhere or tell you something then say they didnt say that .. they think you are the stupid one and the minute you dont want to be bothered with them or theies that they tell they get mad. so i say that they should get over it and as far as you dealing with them there comes a time when those cerain people need to be let go.
@wealthymouli (710)
• India
15 Oct 11
That was a wonderful statement. No point in waiting or considering. We must let them go and it is not our duty to continue with those kind of people. That is what I am doing now. I am now focusing on moving forward with my goal. Thanks for the participation dear passion 3924.
@clearwater18 (695)
• Philippines
14 Oct 11
Yes I have. Yeah it is very disappointing. It's better for them to just tell us directly and tell the truth that he/she can't be able to make his/her promise but instead, they just keep on telling lies. I don't know how they can manage to do that to others. Talk to your friend and tell your friend how you feel about the incident.
@wealthymouli (710)
• India
14 Oct 11
That is what everyone of us would wish because we are the sufferers. But I do not think it would bring any result meaning the desired change in them. Since they are ignorant of our feelings or enjoying it, it would bring us undesired results. Now I decided to move forward in making my work done. And it is more important than this person who doesn't understand the importance of his own words. Of course I told him already that he could have boldly told his position than misleading me.
@clearwater18 (695)
• Philippines
15 Oct 11
It's good that you've told him already. Now that you know the kind of person that person really is, next time he says something to you, don't trust him easily. Yeah you should move forward because life has to move on.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
14 Oct 11
People of those kind are everywhere, so be careful and don't believe their promises especially when it involves money. At work it also happens and you get all the blame from the boss instead of the one who did not fulfill his words. Now I am facing a good blast from our GM as our engineer did not fulfill right away the measurement of the shelving he is supposed to do in my office and in the accounts office. He promised me Saturday, Monday, Tuesday to take the measurement. It has been so long that last Thursday the GM told us to finish the project by sunday. I got the Bill of materials from him on a Wednesday afternoon and I am about to send the enquiry to vendors yesterday (thursday) morning. The Engineering head replied to our GM that once he got the materials it will only take him one day to finish the shelves. See how bad he is, he kept me promises to take the measurements and delayed it, now he puts me in trouble.
@wealthymouli (710)
• India
14 Oct 11
Of course it is not money and if it is money I do not bother much. For me, TIME is more precious than money. Because, we can make the money loss but not the time lapse. Man created money. But TIME is GOD. Is it not? I understand that there are lots of such people around from your words. I give more importance to words. Now got to be careful as you said.
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
14 Oct 11
Yes but with a certain family member who kept promising me that he will take me somewhere but never did they always mention how they are going to take me but never do this has been going on for a year now. like you said i rather them tell me they cant.
@wealthymouli (710)
• India
14 Oct 11
Ohh ! It was a family member in your case. So embracing. I understand how you would feel. Because I now know the pinch of it. I know come to a conclusion, that either these people are ignorant of what they are doing to others by not keeping their words or more self centered. They lack the knowledge of the feeling and sufferings of the other person who believes these people's words.
@vikku2001 (258)
• India
14 Oct 11
Hello wealthymouli
Yes it brings a great problem when someone don't keep his words and because of this we are not able to do anything.You are right that they must have told us the truth that they can't do this or id they said, they must have later inform us but what is this way to don't keep our word.I think the best way to teach them a lesson is that to pay them in this way too.Then they will learn what is this feel like when someone make a promise and don't keep it.
@wealthymouli (710)
• India
14 Oct 11
Of course, but what I think is - even if you speak their language, they don't understand as they are habituated to it. And we cannot claim from our level of keeping our words to the maximum extent and in the event of not able to fulfill, informing the concerned in advance.
These people can cite many reasons, and in my dictionary, there is no point in telling reasons and only results count. Ultimate result, is unwanted delay on my side in waiting for months thus the work is still pending. mmm... what to do ? Its a lesson.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
14 Oct 11
I do have such experience.
And still in that situation up to now. It makes me confused whether to go on. move one and forget about the promise. It makes me really irritated but what when the person says sorry and again tell you that s/he is doing everything s/he can... then again, days, months and years would pass and I'm still on the same spot.
I sometimes feel I would be happier if the person agrees with what I wanted to happen.
@wealthymouli (710)
• India
14 Oct 11
May be you are right. But as of now, for me, the situation is beyond that point. I am sure this person would not realize his mistake and even if that happens, I would still reluctant to trust him as I lost a lot of time due to this persons inability to keep his words.
In my opinion, GOD has given us all one thing equal. Health, Wealth, Intelligence all differs. But who ever it is on this planet they all have ONLY 24 HOURS. Irrespective of their position. So, I do not want to take RISK by trusting this person again. Of course, if he realizes its good for his progress. I am no way connected.