Predetermined or Random?

@magic700 (100)
October 17, 2011 7:16pm CST
Ah, yes, the age old debate. Is the universe, is life itself predetermined, or random? Nobody can ever really know the answer, but everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Personally, I think everything is predetermined because almost everything can already be explained through mathematics that can flawlessly predict the future of it, and the small things that allow for randomness to be a possibility could easily be explained in terms of massively complex mathematical equations with thousands, millions, or even billions or trillions of inputs and contributing factors. But that's just my view point, my opinion. I'm curious to hear, what do all you others here on myLot think about it? Is this all predetermine, random, or what else if neither? Feel free to voice your thoughts!
4 responses
• United States
18 Oct 11
I do not believe life is predetermined or random, but that we all make our choices. I understand some have more options open than others, but we make our choices just the same. There are some with great talents and abilities who never use them and other who work hard to accomplish their goals. In either case, our own actions are the biggest determining factor. I see the predetermined and random options as leading to a lack of accountability and responsibility.
@magic700 (100)
• Canada
18 Oct 11
Well actually, if the universe is predetermined, than it is even more necessary that the part of the system that is corrupt takes accountability and responsibility for his or her own actions regardless of the fact that he/she was forced to do said action by the system itself because if it is all predetermined, than the lack of accountability and responsibility will result in the corruption in the system corrupting the rest of the system. Though a predetermined universe also introduces the idea that we can't control whether or not the actions needed to prevent this are taken, it still shows that these actions are a requirement in order for the system not to become corrupt. Though if you think about it it is all rather upsetting of a thought because it's saying that we have no control over any of it, yet we need to do these actions, which we have no control over, in order to expect the system to continue... Hopefully that isn't too hard to understand.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
18 Oct 11
I do not believe that everything is predetermined. And, math and science have never explained everything...They are just theories that are constantly proved wrong or incomplete. We cannot predict the future either, or we would not be doing the crap to the earth and each other that we are. We have free will...That alone constantly changes things. You cannot predict the impact of each person on the world and universe...
@magic700 (100)
• Canada
18 Oct 11
Oh, my apologies, I had a bit of poor wording there. I wasn't trying to claim we can predict the future, I was stating that we can predict the future of certain things. For example, if you throw a rock up in the air, provided you know enough information about it, you can almost flawlessly predict how long it will remain air born for, how high it will be at what time, etc. That is a small example of predicting the future of a certain thing. You aren't doing anything half as impressive as flawlessly predicting the next winning lottery numbers, or anything like that, but you are still making a prediction about a small aspect of the future.
@marguicha (225164)
• Chile
18 Oct 11
I feel that in the infinite complexity of the university we are as small and unknowing as rocks. Language (such as our words "random" and "predeetermined") are manmade, such as science and math. They are attempts we make to explain the unexplainable that escapes us. I try to do it with language in my native language, my father did it with science. We both fail. Three or four times in my lafe I have been blessed by feeling, for a second, that there is something, even if I donĀ“t know or cannot explain what it is. Then in disappears and it is lost forever. Even the universe, it seems is something that is is not the whole. What is there, beyond the universe? And, does it mattter? We seek the answers each of us need. I search through language, love and respect. Others want a God to guide them, others want power to hold and to be able to destroy. We are so little and helpless!!! Have a good day. I liked your post.
@cintara (137)
18 Oct 11
For people who adhere to religion, it will say, what happens, is the will of God. If God had willed, surely will happen.