desperate politicians
gop debate of october 18
jerry springer show las vegas
mitt romney
pistol and pepper
rick perry
undocumented immigrants
Rick Perry v. Mitt Romney
By Netsbridge
@Netsbridge (3253)
United States
October 19, 2011 11:38am CST
While politics is the science or the art of managing government, to some people, politics is the very essence of living and a course they will do anything to defend. During the GOP debate in Las Vegas on October 18, 2011, we saw some desperate politicians on stage entertaining crowds unawares of how idiotic they appeared -
Just when we thought we had seen all there is to be seen about the GOP presidential hopefuls, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney on the issue of undocumented immigrants, turned the October 18, 2011, GOP debate in Las Vegas into a Jerry Springer show. Below is what I heard from our above mentioned GOP presidential hopefuls:
Rick Perry: You darn hypocrite! How dare you, Mitt, stand here and question my credibility on undocumented immigrants?
Mitt Romney: What are you talking about, Rick?
Rick Perry: Don't you try that holier-then-thou on me, pal!
Mitt Romney: Hey, man. We don't have to air our dirty laundry in public. Chill, man.
Rick Perry: Mitt, take that hand off me before I rip it off!
Mitt Romney: Rick, shut up! I know that you are pissed for having tough times in previous debates.
Rick Perry: Do not rob it in, Mitt.
Mitt Romney: Man, do you really want to go to the White House? Then listen and shut up!
Rick Perry: Mitt, I hope you do not have to come crawling in Texas. You see, I just might pull my pistol and pepper you. Cheney got away with peppering and I, too, might get away with doing it.
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4 responses
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
21 Oct 11
The real winner last night was Obama.
Santorum - He is all out nuts. Unabashedly.
Cain - I think the GOP has him set for their plan B. For questionable reasons.
Ron Paul - He is half nuts. I read once that Nader was going to run as his vice president. That would actually knock Obama out of the office, but it would be best to have Sanders and Nader running together. There is something very unsettling about Ron Paul (perhaps his son) and he has many stances I highly disagree with. He seems like he is anti-government and anti-corporation, but, he still wants to government have too much of an impact on certain issues. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. He could shore up some votes from the 99% Occupy protesters, but there is something very off about it. I love Nader, though.
Jon Huntsman knows that science exists. An unusual characteristic for a republican.
Rick Perry - wow. At first, I loathed him. He has a horrible history. And watching his desperation on the debate, there was something so childish about it. I think he doesn't know what he is doing. At all. In life. Now I just feel sorry for him.
They could have made him work. He has the looks, the Matthew McConahey accent, the insano right wing beliefs. His allowing "anchor babies" in state tuition knocked him out completely.
Newt Gingrich doesn't stand a chance. He is too disliked.
Michelle Bachmann. - "My fence is going to be this high. And I should be elected to win because I am not Obama." That was all she had to offer.
Cain - 999 - "And My fence will be higher than yours, and electrified if need be. If you are poor - it's your own fault."
Cain, at least, is refreshing. I don't think he pauses to think before he speaks and he lacks decorum. It translates into something very unpolished, which makes him seem like less of a career politician, and more human. That will lend favour to him.
Mitt Romney - what an a$$wipe. He is so smug, and his defense is to shrug off all attacks, and move on to the next, so they don't have any staying power. He said, "I am running for office, I can't hire illegals." So, if he wasn't running for office ....
He has the money backing him and he thinks he has this election made. Cain may just be able to sweep this out from under him.
Sarah Palin said the GOP debate looked like children bickering. Sarah Palin.
It was unreal, seeing what a new low depth the republican party has sunk to.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
21 Oct 11
You are correct about Herman Cain being a possible plan B for the GOP. I am too angry about the assassination of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, a man a thousand times human than all his foes put together, to say anything that would appear to give rabbit ears a boost.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Oct 11
Republicans believe in science, many just believe that politics shouldn't shape science, which is then used to shape politics. Even if we assume that global warming, despite the lies and falsified studies, is 100% really happening as we've been told, there is still NOTHING that proves it was caused by humans.
SCIENTIFICALLY it is far more likely that solar weather causes fluctuations that result in global warming. Too many people, including politically motivated scientists, just sit and pretend that the sun is just a static ball of fire, which always puts out the exact same level of heat with no changes whatsoever. In reality, the sun is like a planet which has storms and various weather conditions that most people never think about or talk about.
"(Ron Paul) seems like he is anti-government and anti-corporation, but, he still wants to government have too much of an impact on certain issues."
Small government is not "anti-government". That's just bogus spin. I can't even say left-wing spin because it's coming from republicans too. He is pro-constitution. The constitution was designed to limit the government's power, specifically over our personal and private lives. Sadly, both republicans and democrats LOVE controlling other people's private lives and personal actions. What about him makes you think he wants government to have too much of an impact on certain issues? What issues are you referring too? I just think it's an odd thing to hear from someone who wants to ban salt in restaurants, happy meals at fast food joints, and various other things that would reduce a person's ability to live their life as they choose.
I actually agree with your assessment of the other candidates although I want to make one small correction. The term "anchor babies" refers to children of illegals that are born in the US and thus, are legally US citizens. Rick Perry's problem is that he signed a bill giving in-state tuition to illegal aliens, born outside the country, anchor babies, as citizens, would already get in-state tuition.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
30 Oct 11
I've heard the TV ratings for the debates have been higher than usual; could it be the some viewers think they're watching just another raunchy reality Like in shows like "Jersey Shore" or any of the "Housewives" shows, there's a cast of characters we're getting to know better in each episode. What we're learning isn't shedding much good light on them, is it?
There was one line in particular I'm afraid summed up Romney's character perfectly and that was when he was saying he couldn't hire illegal immigrants because "I'm running for office, for Pete's sake!" That pretty much confirms what many of us have suspected for quite some time - there is NOTHING authentic or genuine about this guy. I suppose that could be good news or bad news for some of us if he were to ever, God forbid, make it to the White House, but we have no real way of knowing which it might be!
Of course, when you think about it, Perry on the other hand has gotten himself into the most trouble when he's been himself. For instance, it's clear one can't win the GOP Presidential nomination by "having a heart" and treating the children of illegal immigrants like human beings. Maybe this will prove I'm not sexist, which is ridiculous to begin with since I AM a woman but I've been accused of it when I've criticized Bachmann and Palin, but I'd say Perry makes those two and his predecessor as Governor of Texas look like mental giants.
I REALLY thought there for a minute Perry and Romney were going to come to blows during that debate. Now THAT would have really given them a ratings! Maybe the only thing that prevented it was that neither of them, especially Mitt, wanted to get their hair messed up.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
2 Nov 11
It's 11/1/11 and the GOP comedy keeps getting better. Have you seen recent Perry display? I think my governor has lost it.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
19 Oct 11
The only desperate politician last nite was Gov. Rick Perry it's obvious that Gov. Mitt Romney is a better debater than Gov. Perry. I do believe it will be a Mitt vs. Obama in 2012 and also I think that President Obama will pick Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton for his vice president running mate in 2012 reelection bid to shore up the Democratic voting bloc he has lost. Without a change the Obama reelection bid will not succeed in victory.