Are you agree with me? Most of the persons spend their time infront of mirror

October 20, 2011 6:35am CST
Not only women but also man spend their most of the time infront of mirror. My sweet and danger hubby always like comb and they stand infront of mirror to see the face. I said him dear you not look my side (how is looking me) for few minutes and in a day you looks mirror again and again means mirror is more lucky than me I not look in the mirror again and again but my husband like it. Most of the people thinks only women spend more time infront of mirror but I tell this is not true some exceptional cases is also like my silent and danger hubby. What you think it is true or this is my wrong opinion hmmmmmm dont feel I am jealous from mirror
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28 responses
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
20 Oct 11
Mostly women spend more time before a mirror. Men normally spend comparatively lesser time before a mirror. I can tell about me. I spend maximum five minutes per day for combing my hair. (very less obviously on account of my age being 60+). Young men may spend slightly more time because they have long hair. Generalisation cannot be done on this issue.
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• India
20 Oct 11
Uncle you are exceptional case because here most of the responder agree with me man also spend more time infront of mirror like women.
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• United States
20 Oct 11
Yes there are equal amounts of both men and women who do look in the mirror quite often. I have very long hair and I have to brush it constantly or it will tangle throughout the day. I don't wear ponytails too often as it causes headaches for me, so I have to brush it frequently. I do know some men who do spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. My boyfriend is not one of them, but some do.
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• India
20 Oct 11
Hmmmmmmm your hair is long nice therefor you wear ponytails in your profile pic I am joking my dear friend. You are right equal ratio of man and women to see the mirror but I am exceptional my husband whole day see mirror and love mirror more than meand I am only see my husband and love my husband more than mirror.
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• India
20 Oct 11
My dear friend I know you are natural smart so no makeup and no mirror is need for you even mirror will feel happy when you saw it.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 11
hi hwg and laughing woman I have super long hair. one of the new residents came up to me and said softly"you have very pretty hair maam" so my best friend wants me to get a hair c ut and no way I waited so long to get it long as am keeping it this way,.its got some curl and is getting silver so.I am handicapped in that when I fell four years ago I smashed my left shoulder so am a bionic woman with a steel and plastic shoulder joint.but all the theraphy did not restore the unlimited movement of my left arm\,alas I can not raise my left arm to help groom my long hair or wou ld wear it in a pony tale but it takes two hands to do
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
20 Oct 11
Hello Surekha, really some person have habit of looking mirror. My shop doors have black mirror. some one can see their image in it but not much clear. some boys always stand infront of it and comb their hairs with hand. I have not bad habit. I comb my hair only once a day. Say your hubby that Surkeha is your mirror. Look in my eyes. If I say you are ok than it means ok.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
20 Oct 11
I am agree with you that your hubby say it to you close your eyes. He say you some like it " TERI AKNHON KE SIWA DUNIYA ME RAKHA KYA HAI, MERE JEENA MERA MARNA INHI PALKON KE TALE. Akhen chay choti hoon dears ki aknon mai duniya basti hai.
1 person likes this
• India
20 Oct 11
Hahahha... sir you are also funny like me my hubby will say close your eyes I not need because your eyes is danger(small) haha...but I can see in my husband's eyes because his eyes is very big like witch. When anger then God also fear haha...
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• India
20 Oct 11
wow! sir you are nice old song I like it. I heard every time old song hahah... today night I will tell to my husband this song but they never laugh more silent man and less talkative man. thanks to share this song.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
20 Oct 11
mirror  - Reflects exactly the Truth,a best friend to all.
yes i do agree with u ,i rarely see my image in the mirror ,very rare i go in front to the mirror,from childhood im like this ,However my father has the habit ,may be this is because he does go out and have to meet people around,so he feels that he should look good. I dont know why and what makes me not interested with the mirror.May be many women are like this.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
20 Oct 11
smile - A smile can bring a smile back
Love should come from within,smile does come like that,we can not force anything,if it happens then only we can receive ,if you try yourself in getting more and more anxious to see your hubby laugh and smile as u do ,the more he will not smile.Just leave it to the time.Everything wil be fine.
2 people like this
• India
20 Oct 11
I am also not interested to looks mirror more but I like to look my husband again and again because he is not laugh and in rare case laugh so I always try for laughing him
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• India
20 Oct 11
Yeah i agree with you my friend..One of my cousin spends 1 hour in front of the mirror after his bath...I think boys spend more time in front of mirrors..
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• India
20 Oct 11
My friend 1 hour is much more time my hubby not spend more time but frequently stand infront of mirror and not pay attention on me.
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• India
20 Oct 11
World best driver why you are only comment not join my discussion what happen everything is okkk one by one friends are missing yesterday I read the discussion of life she is good why she gone no one know and I think this is mystery. I think you also look mirror again and again like your friend(my husband)
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• Philippines
21 Oct 11
Well, my friend takes long time to leave infront of the computer.I am not very much on mirror just sometimes when i am exercising, i do lot looks on mirror.So not always just sometimes..
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• India
21 Oct 11
The same like me spend more time in front of computer than mirror.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
21 Oct 11
I only look in the mirror when I am doing my hair or makeup. I have to wear make up to work. I like to wear makeup when going out, as I am 53 years old. I dont know if men or woman spend more time in front of the mirror? Neither of my husbands spent much time in front of the mirror, but I have noticed that teenage boys often spend a lot of time infront of the mirror.
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• India
21 Oct 11
Hmmm my friend I know mirror will wait when jenny will came and see me because you are natural smart and you not need mirror but mirror needs you .
