Scrimping, saving and struggeling happily.

United States
October 17, 2011 5:30pm CST
I know it sounds silly. Money is tight and only getting worse. We are counting every penny. We are going without so many little extras in life and we are so happy about it. I love to know I can do something to keep my family afloat. Its just basic things but they all add up. 1- Making my laundry detergent. There are a million recipes on the web so I wont bore you with them but its so easy if you looking so save money and arent already doing this its worth a try. I spend $6.37 a year on laundry detergent for 8-10 loads per week. 2- Baking bread. I had the math done up then the economy screwed everything up but I was spending $.33 a loaf of whole wheat, full of flavor and full of health bread for my family. Even if the cost has doubled, which Im positive it hasnt, Im still making out like a bandit here. I grind my wheat and so im getting full protien, full fiber, and full vitamin wheat here for my family. Try buying healhty fresh bread for $.66 a loaf. Plus the smell in the house. 3- Simplify cleaning. I like the natural cleaning most of the time. Using baking soda to scrub is cheap and you dont need to wonder what chemicals your leaving behind. When the baking sales come, buy a ton of this powerful stuff. I also use vinegar and water. When we have a sickie in the house I break out a generic lysol spray for doorknobs but for the most part the baking soda and vinegar keep us covered. 4- Let people know what you are looking for. I needed a treadmil and put the word out. With in a week I had someone who wanted to get rid of their old one. Perfect. I let my friends and neighbors know that I wanted to take any of their extra garden surplus. Ive got a bushel of apples and random things ready to be processed and Ive been busy all month long. I told my cousin that my daughter could use some of her daughters hand me downs. She ended up with a plastic bag full of things she loved that I never spent a penny on. Ill buy her shoes this year and maybe a new curch dress but other then that she is covered. 5- Planning out our menu. I plan out a full month menu. Its one day of work but a whole month I dont need to plan that much. I also love freezer meals so that is another day of work but two days out of 30 isnt that bad. When I plan out 30 days I go to the store with a solid plan and dont end up buying a lot of things we dont need. My waste is almost nothing. I also avoid mid month trips to the store where I would walk in for a gallon of milk and come out with $20 in things I dont need. 6- Team up with friends. My dear sweet friend drives to the local college to get milk at a discount. She now gets 30 gallons a trip for thankful pals like me. This is getting me a great deal plus it goes back to keeping me out of the store. Your local deals might not be milk but you might have a farmer with eggs, you could buy a whole cow and split it between you, buy huge bags of things at wholesale bulk stores and split it. Most people would love to save money with you. Ill stop the rant now but I could go on and on. I love knowing that I can do simple things to keep my family a rood over our head and food in our tummys. What things do you do that save you money?
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15 responses
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
18 Oct 11
i visit my local library at least once a week and order books online. they not only have books but have movies, music and more. some libraries even offer computer classes, cooking classes and more.
2 people like this
• United States
21 Oct 11
My tiny little city just got its first library. I am so excited. Its small and just starting but still its got to be better then the bookmobile that we have had. Ive read every book in there already and was ready for a change. I love a good book but I just cant spend the money they want for them. Even ebooks which are all digital are very expensive.
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
18 Oct 11
Just recently I started using that wonderful thing---baking soda! It's great and I wish I had discovered it earlier. I dilute dishwashing liquid-one part of it to ten parts water and then put it in a bottle. Lasts three times longer and is still good for washing dishes. My pet cats eat wet cat food mixed with rice. They still finish what I give them and eat their meals heartily. I haven't gone clothes shopping in a long while and as a result I discvered new ways how to mix and match or layer my clothes. So it seems I have more clothes than I actually have.
• United States
21 Oct 11
We had our family pictures a few weeks ago so I had to go out and get a new shirt to match everyone elses. I was shocked at the prices in the store. Its been a long time since I walked into a clothing store. Its just not in the budget. I ended up tracking down a 10$ off any 10$ purchase coupon and went through the clearance rack at JcPenneys. I got a nice dressy shirt for $2 after tax. Its just not worth it to me to spend loads of money on clothes. It would be awesome to have a fantastic closet full of fashion but I like paying my bills more.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
18 Oct 11
I do everything you do as well as most of what the other posters do, with one exception. I don't plan meals or shop specifically for them. Instead, I shop sales. Most of my shopping is buying only things on sale. I stock up when it's a really good buy so that I don't have to pay full price in the future. When I buy groceries, it's like running a business. I go to several different stores depending on their sales (not necessarily the same day) and I figure the cost of transportation into it. When I go to make a meal, I "shop" my pantry. I have a big enough variety that I can pull together a meal easily. I shop for clothing and household goods at thrift stores, keep the heat turned down and wear warmer clothes, usually only have one light on in the house at one time, unplug or turn off power strips when appliances, TV, computer, etc., are not in use. I use leftover shampoo or other liquid soaps for hand soap. I rinse out every bottle of liquid soap whether it's dish soap or laundry detergent and use it to clean or do whatever with. I use vinegar to cut soap scum, dissolve mineral deposits and sanitize surfaces. There is no end to the ways to save and the farther I go, the more I discover.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
23 Oct 11
It's a process. The longer I work on it, the more ways I find to cut costs and I'm sure you will, too. The black drapes do work. Have you thought about warming jugs of water in the sun and then putting them around the room you're in to help warm it? It will help a little, and a little here and a little there can make a big difference.
