to be married early or late

October 15, 2011 1:37am CST
those days, I am involving in marriage. I mean I am a little worried about my marriage. Actually, I am still a single. Friends and relatives may persuade me to be married time and time again,especially my parents. They urged me to find a girl to marry to her once I came back home. I understand why they were so worried about it. Obviously, I am 26 this year, and the age to be married. As you know, nowadays, it is so hard to find a girl to be your partner in China. What is more,to find one who are kind and share common interests with you is harder and sometimes the hardest thing in your life. While for my part, I am still interested in my study and I want to receive more education and of course to be a real learned person or a person maintains a strong sense of achievement. So I often spent most of my life on my research or studies rather than girls. I am very afraid of being limited by a family if I want to go further education. just think about that if you had a child and a wife, do you have the sense of learning something and do any researches? No, it is almost impossible and will not have any accomplishments. How do you deal with the embarrassing situations?
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31 responses
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
15 Oct 11
i think there's no right age to marry (early or late). As long as you are at the right age (if you think its the right age for you),responsible enough to commit into deeper relationship,prepared and matured enough,then go, marry the person you love (of course he/she must love you too.
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• Philippines
15 Oct 11
Well, if someone about to get married has already prepared himself/herself for it well and good, he/she is definitely well above twenty or even beyond the thirties when the time comes. To be well prepared and be responsible enough truly takes time. But one's physical, mental and emotional preparedness for a permanent and lifetime relationship might even take way much longer. So never be in a hurry to get married. Take your own sweet time. Never allow anyone to push yo to do a lifetime commitment. The decision will have to be and must be yours.
16 Oct 11
As my opinion there is a right time to get married a person because it is very difficult as the life we observe now.As a common person salary being receive each month is not enough for the daily life expenses so we must work hard and be responsible for the preparation for the future.And not being so difficult when in terms of expenses.But then again even if relationship took years we dont know that simple or any conflict that could result into breakup.
• Philippines
15 Oct 11
I don't think there is a right age for marriage. You marry someone when you feel that the time is right. You can't just marry someone just because everyone's pressuring you to do that. You're still young. You can still do so many things. If you think you're not ready yet for marriage, then tell your parents that. Tell them that you still want to continue studying and pursue your education. I think your parents will understand that.
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• Philippines
15 Oct 11
I have three children of my own and i never asked anyone to be married just because, they seemingly are already of the right ages. My youngest is now 23 years old. No, I don't think that you are at the ripe old age for marriage yet. The ripe old age for marriage is when you are in your thirties and then you have prepared everything already for settling down with your woman. Meaning, you are well prepared both in mind and body and financially, too. You are right that you are not prepared for marriage yet. You would do best by telling your folks that you are not getting married yet. It is true that to be pursuing a college or post college course plus do researches yet will be no easy tasks. Your wife and child will feel left out if you already have them and then you also do further studies.
• United States
16 Oct 11
I totally agree with trinidadvelasco! I actually think 26 is pretty young to get married and start a family. If you're pursuing a professional degree, you probably aren't even done yet! Trinidadvelasco is right - the best time to get married and start a family is when you're financially, mentally, and physically prepared! If you are pursuing further schooling when you start a family, I think your family will miss out on your presence. I work at a university, and that's what I see happening with a lot of PhD students and postdocs who choose to start a family early. Their spouses and children never see them, because they are working 10-12 hours a day!
15 Oct 11
As someone who has never been married or had kids but have had serious relationships you should never go looking for love because you won’t find it. I believe when the time is right love will reveal itself to you, sometimes that means for some people they never get married and have children whilst others love finds them early in life. The important thing is that you never close yourself off to love because when it reveals itself to you, you need to be open to accepting it. So by all means you should carry on with your research and studies but don’t limit yourself to just that, allow yourself to be out there and open for romance, but don’t rush in to thinking you have to find it. And to be honest whilst I have had long relationships there is nothing wrong with being single either. I absolutely love the freedom it affords me; maybe also the fact that I only have to consider myself when it comes to certain things is also appealing.
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@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
18 Oct 11
I think it should not be based on the age. I think it should be based upon maturity. Usually, younger kids decide to get married, but they still do not understand what life is after the wedding bells. I think there should be someone who would propose to teach this in school so kids will understand.
• India
15 Oct 11
i think that you are the one who should decide when u want to get married and so far you've done exactly what you felt like and that's the way to go buddy!! well when it comes to marriage (i'm no expert) but well you'll just know when you've achieved your goals in life and the partner that you seek in life would also be around the corner and you'll find her in due time. cheers mate!!
