Facebook ain't broke but they keep 'fixing it'....

@mommyboo (13174)
United States
October 21, 2011 8:08am CST
I know I have some facebook buddies here so you know exactly what I mean when I say this! What is your biggest pet peeve that has been 'fixed' which wasn't necessary? I'm not at all sure what is going on with filtering but I can't filter any more, period. I feel like very few people in my friend list ever even SEE status updates or posts, and I'm not seeing theirs either unless I specifically type in names and go look. BRING BACK THE OPTION TO SORT POSTINGS BY UPDATED STATUS PLEASE, FACEBOOK!!!! I could care less who took a photo of feeding their dog mu shu pork and what group has a new rant about the government, birth control, or the price of tea.
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3 responses
• Philippines
23 Oct 11
Same concern here. I was bummed that they keep incorporating changes and it is always a learning curve for us. I mean, you are right. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! But the thing is, people still use Facebook so I think it is just a matter of adjustment before we get used to the new layout/interface.
• Australia
22 Oct 11
I don't do Facebook, or any of its cognates, but I do have a pet peeve along the same lines. I'm by way of being a semi-professional gambler these days, betting on greyhound races. We have three Totalisators here in Australia, and I have accounts at each, and up till a couple of weeks ago I would have said that my local state version was far and away the most user-friendly, even if it does pay the worst dividends. Then they decided to fix it. It is now horrendously fiddly to place bets, slowing me down significantly and leaving the slightest lapse in concentration liable to cause mistakes. Quite apart from that, the day they introduced the new, inferior system the bugs caused it to collapse half way through a major day's racing, and it is still suffering sporadic blackouts 2 weeks later. I'm sure I will eventually become familiar enough with the system to make it work properly for me, but that begs the question: IF IT AIN'T BROKE, WHY FIX IT? I would bet good money that the reason lies in the rise to prominence of a new programmer who wants to leave his/her mark on history (in a very tiny pond) by creating a new, "improved" program. Never mind that the existing program is perfectly adequate, leaving it alone won't get the programmer's name in lights. Empire building. Bah! Lash
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Oct 11
himommy boo I have gotten disenchanted with mylot as it gets more and more complicated and I come back to mylot as Its simple and direct and I can make some much needed money while having fun on mylot and enjoying my friends., I joined more or less because my son has an account there but to get into facebook takes more time than I really have if I want to make enough to pay my cable bill each month and my landline phone bill.