How do you deal with people who like to insult your religious beliefs?

@scheng1 (24649)
October 23, 2011 9:00am CST
Some Christians are very zealous about their religion, to the point of insulting the religions of others. For example, if their parents follow the tradition of praying to ancestors, and have images of deities at home, they, the overly zealous Christians, would insult their parents, and say that they are praying to images or wood. How do you deal with people like that? Even though I have no such problems at home, I did have some colleagues who do not know about respecting the religious beliefs of others. It is really annoying to work alongside with them. Come to think about it, do you think people of different religions can get together to form a family? I wonder how they are going to educate their children. It must be very confusing for the father to bring them to Chinese or Hindu temples one week, and the mother brings them to church the next week.
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18 responses
@Mashnn (4501)
23 Oct 11
One of human rights that should not be violated is ability to decide one's religion. It is a violation of human rights to interfere with one's beliefs. Let all be able to embrace diversity when it comes to religion. No one should condemn another person thinking that his or her religion is right or better. If you just don't like my religion, don't listen to what I say. It is that simple.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 11
Hi Mashnn and Iuliuxd, yes, best is not to talk about religion unless we are talking to people in the same faith. After all, religious belief is very personal, and is a very sensitive topic. Only when others are interested to know why we do certain things, then we can explain in a tactful manner.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
23 Oct 11
How about don`t say it.It will be a lot easier if we don`t talk about our religion in public
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
24 Oct 11
Before I am going to continue answering your post, Scheng. I want to know first what kind of insult does any person on a religious belief that we have...? Like what specific words. For example your religion is not written in the bible. Something like this?
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Well, I am not against to those practice of the Chinese and or other people. I respect what they do...but if you believe in the bible and the words of God. Those kind is what the bible called wickedness... If you read Isaiah; 44:9,11, 13, to 16 God didn't want people to worship images or idols
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
5 Nov 11
Hi Aerous, for Christians who know Bible and have baptized, it is obviously wrong for them to pray to images, even if these images are Mary or Jesus or God. The Bible did mention that God did not reside in the temple. He lives in heaven, and nothing can represent him on Earth. For the Chinese and others, they are not wrong, because they do not know or do not believe in the Bible. They are following the religions of their forefathers, same as the Israelites are still following the tradition of their forefathers, the chosen ones up to Jesus's time. When the Israelites or Christians worship idols, they are wicked because they purposely go against the word of God. But the people who are pagans worship images, God did not term them as wickedness, unless their worship included the sacrificing of babies or human beings. Killing a human is wrong, regardless of religious beliefs.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Aerous, they would something like "Dont you think it is stupid to pray to stones and wood?", knowing that most of the Chinese families have altars with Chinese deities at home. Only the Christians have gotten into trouble with the laws in our neighboring countries. Malaysia and Indonesia are well known Muslim countries, and it is an offence to preach to them. Some Christians print and distribute materials attacking the beliefs of the Muslims, and they were found guilty and went to jail. I think that is a very stupid thing to do. After all, the countries have stated very clearly that Islam is the national religion. Actually most people are very friendly and tolerance of each other, in term of racial practice and beliefs. It is just that some Christians are too immature, and tactless.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Nov 11
It can be hard to blend a family who believes two religions, it is much easier to have a family who shares one or a family who just isn't religious. I don't necessarily care what various people believe as long as they do me one favor - which is NOT to attempt to recruit or convert me, and not to preach about anything. If I ASK, that means I want information specific to my question but that never means I want anybody to ever tell me I am doomed or sinning or evil or that I must confess and repent and change and blah blah blah and give 10% and sit on my knees and bow my head on the ground. I repay in kind, so if someone talks down to me first or insults me first, I'll give it right back. I would never insult them FIRST but if they insult my intelligence by assuming I need to CHANGE or agree with them or believe anything I do not believe now or NOT believe something I DO believe now, yep, I'll give it right back and then some. That treat your neighbor as yourself goes both ways. If my neighbor walks over and hits me with a stick for no reason, I might just swat him back, and not in fun. Make him think twice about approaching me with a darn stick again, wouldn't it?
