Do we really need to be Forgiven????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
October 15, 2011 12:35am CST
Religion tells us how sinful we all are. They say we fall short of God and need to be forgiven by God before we move on. Do we really need to be forgiven?? OK, one day, you go into the kitchen to eat some cookies. To your surprise the cookie jar is empty. When you walk out of the kitchen, you see your child. You ask. Did you eat all those cookies?? With chocolate all over their face and mouth, they say. Haven't eaten a one. Hmmmm??? Does this child need forgiving??? No, this child needs LESSONS!!! Isn't it the same with God and His children???
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30 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Oct 11
Yes, the young child may not appreciate and understand the importance of telling the truth. So, no loving parent would just punish without first teaching him the importance of telling the truth and the importance of asking before he takes something that doesn't belong to him. Now what if your thirty year old child did the same thing. What does he need?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
24 Oct 11
Of course it does! One expects a lot more from an adult than a child.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 11
Does it really matter what the age or the action is??? Lessons will bring understanding. Once one truly understands, there is only one choice, the right one.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Oct 11
When one does not understand their actions, does it really matter the age? Lessons are required. I guess it would matter if you are looking for something other than results. If you value Blame, that changes the picture. It speaks of the lessons you need to learn. As for God, God loves Unconditionally. God cares only for the results.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
15 Oct 11
You have this right, my dear bird! God is Love! How could a God of Love hold a grudge against any of his Children? Religion is the Greatest Scam the world has ever seen, and it has succeeded in making the Church very rich indeed. Some day in the future, everyone will be able to see this Scam for what it is, and the world will be a much better place.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Oct 11
OK, someone finally understands just what I was getting at. I was starting to wonder if it went over everyone's head. Guilt is one of the tools religion uses to shape people's minds. Religion is supposed to speak for God yet look how far off they are. Just like you say, mankind has a very deep hand into religion. Those who refuse to really question aren't moving toward God as they think. We must show the true picture of God so people can see religion for what it really is.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Oct 11
I see it this way. A knife is neither good nor bad, it all depends on how people use it. I view religion the same way. There is religion that is harmful and religion that is beneficial.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 11
1hopefulman. Maybe religion isn't the important thing at all. It's people and what they choose to do. Example; If you take any holy book and teach the unconditional love in them, how could you ever do wrong? On the other hand, if you teach sin, create guilt, use people financially,threaten people with eternal hell, teach hate and God being wrathful, I would say much will be learned when, in time, God returns your actions back. The choices are for each of us to make. God's system will teach regardless of any beliefs people have. God will love all Unconditionally. See all the petty things of mankind. God is beyond that. We are all merely working toward being like God.
• United States
21 Oct 11
So, are you saying the child should NEVER be forgiven? The child should be taught that what he did was unacceptable, but to never be forgiven seems severe to me.