• United States
22 Oct 11
I shop from my pantry as well. There is a huge comfort to me with having a pantry full of food. Its a few months worth if we really had to live on it. I think if we had to we could avoid any stores for a few months. I love finding new ways to save money. I just wish that I could save money on the big bills in life like our electricity bill, or gas bill, or city bill. These are the bills I wish I could get rid of. I know I can use less energy but right now we use it sparingly. There is little more we can do without getting solar panels which are a huge cost.
• United States
23 Oct 11
We have solar chargers that charge our phones, cameras, rechargable batteries and smaller items like that. We try to be thoughtful of the energy we use but we do keep our house at 62. I try to use windows to heat and cool rooms in the house. I am looking into the solar oven right now. It gets very cold here and we need to worry about freezing pipes. We dont need saving money to turn into a bill. We are trying to find ways to heat our home for free. We got black drapes in the two front windows. Black attracts heat and so the drapes get warm and heat up that room. Its simple and very cheap. It seems to be working well. We are considering doing it in more rooms just to cut down. My next house will have a fireplace.
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
18 Oct 11
here in our country, there are small stores that sell cooked food. if everybody is not in the house,my husband just buy food from these stores. the same is also around our company so i buy food instead of cooking. we save a lot from this because we only cook during weekends. we put off the lights in rooms when they are not in use. we try to save water, too.
• United States
22 Oct 11
Is it really cheaper to buy cooked food. What a blessing! I have to prepare everything at my house but I dont mind it because I know I am saving money that my family can use on things they enjoy. Keeping lights out and saving water are great ways to save up too. We practice this too.
@knicnax (2232)
• Philippines
18 Oct 11
Wow. Your post made me so thankful that our country isn't suffering so much with the recession, and that my parents and I are able to provide and sometimes have luxuries like vacations, movies and junk food. I'd love to cut back on costs too, I'm actually looking for where I can buy stuff I need to make my own shampoo, soap and lotion. I'm saving money so that I can have a house for myself before I turn 30. Like you, I look for recipes online on what I can do to minimize cost when I finally move out of the house. Also, I do these primarily because I want to save the environment. Using store-bought chemicals for cleaning means using a lot of toxins which are harmful for us and the world
• United States
22 Oct 11
I keep my budget extra tight so that we can have some of lifes luxuries too. Vacations are a must for me. Now is when I have to make memories. If I waited until I could afford it then I would never go. Id love to learn to make shampoos, soaps and lotions. That is a avery interesting idea. I have a good stock up of shampoo and conditioner from sales that I have stocked up on. I probably have about a years worth. I guess I have that long to figure out how to make it.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
18 Oct 11
every extra penny i have i keep in the piggy bank for a week or two and then save it in the bank after. also, i avoid going to the grocery in mid month too because it tempts me to buy food and other things i dont really need. i also try to walk to work and not ride to work so that i can exercise a little bit
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• United States
22 Oct 11
I have been putting my pennies in the piggy bank at my house. I bought a large coke bottle bank that I am sneaking in every extra cent I can spare in there. There isnt a ton of money in there but its slowly building. Funny though, last week I needed 5$ for my milk delivery and I went to the bank to get it out. I cant get the lid off. I had to borrow money from my Son to pay the milkman. There was and is no getting that money out with out a huge ordeal. Thats a good and bad thing. I guess I wont be sneaking into it and spending it.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
24 Dec 11
I am single with no kids. so it's not that hard to save money everything I have is basic. like phone, internet, apartment, computer I have the same clothes and shoes for 5 yrs the only things I buy new are usually because I can't repair damaged ones. clothes, I have sewing machine to repair them. most furniture I got from thrift stores. I only buy new if the price is reasonable with warranty. I delay buying car because without it I can go anywhere here by bus sometimes it takes walking too but then again walking is healthy :) I delay buying cell phone, probably never will as I don't see the need for it also notepad, ipad etc I never have those new gadgets if I use credit card I pay it right away even if it means I have to delay buying something I want. the interest is crazy. I have to use credit card for buying online, so that's mostly things I use it for.
@kylanie (1205)
• United States
20 Oct 11
I was taught by my grandma my grandparents used to take us on trips so that when we went to a motel we would take the lotions or shampoos that was left over and I would use them at home I also shop at yardsales to get just what I can use I buy thee generic medicine like the one lady,I also check to see what samples walmart is giving out and send for them or else we got a bent can store close to where I live I go there shopping alot. I am starting to use coupons more or the dollar trees are always nice sometimes when I am looking for curtains I just use blankets or buy some cheap material it always works and nobody says anything.
