Ways to earn money online ?

@dharanil (319)
October 15, 2011 12:01pm CST
Give me a way to earn legitimate (not scam sites) money online
2 responses
@GemmaR (8517)
15 Oct 11
I will warn you that if you post things like that, you're only going to get people sending you their referral links so that you can sign up underneath them and earn them money. I think that the most important thing for you to consider is that you have to do something that suits you rather than something which might suit other people who's advice you ask for. If you're a good writer then there are many ways in which you can earn money online, and you should have a look for some websites which you would be able to post your content on.
@dharanil (319)
• India
15 Oct 11
Thanks for your suggestion...
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
15 Oct 11
I want to said something thing but you already answer it for me, GemmaR. For you dharanil. Even you gonna have a lot of request (for referral link reason) but you must careful a little bit. Some sites that they refer might scam sites. Do some research first before joining.
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
15 Oct 11
Sorry GemmaR, I supposed to say same thing not something thing
@bignik (272)
• Italy
16 Oct 11
Hi , there are many ways to earn online ,but you got to know what type of work are you good at ,i suggest you start a blog on a topic or hobby, or go to fiver.com where you offer a service and you make about 4 dollars from the service this is a great place just go take a look. It is simple and you don't pay on signing up ,also visit golden-information.com/e-books you can find lots of helpful tips. bignik