Wedding Aniversary. How do You celebrate it? Can You share?

@safety69 (592)
October 21, 2011 5:10am CST
Yesterday and today (one day civil,the next day by the church)was Our wedding aniversary . Before We never celebrate it, but, since two years ago We are going out with my housband s family , He enjoys that , I would like to go out only with him, but , we have the kids , and have to carry them all the time, thats why We all celebrate together , it just look like a simple dinner to me , I hope one day We can make it more special. Can you share Your way of celebrating it?
2 responses
• India
21 Oct 11
Wedding anniversaries are so special as it gives two people a chance to remember the love of their life and the lovely moments through the year.. I have ben recently married and we went out to dinner and got each other gifts. We also listed our "wow" moments and the time we loved the most during the year doing something together
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
22 Oct 11
Guao!!! so nice to remember good times yes good idea, I will try little by little. thanks.
• Philippines
21 Oct 11
We celebrate weddings the usual here. Although there are some weddings that are being celebrated by throwing rice at the end. I haven't been on a wedding recently so I don't really know how it happens exactly. The last time I was in a wedding was when I was a kid.