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Nov 11
In order for people to be considered independent in thought, I expect each individual to research for themselves why they believe as they do. For people who were raised in a certain thing from birth and surrounded by it and basically told everything else is bad or wrong, etc. people like that who just continue in their faith without their own research are brainwashed. It is never good to just believe without your own questioning or proof - everything other people tell you. I've heard that you should only believe half of what you see and a quarter of what you hear - because half of what you see is either manipulated or an illusion, and three quarters of what you hear is either what you want to hear because someone is catering to you, misinterpreted as what you want to hear because you want to hear it, white lies to not hurt your feelings, or flat out lies because someone is trying to get something out of you. A lot of things in the Bible are taken out of context as well, or out of any holy book, for purposes of equality here. Many people, when questioned point blank about specific things in the chosen religion they follow won't know how to answer. Some of them will tell you that's what their pastor says or that's what their class teaches, or that's what their parents have always told them. They don't give you any stand alone proof which is based off their own research and experience, just what other people say and what other people tell them and what they learn in classes or from their holy book. I don't know that I can trust people who put all their trust for what they believe in just what other people tell them lol.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Nov 11
It makes a lot more sense to expose your family to what is out there... not shove any of it down anybody's throat, but just to show that multiple things and quite a variety are out there. I have always told my kids that I am open to whatever they are interested in, as long as it is not harmful to themselves or other people, ie any type of a 'cult' per se. I've also told them they are free to engage in whatever interests them as far as religion, to the point they are comfortable. I don't really engage in it much though, ie I don't belong to a church and I don't attend anywhere. I think it's fine for them to go with friends if the friends want to bring them, and I don't mind at all. I did warn my older two that if they ever felt uncomfortable or anybody tried to tell them they needed to change or were 'wrong' in any way to tell the person to step off. I don't like judgement and try to avoid that type of issue, as we don't judge the particular churches or religions ourselves. We expect the same courtesy and kindness from them in return.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
3 Nov 11
Hi Mommyboo, that is my exact thought. If I want to change my religion, that is my own choice. I will definite find a way to find out about a religion if I am interested in it. I hate to have people telling me about sinning or condemning my current religious practices too. For some overzealous Christians, I would ask them if they have read the Bible from cover to cover! Most of them are too lazy to do that, yet they believe everything being told to them.
@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
23 Oct 11
Some christians are zealous because they know the impending penalty for those who do not believe in the Name of the LORD JESUS. Because of these zealousness, they forgot to respect other people beliefs whom they know that these are against God laws. These Christians are following the great commission of God to show to the people the right path of salvation, the LORD JESUS. And these christians are not insulting their parents they are just telling the truth based on the Holy Bible. Maybe it is just a manner of how to say that it is wrong to pray to images... Therefore, all who wants to be married should marry those who are at the same faith only.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Olepmis, when those Christians do not read the Bible, but rely on their priests or pastors, how can they convince others? I think many of them are showing the wrong attitude. They act as if they are definitely going to heaven, and the rest are going to hell. They do not have the fear of God in them. Actually even Apostle Paul fears that he will not run the race to the end, and yet many so-called Christians are acting as if they have the ticket to enjoy life forever in heaven.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 11
Hi Olepmis, if those Christians want to convert their family members or friends, best to use their behavior. if they are so tactless and insult the beliefs of others, then they are bringing shame on Jesus. After all, for those who do not know about the Bible, they will judge the quality of the religion by the behavior of the believers.
@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
I agree with you. Being tactless leads to insult as you have said and instead to persuade them to read the Holy Bible they will not because of the behavior shown by some christians. And you are right, God will judge us according to our works and beliefs.
@sreekutty (1051)
• India
23 Oct 11
This is quite an important point dear scheng. Children are the most affected if parents belong to different religions. All religions lead to the same God who is present in all beings a the soul and conscience. Don't you feel someone directing you, advising you from inside he mind? The answer is it is God who is omnipresent. He is not limited by color, race, blood. He created religions according to regions, so we cannot force our beliefs on anybody. we should do according to our belief and let others believe what they want to.
@devi53 (347)
• India
23 Oct 11
hello sreekutty you have said is correct we have no right to say any comments to others belief.
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@sreekutty (1051)
• India
23 Oct 11
thank you deviji. have a nice day.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 11
Hi Sreekutty, yes, you are right, we cannot force our beliefs on anybody. The problem usually comes when we are in a family with different religious beliefs or we are very friendly with colleagues from other religions. Some people take it as an opportunity to convert others, but they are doing it the wrong way. For example, for us Chinese, we pray to ancestors a few times a year, that is our culture, but Christians are against it. If those Christians are wise, they keep quiet. if those are too tactless, they will say a lot of hurting words.