• United States
22 Oct 11
But doesn't forgiveness say I won't hold this act against you? I don't see how there can be right and wrong in the world and there not be either punishment (the teaching part) and forgiveness (the unconditional love part) if we're going to be taught. If there's not both, that tells me that God doesn't care, and I know He does care and so do you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Oct 11
Is the teaching part really punishment???? Is the only way to teach by using punishment??? If God didn't care, why would God create you as eternal??? Forgiveness is not necessary for God because God holds nothing against you. Just like with the cookie eating child, the lessons come until you learn. The important thing is that you Understand. Let's not forget what really counts. Anything else takes us away from the real problem.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Oct 11
One should TEACH rather than use guilt to manipulate the child's thinking. Teach the child the right way rather than teaching the child how rotten they are. Forgiveness will not be necessary for either in that case. Love unconditionally means to do what is best for the other.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Oct 11
Did the parent instruct the child not to eat all the cookies? Are we sure the chocolate on the child's face is from the cookies and not a candy bar? We need more information before we make a judgment.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
21 Oct 11
"One doesn't need to forgive because all one cares about is the well being of the other." The well being of the other? If the child was dishonest (that's why I ask the question, was it the cookies or a candy bar that was all over his face)then he should have been punished for lying, but the parent should also show that he still loves him by forgive him. What kind of lesson do you think you're teaching the child if you won't forgive him? It doesn't sound like unconditional love to me. It sounds like you consider lying the unforgivable sin or you care more for the cookies than for the child. And if you say there's nothing to forgive, then you're teaching the child that what he did was all right. That will only teach the child to be unethical and a liar. How have you taught the child not to be dishonest?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Oct 11
Try as you might. I don't think you will ever get that gum up. You must not have children. You must not love anyone unconditionally because you don't even understand what I was saying. When you love someone unconditionally, like your child, you don't hold a grudge. All you care about it them. That means you do whatever it takes to teach them. When you love someone, will you really settle for dishonesty???? No, it's something you work on. Now if you are holding grudges and using guilt to shape your child's thinking, then you need lessons as well as your child. I also question if you really love that child. Further, convince me your religion doesn't use guilt to shape your thinking.If only God will forgive, we will be saved and everyone will go to heaven. Oh those poor rotten sinners who won't ask to be forgiven. They will surely go to hell. bestboy19, don't you see what your religion is really doing??? Just like the parent of the little cookie eating boy, with God,forgiveness is not necessary. It's the results that count. God will send lessons not the fires of hell. If you were a parent and really loved your child, the story of the cookie eating child would have been clear to you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Oct 11
So much is missed when we look only upon the surface. You can think calculator or you can think computer. Which will you learn more?? God works on multiple levels with multiple views. If you ever hope to see, please broaden your view. So much is missing from yours. The point was not the instruction, nor the cookies. The point was when one loves unconditionally there are no grudges. One doesn't need to forgive because all one cares about is the well being of the other. In this case, the important thing became what the child needs to be taught to prevent the dishonesty.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
15 Oct 11
may be we humans do no forgive the kid for telling a lie we do punish,but the heavenly god is not like that he is mercy and kind more times when compared to us .He gives us many options and chances to learn and help our selves away from evil but he sometimes punishes ,that punishment is to give us relief as we do not know how to clear our selves.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Oct 11
Punishment??? God never sends punishment. God merely returns our action back to us so that we understand what those actions really mean. I guess to some people that can feel like punishment. People do not always realize what they choose. Lessons make things clear.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 11
Do you define problems as punishment???? I admit God's children are a bit spoiled. Having experienced bliss with God, we all want nothing else, however kiddies must go to school. We will be happier for it in time.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
16 Oct 11
yes what we do that becomes a blessing or a punishment,sometimes the blessed ones are also getting problem due to some one elses bad or wrong doings,dont u agree with me ?
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
16 Oct 11
Forgiveness is crucial in Christianity. Without forgiveness you have to draw a line between who does and doesn't get into Heaven by what actions a person takes in life. This clearly wasn't the case with Jesus and the criminal hung beside him. And he said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." But I understand what you're trying to get at. If it's unconditional love then yes forgiveness isn't necessary. But this isn't the case with God. As I said before in 1hopefulman's discussion, I firmly believe that unconditional love doesn't involve eternal hellfire. A lesson sure that is fine, but to make your own children suffer physical and mental pain forever, that is not love. That is spite. It doesn't matter who you are and what you have done in life. No one deserves that. NO ONE.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 11
Yes and if we describe God with angry, hate, spite, and with the important thing being ruling and controlling, aren't we really describing mankind??? Let's look at where all these things have gotten mankind. Mankind has gotten nothing but hard lessons with each. God has to be much more intelligent than that. God is beyond all the petty things of mankind. We must all learn to do like God, love unconditionally. That doesn't mean we should ignore evil. We should teach and point people in the right direct. That's what unconditional love does. It CARES!!! All holy books have goodness in them. They also have mankind's hand. Question everything. My hope is that everyone can tell the differences. You are right BLTLife. Everything about God will always add up completely.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Oct 11
Does creating hell really add up to you????? Mankind uses hell to shape people's thoughts. Fear is a powerful tool with religion. They use guilt as well. That is what this discussion is about. Forgiving has no important to God because God loves everyone Unconditionally. Think now. Does hell have to exist??? What really intelligent Being would create it?? None. God's actions are all around us. Look beyond the surface to discover what is really going on. Religion teaches you that the world is a mess. If you really understood what God is doing, you would see a masterpiece. Just like the ant on his anthill, sometimes it takes work to see anything beyond the surface at one little spot. It takes a much wider and open view to discover what is really going on.