@Neriz69 (1093)
• Philippines
17 Oct 11
You are just 26 yrs old, that is quite young for a guy at this day and age, though I don't see age as basis for marriage. Maturity and responsibility is the basis of marriage for me. It's ok pursue your dreams and don't get pressured by your family, whatever accomplishment you achieve, your future wife and children will be the one who'll benefit from it. I have a lot of guy friends who are 28 - 30yrs old and still single. They told me they want to be established before they get married so their family will have a good future.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
16 Oct 11
As is suggested in the username of yours, you need to conquer what you are facing right now--to be married early or late. If you wish to have more achievements in your study, you may spend more time on it and you can get more concentrated on what you are doing for your research work. Then get prepared mentally in advance that you would probably get married after you have already reached your aim. If you are married, you will have to spend more time on your family and you will find it hard to have enough time to study as you expect to. Twenty-six is still a very young age. You don't have to worry about the pressure from your family. You may tell them about your next aim in life and I am sure that they will understand you for it. May you reach your aim as soon as possible so that you will be able to think about your marriage earlier!
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
16 Oct 11
You are feeling the pressure and urgency due to people and your loved ones forcing you to get married. Marrying comes at the right time. Sometime unplanned marriages last longer than those long time engaged couples. So,if you haven't found the right girl..why the rush. You can always explain this to your loved ones and family. Have a good day
@anil02 (24688)
• India
16 Oct 11
Hello, I am from India. We have also problem of less girls. Your friends and relatives are right. So you must be think seriously about marriage. Although your age is not too much. In India person who is doing MBBS or engineering will married at age 30 or more. You can continue your study and research after marriage. I think you will not face problem in it.
@aghiuta (525)
• Canada
17 Oct 11
I think that people should marry when they are ready for this important step.Only when you feel that you found your soul mate!!! do not settle just to be married,because this will give you pain and trouble latter.Marriage and family is wonderful,but only with the right partner at the right time!
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
16 Oct 11
Early or late is not the issue. Financial stability and maturity in their perception in life will lead their way to a successful,stable relationship.
• Philippines
17 Oct 11
Marriage has no age limits. I would rather say there is always an ideal age to get married but that depends on every individual involved in that chosen path. It all depends on them, how ready and prepared they are to enter into that kind of serious relationship. As for your age, I think 26 years old is not that old to be alarmed, especially for guys. I think women has more consideration than men. You are right, finding the right person to be with you for the rest of your life is quite difficult, it would take sometime and effort to find that special someone worthy of our love, affection and everything.... However, based on your discussion, seemed like marriage is not the priority on your list as of now. Better open this to your parents wholeheartedly so that they will understand that you have other priority as of the moment. I understand and I admire your career ambition, its not everyday that I encounter somebody who treasured education the most. Good for you, your parents must be so proud of you. They should think that this is not for your own good but for them also. I don't think marrying for the sake of your family and friends will not do good. You should be the one to decide since you are the one who is solely involve in that aspect. I also think studying and getting married at the same time is not good. Studies needs more attention and marriage do especially on your first year it really need more time and attention, and I don't think dividing your time and attention would be better ;-). Remember you cannot serve two kings at the same time.
• Mexico
16 Oct 11
Age doesn't matter at all. As long as you find the correct person it is completely ok. Love come to life only once, and you have to take advantage on that opportunity no matter how.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
15 Oct 11
Personally 26 is still young. I think if you are Happy being Single and wanting to pursue schooling first and then a career before marriage and a family this is OK. There is nothing wrong with still being Single at this age. You are the one who needs to be Happy with yourself and what you are doing, not anyone else. When the time is right the right person will come around and you will be ready. Just don't rush into something for the sake of someone else.
• United States
16 Oct 11
My suggestion is to wait and finish your studies. Men are Still young when they are in their 30's.When you marry you want to be happy. If you cut your studies short, you may resent it later. Now the hard part. think you need to tell your parents what you told me here. It isn't that you Don't want to marry but not now. I fear this will be Very hard , but at least try. I want to wish you luck. Take Care.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
16 Oct 11
To be marry early or late? I guess is up to the individual remember at the end of the day once you commit to marriage your further education may suffer...soo if you like to complete your education go on and do so...and is nothing to feel embarrass about it!
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
16 Oct 11
The marriage has nothing to do with the age. It's about if you are prepared to take this step and if you want to do it. There are customs with certain peoples where marriage is concluded at a young age, eleven or earlier. There are cases when marriages took place at eighty! The truth is that marriage implies responsibilities from both sides so the partner must be prepared or willing to make this important step. As for children, I suggest that who wants them to born them till the age of thirty at the latest. Otherwise the parents will hardly cope with raising the children. To raise children you need patience and dedication and this means time.
@zubirik (111)
• Philippines
16 Oct 11
Go with your dreams first. Do not marry anyone yet. Focus on one goal. For me, if in the event I still want to pursue my education then I would rather focus on it. After achieving that goal, that's the time I'll get married. A married life is not that simple as what others might think of. So focus things one at a time.
@khare_1005 (1310)
• India
16 Oct 11
what i feel that there is a right age to get married.for male its 28-35 while for female it is 24-30.its ideal to get married during this age point.i am not saying that people shouldn't be marrying more late but its just an opinion.i feel this is the perfect age to get married as most of the guys get settled up in their job or business by then and girls get ready mentally and physically to grow up into a wonderful relationship.