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
23 Oct 11
That is a very confusing situation for the children because they won't know who really have the reason. I think that in that case the child will have to choose when he/she grow up what is the religion that he wants to adopt, and in the midtime just listen to both of them.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Rosa, if the parents are reasonable, the children have the best of both worlds. However, problems come when parents start to attack the religions of each other, then the children will be very ocnfused. The Chinese emphasized on ancestor worship. The reason is that we must not forget our roots, and always remember the things that our ancestors have done for us. The Christians do not condone this practice. They reason that there is only one God, and we should never pray to anything else, except to God. It does cause conflict at times.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 Nov 11
Hi Rosa, on the positive side, if both parents can come to an agreement, it will be a good opportunity for the kids to learn religious tolerance. As long as the parents do not expect the children to decide when they are young, it will be all right for the parents to immerse in two religious practice. I think it is good that over here, Chinese temples, Hindu temples and churches can exist side by side. Sometimes just next door to each other.
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
31 Oct 11
Yes, you are right and that is sad that this child have to live his/her life in such as confusion, what they can do if they continue with that kind of conduct that the child when grow up don't believe in none of their religion and becomes atheist,(I hope no!)So they have to wake up get daccord on what is going to be the concept of God that they will teach their child.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
31 Oct 11
I know how you feel, I actually came across these types of people a few years back. It was odd because we (my officemates and I) didn't expect it. It was a good day for all of us, the boss was away and we were having a lazy day, so-to-speak, then one of our officemates got a guest and they were silently talking inside her cubicle. After a while, I noticed that she was becoming rude to him. She started dismissing him but we couldn't really hear what the topic was about. Then after a while, there was a somewhat heated argument and I decided to intervene. When asked about what was the matter he decides to let me in the conversation. He went out of his cubicle and went to our free area (where we were all seated and was enjoying the afternoon tea), then he started to say "I am here to help you", "You are following a religion which you don't know and are ignorant about!". His words came in like lightning and most of my officemates started to talk to him in a very respectful manner. But he insisted that it was his job to set us right! The debate went on-and-on until my friend decided to send him out of the office because he was really causing a lot of commotion inside. He even smiled before he left and said "I know people won't like me, but their rage means that I have done something good for God!". After he left, we were all shocked as to what just transpired. We were all well-educated and didn't think that somebody could be like that. I mean, there must be some ways to share your conviction, but to insult people you don't know about being wrong about what they believe in is something else. Whew! It's really quite unnecessary and we all know that type of action wouldn't cause a person to be inspired or motivated to do good, right? Have a great MyLot experience ahead!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Nov 11
Ugh. People like that really are unaware of how irritating they really are. Making other people dislike you is not how God uses people to get people to be interested in God LOL!
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 Nov 11
Haha Laydee, that sounds terrible! I think everyone would avoid inviting him to any party or other office function from then on. Well, those people are not that direct. They are subtle, but more hurting. They would say something like, "Do you think those woods and stones can answer your prayer?" knowing that many religions have the images of deities in the temple. Most of us Chinese also have deities at home. It is a traditional practice to offer incense in the morning and evening, symbolizing our respect for the deities, and reminding us to behave ourselves at all times, because God is watching from heaven.