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
17 Oct 11
I only describe God like that because it is true in the way the Bible describes things. Not saying he is only bad or anything. I guess I should ask this question. What is the point of Hell as a punishment? Yes to "guide" some of us towards Heaven before we die. But what is the point of it for the afterlife? What lesson(s) are the lost souls learning while they burn for eternity? To do better next time? There is no next time. Unconditional love would mean he would at least allow a way out of Hell to make use of the lesson(s) learned in a fiery lake. But there isn't. There is no second chance. Only more punishment. And the kicker is that he doesn't forgive us regardless of who we are or what we do once we fail the test of life. One doesn't have to ask for forgiveness in order to receive it. It only needs to be given.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
22 Oct 11
I believe that we can learn from our mistakes. I think that we should focus on that and in forgiving ourselves. I do not need to be forgiven by God. I will not apologize for being human. I will apologize to those who I have wronged and then I will forgive myself because we all make mistakes and that is all that we can really do. That is life.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Oct 11
Our hardest judge will be ourselves. Those holding great guilt should forgive themselves and do their best to make everything right. There are people in this world who hold onto mistakes and regrets sometimes for a lifetime of guilt. Since we learn so much from mistakes, we must all realize that we couldn't be the person we are today without the learning that came with those mistakes. There will always be pointing fingers and blame people love to place of others. This is but smoke and mirrors because in the end, the only thing that matters is the RESULTS!!
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
16 Oct 11
Oh well when it comes to the child in the cookies jar I'm sure would give him/her a good talking to...but when it comes to forgiving? I will forgive but never forget!
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
17 Oct 11
Yes of course the child need to be forgiving in my opinion any way...actually love make it necessary.And don't take me wrong I don't hold grudges to me is a waste of time a lot of people have done wrong to me but I have forgiving them! it's just I won't ever forget.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 11
Does the child even need forgiving??? Doesn't love make that not necessary??? As for forgiving people who wrong us in life, does a grudge serve any real purpose except to hurt ourselves??? We should work at solving the real problem. We can teach and point others in the right direction. Even though people have let me down in the past, I think it is important to give everyone the great opportunity to be trustworthy.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
26 Oct 11
Are you mad at your child who ate all your cookies? Hehee. I'm not religious or anything but I think forgiveness is important. A child just entered a society full of 'rights & wrongs'... I think it's better to expect that the child knew no better... and I think that's like forgiveness... or acceptance. And if we move on to more serious issues like... a spouse cheating on you, when one can ever reach a stage of forgiveness, the person who forgives can actually move on, I think.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Oct 11
No, I am not angry. It's more like hurt to see people making bad choices knowing the lessons they choose for themselves. Still people must choose in order to learn. As for me, it's easy for me to move on. They are forgiven before they have acted. I will do my best to point them in the right direction without malice or hate. OK, let's think a moment about the cookie eating child. Picture the smell of fresh baked cookies all over the house, Yummy. When that sneaky kid goes for the cookie jar, guess what. It will be empty. ooops, there goes my diet. Question I'm debating. Should I show up with chocolate all over my mouth?? When asked if I ate any cookies, I can say. It's the same as you the other day. One thing is for sure. When our actions return, the picture gets clear.
