Life is greta, but the journey isnt always wonderful!
By holliekillen
@holliekillen (14)
October 21, 2011 2:40am CST
Life is such a wonderful thing, but the journey isnt always the greatest!
I spoke with my mom yesterday, an i just felt so helpless. She is having a very difficult time, right now in her life. My parents both seperated and divorced within this past year. An it was far from being civial. My mom didnt have the money to get a lawyer but my dad had one. He was so hateful and decietful this whole divorce. I love both my parents to death, but my dad disappointed me termendously. After this past year, i honestly cant even look at my dad the same again. I got put in the middle in the beginning bc my dad wasnt man enough to speak to my mother and handel things like an adult. He lied and minipulated everyone. He even went as far as quiting his job so he wouldnt have to pay her alomony an even farther as to cashing out both his 401k's so she couldnt get a cent. And mind you a yr before this happened my dad had my mom cash hers out and bought a new harley with it!!! He sat back and lied to his whole family of how our life was, making him look like a victim and even went as far as putting lies in us get us to hate my mom and not talk to her. But i knew better, i didnt have blind folds over my eyes like i once did, i even lost famiyl because i disagreed with how they where handeling things and because i still spoke with my mother. An on top of letting my mother know they where looking in her medical records ILLEGALLY when she was in the hospital. I mean thats a law and it has a privacey act, but my dad and his family think they can do anything they please and get away with it. They went in her medical records i only new of once but when everything was all said and done they where in here records a handful of times, uncalled for. They only did it to get amunition for court to make her look horrible and of course to spread around her buisness to everyones else. The things my cousins,brothers and dad would say when they would go out to the bar astonished me when i heard what they woudl say about me and my mother. I mean how can my dad sit and lie to my families face like he did just to make him look like a victim, an how the heck can my brothers sit their and back him up like they do!!! They know better, we lived with them, we seen the things that when on,we seen who abused who mentally emotionally and physically!! Just blows my mind. People sit and go i can not belive this is all happening, you guys seemed like a well put together family. But its amazing what people see on the outside and what really goes on behind closed doors. But now my mom is barely making it through life, she moved to a dif state to get away from everything, but now is waiting for her approval for her LPN licenses in the state that she is in. So now she is living off of a job at wendys...she has no car because my dad is suppose to give her one, court order, but yeah still hasnt!! My dad is living great..he had a gf way before my mom and him divorced and seperated and now that lady is taking care of him. They go on trips ALL of the time. They where the best named brand clothes you can find, they own nothing cheap, they go to the most expensive bars and places to eat etc..i can go one. What kind of man is that living off another women and not even working!!! An it kills me all he has done to her through the years and she is the one struggling while he lies to everyone to make them feel sorry for him (as if he is the victim, which he is far from being a victim). He has gone as far as seperating himself now from my brothers, which since the divorce was finalized he doesnt even talk to them, from his own family etc... as if he is tryiong to forget about his ownfamily.
I wish their was somethign i could do for my mom, but living in a dif country its just hard. She has to spend holidays alone, struggles to pay bills and put food in her mouth!! She shops at red cross bc she can afford nothing new. I wish i could help her financially but i cant until i finish school and start working. Having three kids and living overseas isnt cheap. Ya know military doesnt pay us mad money, just enough to live pay check by pay check. I try and tell myself their isnt anythign i can do but be their for her emotionally. But man it kills me to see everything that has happened to a great good women, and see someone that has been so decietful,evil,and scandelous live so large.
1 response
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
22 Nov 11
As a mother I can tell you that your love and support is worth millions to your mom. You are a treasure! One day you can help her out financially but for now just know that your support and love are enough.