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
24 Oct 11
I have never liked it when religions attack each other. There is no sense to that. Every human has their own right to believe in what they wish. We have no right to condemn another human for their faith simply because we believe in a different one. I hate religions that require its followers to go out and convert others. It is one thing to be proud of your faith and to openly show it and discuss it, but to impress it upon others or to ridicule others for their faith is completely uncalled for and oversteps the bounds of religion. Despite what anyone says, I feel that there is no proof of any one religion being the "Right one" and therefore no religion has the right to attack another. Different religions within one family do present a difficult situation but many people find a way to work with it. Some do openly practice both so that their children will ultimately make their own decision between the religions. Or, one side of the couple will make the choice to convert to their spouse's religion. As long as it is a free choice, it is the right one for that family.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Tinkerick, if those religions want the followers to go out and convert others, they can just talk about their religions. They do not have to attack the beliefs of other people. For a small country like ours, religious harmony is a very important factor. Imagine having so many people of cultural beliefs living in the same place. I have neighbors from mainland China, Myanmar, and Malaysia. if we cannot tolerate each other, we will definitely find something to quarrel over. Even if we do not like the way they worship, we still have to respect them. I think those Christians who attack the beliefs of others are very immature. They are so far away from Jesus.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
25 Oct 11
It is not right to insult anothers religion.Those who do so are wicked and in the process are insulting their own religion through ignorance. All religions have the same message for mankind, to be good to others,kind,considerate, not hurt others feelings, be sympathetic, not kill or maim others etc.Personally i have not come across people of this type and if i did i would just walk away from them as ignoring them would be enough to bruise their egos and make them shut up.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Veejay, you are right in that those who attack the religious beliefs of others are simply insulting their own religions. While Jesus was a great man, and people all over the world respect him for his teaching, and good qualities, many people do not have the same respect for modern day Christians. Some of them are simply ridiculous. In Singapore, religious harmony is an important factor. That is why we celebrate the festivals of all major religions, so that the people do not feel as if the government favors one race, and ignore the rest.
@subhakars (932)
• India
23 Oct 11
Hi, I agree with you that everyone has the right to follow a religion and one cannot insult other's feelings. However, I would like to clarify one thing is that Christians are not zealous. When they try to preach others about Jesus, it is just that they love other people. Because Jesus says I AM THE WAY and not I am a way. So the Bible says, whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. And only Jesus can give you the salvation. So christians are concerned about other people's life. Else, why would some one spend so much of time and money preaching the word of God instead of enjoying with their families. However, it should not be done in a rude way and insulting others. Again the Bible says, if someones accepts Jesus, it would be by the spirit of God and not by arguments or discussions.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Subhakars, yes, that should be the right way to preach about the Bible. But many so-called Christians do not even bother to read about the Bible, and they just rely on church attendance, and listen to what their pastors say. After that, they return to condemn the religious beliefs of other people, saying things like "so stupid to pray to idols". It is very offensing to the other party.
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
14 Nov 11
I try not to get involved in religious conversations with people who will not respect other people´s beliefs. I feel that you can talk about religion only if noone pretends to change the other´s beliefs but just explaining (and accepting explanations) of both creeds. As for people with different creeds who marry, I´m sure that they have to be very respectful with each other if they want to succeed in having a family.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
15 Nov 11
Hi Marguicha, yes, that is true. Lunch topics should not include religions, since we are with very good friends or colleagues. Over here, we have so many people from different countries working together. Even the Muslims come from different countries. It is good to see the differences in culture and thinking, and we have to learn to appreciate them as a person.
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
15 Nov 11
Lunch topics should lso be on the light side. Lunch is a short term in a matter of time and it´s difficult to talk about something too profound. Each of us isdifferent. That´s what makes us so unique and awesome.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
I am sometimes in situations like that- when i am asked to defend my religion, since I have an atheist friend. Sometimes I answer well, or ask help from my other friends and there are also times in which I just ignore him.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
15 Nov 11
Hi Lady, sometimes the irritating thing is that those do not want to listen to explanation. They are blinded to the fact that others have their own faiths and beliefs. They also do not respect the religious beliefs of others. They just think that they are the only ones who are right.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
23 Oct 11
Some christians ? Why don`t you say some people are very zealous to the point of insulting other people`s religions.If you only pick christians then it means you have a problem with them too I agree with you it is happening and there is nothing you can do to change it because for example if you live in a christian family and you pray to a Banana God the rest of the family will think they will fail in their way to heaven because they can`t make you understand "the truth".But this is happening with every religion is not a christian thing
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Iuliuxd, of all the religious practices in our country, only Christians preach and try to convert others. That is why they are the cause of many conflicts here and in our neighboring countries. Our neighboring countries are well known Muslim countries. It is an offense to preach to the Muslims. Over the years, there are some Christians ending up in jail because they try preaching to the Muslims. For us, Chinese, we are either Taoists or Buddhists, and preaching about religious beliefs is not part of the practice. Most Buddhists will print books and place it in some public places. Muslims do not talk about their religions to others too. They tend to keep to themselves. But they are very adamant about praying five times a day. if anyone wants to marry a Muslim, then he or she must convert to the religion. That is why I mention about Christians. But to be fair to all Christians, most of them are very nice people, and they do respect the beliefs of others.