@marguicha (225302)
• Chile
19 Oct 11
In my relation to religion, sin is not part of it. Lessons must be given to our children, about behaviour (such as the cookie example) about values and respect and about so many things. But the trascendental for me is not as simple as a relation father and son and the most important sentence for me in Christian prayer("Thy will be done") goes much over a lesson in manners or even in values. It´s a complete and humble surrender to the unknown. Cookies don´t do with this here. I have 66 years of age and I occationally steal some cookies or sweets from myself with not a bit of guilt
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Oct 11
I must question you. Should we really surrender to the unknown or strive to do our best to make the unknown known? Should the important thing be control or simply knowing? Ruling and control are issues of mankind. Mankind will outgrow such petty things in time. Some have already reached there.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Oct 11
Indeed, there are many people with too much pride, however I think most are pretty level headed. We should never limit ourselves by thinking anything is too complex to learn. Step by step, God will help those who hunger and search for the knowledge. Surrender?? God doesn't want His people to surrender but to venture further into undiscovered country out of our comfort zones where great learning and wisdom lives. Let's never drift. Let's explore. It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you do that counts. Make that advance in spirituality yourself. If you do, those around you will discover something themselves.
@marguicha (225302)
• Chile
20 Oct 11
How I see it is that there are things we are capable of learning and other that are too complex for us. Not that in the future (who knows?) they will be clearer. But I don´t really see an advance in spirituality in us; just technology enslaving us in a different way. I don´t like the word "sin" either. But if there´s a sin that manking has, that one is pride. I think we must learn to surrender.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
17 Oct 11
Put it that way, I guess we need an understanding and a better explanation of why we could not do this or that.... After all what happened, after all the lessons and the explanation we still need to be forgiven... cause any of us would simply bury other's mistakes toward ourselves and would show it later when there are another mistakes done...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Oct 11
Yes, however if we truly love unconditionally, hurt isn't the issue. Caring that the cookie eating kids learn to become honest sharing people is what really matters. Of course if those kids carry great guilt, we can say they are forgiven even though it was never an issue to start with.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Oct 11
I am surprised to hear you say that. Don't you love me unconditionally regardless of what I write in my discussions??? Well, I thought so. Seriously, consider that when one reaches the point beyond the petty things of mankind that it's time to advance and move on to a more advanced classroom. That's not to say there are no people on Earth loving Unconditionally. There are wonderful souls among us willing to go through the greatest of adversities in order that others see or understand. Personally, I can see no greater unconditional love than that. Look around you. Thoses wonderful souls do exist. Who knows. You might be one of them. You have my unconditional love regardless of your reply.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
17 Oct 11
Yes, though I am still unsure if there is any unconditional love here in this world...
• China
17 Oct 11
The reason why religion tells people those is that It wants to hold people in awe and let people be converted to it.I fall in with you ,the child in question mustn’t be forgiven but lessons.That also goes for people who are guilty of the most heinous crimes.I think the religion seems to hint people no matter what crime you commit,everything is just fine as long as you are forgiven by God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Oct 11
Yes, you are right. Everything will be ok only when the lessons are learned. Religion does use guilt to get converts and shape the minds of people. I see that as very evil.
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• China
18 Oct 11
The converts are all brain-washed by religious doctrine and in fear and trepidation.
@bubuth (1815)
• Philippines
19 Oct 11
In our every sin..God giving us a lesson in life..He will put us in the test..He will test your faith on him..If he see that we learn from the lesson of life he gave mercy on us thats why i think he forgive us..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Oct 11
You are getting close. Life is the education of God's children. It has never been about faith, mercy or forgiveness.
