" Only through your children do you know yourself"
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
United States
October 23, 2011 9:32am CST
This is what Martin Sheen said when he was asked about being against Abortion. At first I thought Once again , Just because I refuse to have kids , I'm being demeaned but then I thought about it more. Now I see how sad this statement is. Is he saying All his life he didn't know who he was? That he had to wait to be a father to Become a person? He would Never know himself Without Another human Defining him? Wow! Now I pity him Deeply. I have known since I was Very small that being a mother Was Not me! I Also knew that I Should Never marry. So in Martin's eyes I will Never Know myself? Really? I think it is really sad. I thought many parents Know themselves Way before they have the baby! They Had to. So I ask you, do you think you Have to have a child top know yourself?
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12 responses
@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
23 Oct 11
Hi there! It's good to see yet another child-free person on myLot.
I think it was a huge blanket statement for him to say this. Perhaps this was true for him, but each person is different. Maybe having children is just what he needed, or maybe his main purpose in life is to be a father. I also have known I didn't want kids since my personal history of rational thought, and for a person to have kids just to try to "know" themselves is dangerous for both themselves and the kids. What kids want to be raised by people who never wanted them? No wonder you hear about women dumping kids like trash...I guarantee you that some person at some point told them what they've told each child-free individual: "It's different when it's your own child. You'll never know love until you're a parent!" I'm sorry, but having children is not a scientific experiment.
For me, finding love and realizing that I had a gift for bringing joy to other people, particularly strangers, was how I found myself. In my late teens I started having an optimistic viewpoint and began to go out of my way to make people I pass by throughout my life happy, if only for a moment and only with a smile. As soon as I began doing this, I realized that this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to touch people's lives. My main goal in life is to leave the Earth a better place than it was when I was born here, and I don't need children to teach me that. Furthermore, having children would only take away from that. I wouldn't be able to volunteer or travel to places that need help if my time was spent with kids.
I don't pity Martin Sheen, because I think maybe his statement is true for him. However, I do think he's very wrong in grouping all of humanity into one category. People are individuals, and to treat them as one group is wrong. I also want to mention that even though both you and I are child-free, you are also against marriage and I'm not; further proof that you can never put two people in the same group, and further proof that my experiences to "knowing myself" will be much different, as I expected, than yours. No two people are alike...Mr. Sheen may not be able to imagine life without children, while I cannot imagine why anyone would have children. In the end, though, everyone has to respect humanity and the fact that each person is an individual and is entitled to their own lifestyle. 

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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 Oct 11

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@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
24 Oct 11
Hi again, and thanks for the best response.
I've been married for nearly three years now, and the good thing is that no family member is pushing us to have kids. My husband's father actually encouraged us not to. My mother was a bit disappointed, but not surprised, since I'd always told her growing up I wasn't having kids. I actually didn't believe in marriage, either, because I had bad experiences with men when I was younger. Meeting my husband changed that, but I haven't met one child in my life who has made me think, "Wow, I want one of those!"
The thing is, I'm child-free, but I don't ask parents why they decided to have children. I don't look down on parents for their choices, and likewise, I don't question people who choose not to marry. I don't understand why people feel the need, then, to question my choices not to have children or yours not to have kids and not to marry. Does it truly matter to them? If you suddenly get married, how will that make the other person's life better? It doesn't make sense!
I've always found it sad and oddly funny that I always am told I am too young to know I don't want children. I'm 23 now. Just three years ago, my sister-in-law who is my age, had her third child. She was nineteen or twenty at the time, on welfare, working a retail job, and had three kids by two different fathers. It really makes me wonder why people seem to think that people aren't too young for such a godly-important job like parenthood, yet I'm too young to know that responsibility isn't mine. How is this way of thinking safe for society?
I could ramble on this all day. Thanks for your reply...and I hope people begin to respect your decisions as they should. 