@kyrararen (601)
• Indonesia
16 Nov 11
I usually avoid conversation about religion with such a person. I dont like people attacking other people belief. it;s their right to have that faith, I respect that, people should respect my choice too. I can talk about it but I dont like to force people to believe what I believe and vice versa. I dont like to be insulted so I dont insult. it;s just that simple. and to form family with different faith I think will have their children trapped in confuse in that matter. because it;s something that parents inherit to or that person result of finding the answer of it themselves.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
18 Nov 11
Hi Kyrararen, same here, I am comfortable talking about religions, but not for the purpose of attacking others' belief. I think it is great to have so many people working together, and we can learn from their beliefs and cultures. We should learn to appreciate instead of thinking others is wrong, and we are the one who are right.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Oct 11
People like that aren't even worth taking the time to respond to. Those "Christians" that criticize others' religion aren't living up to their own. I raised my children to believe that everyone worships the same God but in different ways in different forms. They get along well that way and religion is not an issue in their lives. They can be friends with anyone and respect their way of worship. This is the only way that all religions can be a global family, mutual respect. Unfortunately, many religions teach that theirs is the only "right" one and people feel a need to convert others. That's where the trouble lies, lack of respect for others' traditions and judgment.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 11
Hi Dragon54u, yes, you are very wise to teach your children the right way. It is good to learn more about the culture and religious beliefs of other people, since we will learn something that we have never thought before. Anyway having a god in our heart is the most important thing. We will not do bad things when we know that someone is judging all our actions, and reward or punish us accordingly.
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
23 Oct 11
I believe in everyone's right to have their own religious beliefs and that we all must respect other people's beliefs. Aside from the fact that most of the wars in the ancient times and in the present days are on the basis of religious beliefs, I think forming a family where there are different religions within should not be an issue. It is so old-fashioned to think there is only one right religion that sometimes such notions make me mad. After all, there is only one God and it doesn't matter we call him either Jesus, Allah, Buddha or Jehova. The most important function of the faith is to maintain belief, peace of mind and peace on Earth.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
31 Oct 11
Hi Iva, that is a very balanced view of the matter. If God does not want people to have choices in life, he could have made people into automation! In that case, there would not have any possibility of having different religious beliefs, and fighting over such beliefs. I think the traditions and cultures behind the religious beliefs are very interesting.
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
23 Oct 11
I was raised in a catholic family and attended and serviced in the church for long time. I met a taiwanese man and married him. We respect eachother s beliefs. In the beggining we were trying to bautism him in Jesus Christ and he accepted to do it , but , he was doing it for me , sudenly , I though clear and told the priest that we were forcing him to do something that he really didnt believe, and I asked him if there was another way we could marry keeping our own beliefs , and he thought for a moment and said: yes, there is a way, they call it disparity of worship, it takes a while because we had to ask permision to the Obisp of my country , well he said yes , and we got married , I had the commuion means I hosted and my husband did not, I was so satisfy with God , my husband and myself. If I respect someones beliefs I expect them to respect me back .
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 11
Hi Safety, glad that you have found a solution that is so reasonable. It really makes no sense to baptize someone since he does not have the love or fear of God in his own heart. i think having a strong faith must come before any outward show of loyalty to a religion. Maybe you can understand his culture, so that you have a better understand of how he sees things. It is good to value a person based on what he is, and not what you hope he is.
@airkulet (2700)
• Philippines
23 Oct 11
If two people of different religion will become one. The other should give way of his/her religion, it wont work if they both devoted in their differences. As of people insulting other religion actually the best thing to do is avoid them, there's no point of debating and arguing with them.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Oct 11
Hi Airkulet, yes, that is the best course. These are the ones who believe that they are right, and they are the only ones who do the right thing. Religion is supposedly to produce good qualities in people, yet many people do not see it this way. Actually when it comes to religious beliefs in the family, it is hard for just one person to give way. Both must tolerate each other, and allow freedom to worship. I mean for us, Chinese, we pray to ancestors, and usually we do it at home. It is impossible to go to the crematorium every single occassion. If the other family members are Christians, they just have to pretend they do not see anything. When Christmas comes, the non-Christians will have to give way.