How can give me some advices about girls?

October 17, 2011 10:29am CST
Hi,guys and girls, my lotters. Over time, I like less girls. Now I have 16 years, and so far I liked 5 girls, but not for "playing", I liked to have with them a serious relation. But the first girl like an another boy, third girl I think that liked me, but some of my classmates are stupid and idiots, fourth girl I don't know if she now that I liked her, and fifth girl know that I liked her, but she don't accept my friendship because we are classmates, a stupid fact (A boy try same thing but from same fact don't accept). I really like fifth girl, but I don't know what to do. Give me some advices about girls and what they liked. Thanks
1 response
@machivado (528)
• Indonesia
17 Oct 11
Choose one. Be serious. Have some guts. Listen more. Those are my four basic rules when I want to approach a lady I adore.