• United States
22 Oct 11
Walmart samples are a huge hit with me. The fun part of samples is that they often come with coupons. If I hate it I can toss the coupon and now I know. If I love it I can get a deal on my next purchace. Just this last week I had a sample for always pads and it had a coupon in it for a free item. The sample had 3 different pads to try and when I picked my favorite I get a free 18 pack. It was awesome.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Oct 11
okay once more., copy paste I am retired and am in a retirement center and have little money once Gold crest gets room and board out of my social security and SSI check. so I get a certain amou nt of free over the counter stuff like vitamins and s upplements, diabetic socks ets. and also I shop for over the cou onter stuff at walmart. generic versions of the things I need for daily life like benadryl and ibuprofen for pain.I too must save as I have a very limited budget.I am a diabetic so must keep snacks for low blood sugar on hand and again I use Walmart as its so m uch cheaper.
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• United States
21 Oct 11
Our local walmart has started doubling coupons on tuesdays to compete with our grocery store acrost the street. Its been nice to get everything we need plus the option of all the other stores prices matched and the double coupons. They dont make it easy at all but they do give us a few more options.
@dodo19 (47364)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
23 Dec 11
My husband and I are certainly counting every penny as well, much like a lot of other people. It's not easy at all. But we're trying. We don't spend our money on things we don't need. We think about what we need to buy.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
21 Oct 11
Hi Happy, your ways of saving sounds very interesting to me. Indeed by making our own laundry detergent and other things, we can saved quite a lot of money in the long run. So far, i haven't tried to make my own detergent yet. But i do bake my own cake and cookies, if my son wants to eat cake and cookies. I even cooked daily, if i have the time to be spend at home. I seldom want to spend money buying food from outside since the price is hiking day by day.
• United States
22 Oct 11
I have the luxury of being able to stay home with my children. That also gives me the time to let my bread raise and things like that. I know many people dont have that. It takes hours to get it all done. The laundry soap takes me about an hour to make a few months worth. But I figure it would take me a half hour to run to the store and buy laundry detergent. I also freeze my bread dough so I can make a big batch of dough and then I can bake it fresh later. There is such a sense of happiness to bring out a plate of warm cookies for my family. Its not an everyday thing but its special when we do.
• United States
22 Oct 11
I find everything you're doing to be very admirable! I find it especially honorable that you're even going through the process of baking your own bread to save money. It's so great that you'll put in the effort that most people won't due to laziness in order to provide better means for your family. I think more of us, (including myself), need to be like this! I'm actually going to favorite this discussion so that I can come back to it later and use all of the wonderful ideas you have shared with us. Thank you!
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
21 Oct 11
happythoughts I am so impressed with you! First you have such an uplifting attitude and positive spin on saving that it is inspring and you need to start a blog about how you save. I started trying to use natural products for house cleaning and vinegar and baking soda are now bought by me in bulk. I feel so much better about using them than all the srays and bottles and chemicals I used to have..well I have a few still, but not many It was a pleasure to read your opening discussion.
• United States
22 Oct 11
Thank you, that was very sweet of you. I really believe that we are happier because we have had to work for what we have. Some of the things we have we have really had to work and save for. We have an appreciation for our things that we wouldnt have if they all came easy. You nailed it there. If you use natural products you have a lot less stuff to deal with. I dont have a million bottles of chemicals to deal with anymore. Thats a lot of bottles I dont need to store. I do still have some cleaning items. I dont turn down free stuff. If I really had to stop and look at it all I probably have a life time supply. I also use salt to scrub things too. Its cheap and easy to get.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
22 Oct 11
Salt? Do you mix it with anything , or just use it straigth? LOL I could go look it up and I think will...Thanks...
@Vrilya (128)
20 Oct 11
I make my own soap bars from lye plus fat or oil, saves a fortune because I don't have to pay £1.50 to £2.00 for shower gel, also cut my own hair which saves around £200 per year. I buy good quality books second hand from ebay or amazon, they are mostly as good as new, I sell the non reference books that I won't be reading again after I've finished them, also go to flea markets, boot sales and charity shops where you can pick up some good bargains and joined freecycle as sometimes there are some very good quality items being given away on there....
• United States
22 Oct 11
I used to make my own soap with lye as well. It was a lot of work but for $7 I was able to make 10 batches of 18 bars of soap. 7$ for 180 bars is a great price. We put or house on the market and I had to get rid of everything we could so I got rid of my supplies. Its not a ton of stuff, I used a crock pot to cook it in. I now have 2 bars left plus maybe 20 bars of soap from the stores, hotels and samples as a back up. I know that eventualy I will go back to making soap again because it was easy and a good saver. I also cut my hair and my families hair as well. Its been 12 years since we have payed for haircuts. It is nice because its saving us money and also when money is tight we dont need to worry about our looks.
• United States
23 Oct 11
For movies, you could try your local library, a lot of them carry newer movies and if you ask for them, you can get them. If you play videogames has inexpensive games for all the new generation game consoles and everything I've heard about it says it works.