@ralphs (209)
• Philippines
21 Oct 11
Yes forgiving anyone makes you more comfortable, because if you are not forgiving anyone you will be angry all the time.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Oct 11
That is true if one holds that grudge or hurt inside then generates hate because of it. If one loves unconditionally just like the parent of that cookie eating child, it's all about the needs of the other. In the child's case, a few lessons are in order. When ever one gets angry, one should focus on getting the best results rather than merely on the hurt.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
17 Oct 11
No. We are not growing into the Kingdom, we are accepted through grace. We do need "lessons" that sanctify us for the purpose of being witnesses to His grace, but we are forgiven at the point of accepting the sacrifice of Christ. There is nothing more to add to that. And, yes, we need to be forgiven. We are born in sin and have no fellowship with God until/unless we ask.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Oct 11
Funny, I have had fellowship with God before living on Earth. In fact, everyone has. God loves His children Unconditionally. Wayward in our path sometimes to learn but never ever out for the count. Religion makes the terms and conditions then through them supplies the answers. Let's think for a moment. Does your child have to ask you to love them???? Look at the faces of new born parents. Deep down you already know the real God. Deep down, you already know the answers. Why follow so many when deep down, you already know the way? Do you really know why God created all of us??? Every parent knows that answer. God created us all simply because children make life Grand. The next step is to teach them everything you know. Why do you think it's going to take an eternity to learn it all?? God has vast knowledge. God is not a monster. He isn't going to fry those kids for eternity.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Oct 11
Hi bird, It's my opinion that although we all make mistakes,it is us alone who judge ourselves.We are not just good or bad, as many would have us believe, we are simply different. For this life it is important for us to forgive others as holding a grudge will make us ill and prevent us from the fun of spreading joy wherever we go. Life is not about being forgiven but about learning which experiences we will want to repeat and which we need to leave behind us. Blessings.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 11
Very Good! Pose123.
16 Oct 11
Religions are run by priests and in the main they wish to retain power and influence over their followers. A good way is the persuade you that you have done something wrong and need to be forgiven and only they can do this. It is a big con job and a load of nonsense. One of the most evil ideas ever thought up by a religion is the idea of original sin. How any sensible person could accept this nasty little idea baffles me as it is such an obvious lie
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 11
I agree. They do not realize they do hurt some people with this. They do not realize it is evil they commit. Using guilt as a tool to manipulate others can never be right regardless of any beliefs. For those with blind faith we must shine light in their eyes. God has always meant for His children to THINK and QUESTION. Just like all the physics of this world add up so does everything about God. If you find it doesn't add up, perhaps it's time to question it.
• Mexico
17 Oct 11
Hi bird: According to my own values I think the answer must be yes. We need to be forgiven but first to accept that we have made things wrong and to forgive ourselves and then to ask God for his forgiviness. God is love so he has forgiven us yet but I think that asking for his forgiviness makes part of the process and of course to learn the lesson as you say and try to be better. If we don't do this there won't be a real impact in our intentions. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Oct 11
Good point. God doesn't need to forgive us, however it can do one good to ask those we have harmed to forgive us. It does show our character. It will relieve our guilt. It might also help those you have harmed who have not yet learned to love unconditionally.
@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
18 Oct 11
I think you have mistaken these two. Well, the kids need lessons, but it does not mean that the kids are not forgiven. We should love the kids, and in this love, we give the lessons. Yet, we always forgive them with understanding, but still, lessons are still given. This is the same with God. He gives us lessons, but still forgives us for our shortcomings.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Oct 11
When one loves Unconditionally, one doesn't need to forgive. There is no grudge in the first place. Religion uses guilt to shape people's thinking. When the parent discovers the chocolate covered child, they aren't thinking forgiveness. They are thinking how can I teach this child to better understand? They love the child so very much.
• Mexico
16 Oct 11
I guess we didn't. Guilt is for Catholics, and I'm not one of them. The only reason I would need someone to forgive me is because I needed them. Being forgiven doesn't make you a better person, it just calms your guilt sense, which is pretty much one of the most egoist things you can do. You actually never thing about those you want to be forgiven by, you only selfishly think about feeling better.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 11
Yes,you are right.It is an ego thing. I think it is evil to manipulate people into feeling more guilty in order to shape their thinking to your benefit. In the end we will all judge ourselves. God will teach us all until we hold great wisdom and realize the only answer is unconditional love.