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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Oct 11
I'm so happy for you! I too have found the love of my life . But I will never marry him. It is sort of silly that people seem so interested in my marital status. I think they assume when I say I will never marry that I am saying I never will love! Wrong! Wait a minute? You are old enough to marry but not old enough to Know that you don't want children? Really? I'm so glad you wrote. I have been telling others I guess I was born lacking the parent gene . And in fact self deemed myself a second class citizen instead of Trying Yet again how I Never even had the desire to have a child.And I Knew this about myself when I was 7! By 13 I knew Marriage wasn't for me.And like you said Nothing has made me change my mind. You are so welcome for the best response.It was the best written comment.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Oct 11
Through the course of a lifetime, children will teach us many many lessons. Since they are half us, it's easy to see ourselves in them. We get a new perspective on ourselves and life through your child's choices and actions. I ran into an elderly lady. She made the comment that the best thing she done in her life was to have children and yet all her children were accidents. In making our choices in life, sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Oct 11
No. I have three kids and I don't think they define me at all....did I grow up with them a bit....Yes. Do I love and enjoy them? Yes.....but I waited until after they grew up to really be who I wanted to be. Not that I didn't enjoy who I was when I was raising them.....but now I do my own thing. My job as a mom is never over.....but they are on their own and I am living my life for myself.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
24 Oct 11
Ouch is the first thing that comes to my mind when reading this. I understand what he means by he didn't know himself till after he had a child. You can know yourself and what you want your whole life with out really knowing yourself deep down inside. A baby brings so many new things in your life. It changes you it re defines who you are in a different way. You never thought or knew you could be this way with a child. You never knew how much you could love some one so small that you had made or given. Men experience parenthood differently and most of the time at a different time then when a women does. Most women know they want a baby and who they will be with a baby but a father doesn't always know that.
Its kind of like you know when you start a new realtionship a knew part of you kind of shows up and you never know that part of you was inside of you.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Oct 11
I never will feel that way. I won't have a pet. And I'm the same Sarah I was when I met my guy. I mean there is no new part of me Just because I have my guy. It was Always there. So I will Never understand this.I guess I am not suppose to understand. I'm less human.Just like I thought. So Martin right, I'm wrong.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Oct 11
I knew this part of me was there but I assumed it would never be used until my guy met me. So once again I am to feel lewss than. I will Never be the Whole person you are talking about Just because I will Never have kids. I ask it Once again, does this mean I'm a second classed citizen?
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
24 Oct 11
Your not listening and taking piece that you want and only hearing what you want to hear. I never said that someone that doesn't have a child doesn't know who they a person with a child can not know how they are. You don't have to have kids to feel whole or be a whole person.
What I'm saying and what he was saying is that we knew our self but we didn't know yourself because of who we where we didn't know what had till a child was present in our life. Different people need different things in there life. When certain people come into someones life it changes who they are or opens up a part of who they are that they never thought they had or could have.
Most people that experience an change of know that they never knew this could be in there life comes when a baby comes into there life. Father's don't feel like fathers till their is a baby. They know they are going to be a dad but they don't feel like a dad. Women feel like moms most of the time from the being and some don't feel that way till the end.
That doesn't mean that someone with out kids doesn't go through the same things. He associated it with having kids he never know he could be this kind of person with out having his children in his life. That doesn't make people with out kids any different. When they find a mate or partner they feel that way. When you get pet you feel that way.
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@kaeirole (668)
• Philippines
23 Oct 11
for me, not..though i may still young to say this..but i also choose not to be a mother..
we don't need to have a child to know ourselves..although, if we have our own child/children, they may be our mirror..because parents tend to see themselves to their children..and children always adapt whatever their parents inculcated to them..but it doesn't mean to know ourselves, we must have a child..
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@devi53 (347)
• India
23 Oct 11
Children will get the character of their parents, we can cultivate some good character to them, but some character good or bad they will attain by birth it will not change from this we will understand ourselves it is only the reflection of the parents that is why Martin Sheen said this.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 Oct 11
But why assume that Everyone Must have kids to learn this? Does he mean Only parents have the depth to understand ? Can you see how demeaning this is? Let me put it this way. If I Have to have a child to See this, I rather be blind!