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 11
hi surekharathi laughing woman lol yes men are as vain as us women as I see male co residents here stop at the long mirrors and look at their face and hair and actually smooth their hair with their hands too so your husband is not alone in checking himself out.I take a few minutes to check if my long hair is going down my back and not in front of me but guys spend a much longer time sort of well, admiring themselvesllol
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• India
21 Oct 11
Hmmmmmm madam your hair is long but what is the proof you not upload your photo and not send me by mail but I miss you always. I like spend more time in front of my sweet and danger hubby than mirrorbecause then not watch me more and they watch frequently in the mirror haha....
• Saudi Arabia
20 Oct 11
I only look in the morror to comb my hair and that is all.
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• India
20 Oct 11
You are time saving man good my friend.
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• Philippines
20 Oct 11
hi surekh, I don't spend much time on mirror only if I really need to look presentable because I will have meeting or going to meet someone but as much as possible I don't want the mirror to consume my time so much. happy mylotting
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• India
20 Oct 11
sis how long time you join my discussion how are you? Yes I also not spend more time in front of mirror even some time attend the function but I will be ready with in 10 minutes.
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• Philippines
20 Oct 11
sis this is the second time I joined your discussion been lazy lately
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@sjvg1976 (42007)
• Delhi, India
20 Oct 11
Hello Surekha, Unlike your husband i don't waste my time to stand in front of the mirror for hours. I only stand in front of mirror when i brush my teeth,comb,shave. I think women are concious of there make up,hair styles so they devote more time standing in front of mirror than men. If you hubby see mirror more than he sees you then don't be jealous hide all the mirrors from your home*hehehe*
1 person likes this
• India
20 Oct 11
Hmmmm my friend I not spend more than five minutes no make up shake up only comb. I not use lipstick or eyeshadow etc. Haahah...if I will hide the mirrors my husband will hide me from home direct throw out of house gnt sd.
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@koperty3 (1876)
20 Oct 11
Well Im not that person at all. I don't like look in the mirror. I only do it if I have to put some make up but is rare as I work at home and I don't have to improve my look by make up so often. So I'm not mirror person. I have no idea how other people feels about standing in front of the mirror. Maybe they got more time than me
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• India
20 Oct 11
I am also not like my friend to see mirror again and again I have no more time for it. I trust on natural beauty or ugly
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@koperty3 (1876)
20 Oct 11
What you talking about now. You are pretty. Don't say word " ugly" it not suits you.
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@romscabs (310)
• Philippines
20 Oct 11
Nowadays, people spend time on computer than in front of a mirror hehe. Either playing online games or checking emails or Facebook. Well, I understand some women are curious of how they look before going out.
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• India
20 Oct 11
I am agree with you my friend roms even me also spend more time on Computer than mirror. Your observation is good.
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@khare_1005 (1310)
• India
20 Oct 11
if you speak of me,i am the sort who loves to admire myself in front of mirror.i had a discussion long back about mirrors in my house.i have plenty of them in my house and they all are of different shape and sizes.
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• India
21 Oct 11
Wow! in your house lots of mirror and different sizes means you look the mirror more time in a day. hmmmm I know smart person looks mirror again and again like my sweet and danger hubby you are also same.
@shibham (16977)
• India
20 Oct 11
Hi bhabi.... I use mirror when have to shave... i dont shave daily but weekly or twice in a week. I just place my hair by my fingers and go out.... i dont wish to see my ugly appearance in a mirror several times in a day. Oh forgot to say... when i act in drama... i check my mirrors after every scene... is my make up okay. take care.
1 person likes this
• India
20 Oct 11
Hii shiby I think you like drama more nice which type of drama you participated comedy or .... Hahah...when shaving then mirror is necessary otherwise you blade will be damaged the face.
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• United States
20 Oct 11
I have known some men who spent much more time grooming and looking at themselves in the mirror! I do not spend time there at all really. I actually barely look at myself after a shower in the morning and then that's it! That's one advantage to keeping your hair real short! You don't have to worry about it!
• India
20 Oct 11
Hmmmmmm my friend you are natural smart so no need to see the mirror and mirror will lucky if you will see it. Not joking its truth. No I not worry about anything because now I am married and my husband will never leave me
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
20 Oct 11
hello sis, I am a person who is not mirror addict. I can even comb my hair without using a mirror. I don't stay in the mirror all the time and I am not used to looking at myself in the mirror. I am confident that I look good without looking at the mirror
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• India
20 Oct 11
Dear sis you not need the mirror because you are natural smart. Wow! you can comb without mirror thats nice. I cant do it.
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@Jaluke (676)
• United States
20 Oct 11
While I don't necessarily agree that people spend most of their time in front of the mirror, I do think a lot of people do spend at least a good amount of time in front of the mirror. Most people want to spend the time to look what they consider to be their best before going out in public and so they spend time carefully prepping themselves visually to achieve the look that they are hoping to accomplish. It makes a lot of people feel better about themselves to be able to do themselves up and look good before going out. A lot of people want to be noticed and this is one of the means in which someone can work towards achieving that feat.
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@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
20 Oct 11
hello, Ha ha, funny right? but I agree to you because my boyfriend also do that. When he sees some reflection everywhere especially in the mall he used to look at his face and outfit. Wow! That was really conscious he was than me. I only visit restroom when I need to pea and that is only the time I look myself in the mirror. haha unlike him.
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• India
20 Oct 11
my friend means most of the man see the mirror wow! I think only my hubby is watch it more than me.
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@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
21 Oct 11
Hehe ohh there is no need to be jealous of a mirror surekharathi. I am sure he loves you a lot and he has no feelings for the mirror Anyway hmm I do spend sometime looking in the mirror but not most of the time. If I look too long in the mirror, I start finding lots of flaws in my face so i don't like to stare at the mirror for too long
• India
21 Oct 11
Hahahha..big smile friend I am not jelous but if my hubby will see me more than mirror will jealous. They are smart so look again and again but not look my side danger and one day I will throw the mirror.