how many hours will it take for me to earn $5 per day on

@best2011 (210)
October 16, 2011 4:22pm CST
actually, i want to earn huge amount of money through mylot.. but what will be your advise in this matter ?? has anyone ever earned $5 a day?? pls let me know about this ..thank you very much
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7 responses
• United States
17 Oct 11
Although I am very active here and do make far more then the minimum each and every month. I usually only concentrate on quality participation with discussions. However, you can also try to do some of the daily tasks as that can help earn you more. There are at times some article writing tasks that can earn you anywhere from 75 cents to $2.50 per article. I once did a task from Sharonbucks and earned $6.00 from it. But again most of my participation here is responding to discussions. If you concentrate on your discussions you can increase your earnings. Do keep in mind that when we respond we are the ones typing therefore we are the ones earning. If you comment back to the responders, it is then you will increase your earnings. I really do not think anyone can make $5.00 a day by simply participating. However, increase your earnings by participating back in your own discussions as well as providing descriptive and helpful responses to others discussions.
• United States
18 Oct 11
Enjoy your time while you are here and try to further discussions when you can. You will be surprised on how much more your earnings boost. I wish you well and continual fun here on myLot!
@best2011 (210)
18 Oct 11
thanks very much for the detailed information .. you have given some real tips .. i think i should also start doing the tasks from now on .. it will help me in earning the money ... thanks again ... but i must say its really a tough task and not easy to achieve
@phillyguy (3005)
• Philippines
16 Oct 11
I hope someone can answer this question. I've been wondering too how too earn more here in mylot because I'm earning too slow. I'm working in front of a computer the whole day so I can use mylot for long hours but I wanna know some tips before I spend that much time here.
• Indonesia
16 Oct 11
Indeed, to earn more money on mylot is not too difficult, we have to participate on mylot as much as possible in making discussion and also responding feedback to mylot to other users. I'm sure with that way, we can make more money.
@best2011 (210)
18 Oct 11
yeah thats what i was wondering ,, but most of the mylot members ,, suggested me to comment and post as many comments as you can and make it a quality forum .. so mark these words
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
17 Oct 11
I don't know how much work it would take to earn $5 per day at My Lot. But I do know that to earn more, you need to comment on people's responses to your discussions, Plus you need to respond to others discussions, as man as possible. Just starting a discussionand not participating in it, and not respjnding to other discussions will earn you almost nothing.
@best2011 (210)
18 Oct 11
thank you very much for providing me with some good tips .. i will really try to follow these .. thanks again and all the best to you ...
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
17 Oct 11
I have never earned $5.00 a day here. I work alot of sites online daily though so it does not leave a whole lot of time for Mylot. It would take roughly 500 posts or replies to make $5.00 per day. It is about a penny per post for me.
@best2011 (210)
18 Oct 11
hmmm 500 posts per day .. its really a very tough ask then ... i thought mayb some posts can earn you upto 4 cents .. thats why i thought we can earn $5 a day ..
@lampar (7584)
• United States
17 Oct 11
You can't make $5 here even you spend whole day in Mylot and write one hundred posts. The earn algorithm system will not let you make so much $$$$ in a day. hahaha...
@best2011 (210)
18 Oct 11
yeah i was also think like that .. mylot wont allow its users to earn soo much + its more like a fun website so we should not have higher expectations . thanks
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
17 Oct 11
Well the most i have made on here is $1 in a day. Never exceeded that. But I think if you have active referrals and are active yourself as well, maybe you can but I don't really know as I don't have any referrals. But for me, even the $1 a day was really hard to earn. i was on here all day and was working on all of the discussions I could relate to. And yes you have to give quality responses.
@best2011 (210)
18 Oct 11
hmm yeah my earning are also like that ... quality posts + more time are necassary in order to earn more money . thanks very much for sharing your experience
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
17 Oct 11
Woah! That would take you ages! Mylot isn't a site that will give you a decent income, just some extra few pennies or change for your pocket. I spend around maybe one hour to an hour each day depending how much spare time I have. The most I have earned in a 2 hour time frame was like 75 cents. Doesn't look much but it looks a lot to me! It depends on how many new discussions were posted and whether I can relate to them. The more discussions you reply to, the more you earn. Of course it will depend on quality as well. I tend to write a paragraph for each discussion. So maybe if you write a big paragraph and reply to heaps of discussions for several hours, you may just reach $3 unless you stay on 24/7