What do you regret ?

@algrose (816)
November 20, 2006 11:20am CST
I know alot of us, have at least something we have regretted in our lives.. so do you regret anything? I really wish I would have made better choices with my relationships with people.
13 responses
• Philippines
20 Nov 06
for now, my only regret is the time when i dont see and appreciate the person who treated me and made me feel special...
@algrose (816)
• Canada
20 Nov 06
aww.. ive had a similar experience.. and its hard for sure. thanks for your reply :)
@lauczi (962)
• Poland
11 Dec 06
many things i regret but now regret painfully that i allowed myself to call abroad and had like 300$ phone bill each month. i always keep promissing that it was the last time but i still cant resist. right now i have no money for food becuz i have to pay that. i have never been that much stupid. but i just cant stop i wish i had my phone broken, becuz i just cant ocntrol mylsef. i wanna kick my as* right now
@manu224 (1130)
• Italy
4 Dec 06
I regret every friend that I've lost
@parimi (948)
• India
30 Nov 06
its nice job keep it up
@crankycool (1052)
• India
4 Dec 06
The one thing that I regret as of now is smoking. I regret to have taken up the habit and I am really not able to stop it at all. It all began with just one drag.! I shouldn;t have done that. That is the thing that I regret.
• United States
10 Dec 06
I regret not finishing high shcool... i shouldnt of quit when i did, but im on my feet now a college
@vijay12 (1642)
• India
20 Nov 06
Actually there is no point in regretting,for anything,as this world is full of so many people,who are so different in so many ways,like mental make-up etc,and they influence many of your things directly or indirectly.Hence I do not.Luckily, I have not done any thing bad, intentionalty to others. I thank the Unknown Force,for the small joys of life!
@macubx (11414)
• Philippines
20 Nov 06
i regret wasting my precious time with my friends..
@macubx (11414)
• Philippines
20 Nov 06
i regret wasting my precious time with my friends..
• China
20 Nov 06
lost mine love!
• China
20 Nov 06
lost mine love!
• China
20 Nov 06
lost mine love!
• China
20 Nov 06
lost mine love!