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
23 Oct 11
Sadly there are those who say the same about marriage. I made damn sure I knew who I was BEFORE I found a boyfriend, let alone got married. If I did not know who I was, I would not have gotten married. How can an incomplete person enter into a relationship, and bring anything good to that relationship, if they don't even have their own foundation in place? It baffles me!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 Oct 11
There is a difference between being incomplete and Nothing. I was incomplete but I Did Know who I was and What I wanted when my guy found me. What I lacked , he gave to me. All that I am Before him is what I bring to the relationship, like he brings all he was. And together we are a better version of ourselves. But assuming you are nothing Before you meet the One Is scary. So if it ends you are nothing again? Kids Do grow up what happens then?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Oct 11
So because I will Never have kids I will Never know All of myself. Or is it that I don't have All of myself because I will Never have children? I think It is that I'm one of G-d's mistakes. I wasn't born with this thing you are talking about. So we both are correct. I Know myself totally but I'm missing the parent gene. So Now the question is, Am I Now a second classed citizen?Or just less than?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Oct 11
Ok. I thought you were saying that I'm less a person Just because I will never have kids. I beg to differ. there isn't anything in me that will come out after having a baby than the anger I was born with.I think people are missing the point. It isn't that I just Never had babies. I Refuse to. So All these wonderful things they have inside I wasn't born with. So I was taking it that I'm , once again, A second classed citizen., But I Rather be seemed Lower than low and have no kids than Have to have a baby to be truly respected.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
24 Oct 11
I think that is correct. If you never have children there are parts of yourself that you may never explore.
However, the same could be said for many things. I'm sure that if I did a bungee jump over the Grand Canyon I'd discover things about myself that I'd never discover otherwise. But I'm never going to do it so I'll never know.
And you know what? I'm content with not knowing. It's the pay off for not having to bungee jump off the Grand Canyon! In your case it's not having kids. Your choice, and if you're happy with that then you deserve a pat on the back.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
25 Oct 11
I think this is confusing too.
I think people should really know themselves before they even start thinking of becoming a parent. So, it doesn't make sense if the realization of oneself comes afterwards. I think that's why some teens fail raising children because they have not grown to know themselves before their own child comes.
Just an opinion.
@inertia4 (27970)
• United States
26 Oct 11
I don't think thats what he meant. Let me try and explain. I remember a time before I had kids, I was so adamant about not having them, I was young also, so I get that part. But, making the decision to have them, and then having children, you do see things differently. I am in no way against abortion, I believe it is the woman's right. But children bring out different emotions you never knew you had inside. I think thats what he meant. In addition to that, anyone who does not have children or choose not to, does in no way mean you don't know yourself. That is a choice you and many other men and women have made. Look, I have kids, I love them with all my heart, but they can be challenging. If I was to do it all over again, I might opt for the choice you made. But I will never trade them for anything in the world.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
27 Oct 11
I am convinced I don't have those different emotions. And I hate to be forced to have a child Just to prove the point. Ok I want to pry. When did you change your mind about kids?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
27 Oct 11
You have the labels switched You are a G-d and she is Satan! Thanks for telling me. I have always been ready to just walk away if a guy I'm with decides he wants children. I'm happy you have your children. I'm over the moon that T and the kids get along.
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@inertia4 (27970)
• United States
27 Oct 11
Well, it was around the year 2000. My and my wife at the time, went through a rough patch in the 90's, we worked it out and decided to have children. So, in 2000 she became pregnant and my son was born on Feb. of 2001. Then my daughter in Sept. 2004. Things went very well for a long time, until she decided to become a sneak and a bit@h. Something happened and she changed. Now she thinks she is God or something. She thinks she has total control over everything. I think her thyroid made her crazy. I have decided to take her down once I get me a good lawyer. She will regret that she screwed with Satan.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
26 Oct 11
I hate my mouse! I was just starting the second paragraph of this response when it flipped me back a page because I accidentally touched the wrong part of it. Now I'm afraid to touch it, so please forgive any mistakes. To try to recap in as few words as possible, I fell in love with my son long before we adopted him. Our bond developed through his daily visits, since he lived as a foster child next door. When it was likely he'd go up for adoption, we couldn't imagine life without him, so we adopted him and his sister, who lived in another home. Until meeting Jason, I thought I had no maternal instinct. Maybe God know I could not have handled a baby or a toddler. or maybe I could have and just wouldn't have known it until it arrived. But it didn't, and I got to skip those years. Maybe all our lives would have been better if we'd had them since infancy, but those are all might-have-beens.
I did learn a lot about myself by being a parent, just as I might learn more about myself through a new type of job. But I think when people say you will get to know yourself better by being a parent, they may mean you may learn more about how others see you. Children are little little sponges, always absorbing what they see and hear. They learn a lot of behaviors from us we hadn't intended to teach them. They do as we do, not always what we tell them to do. So if you see a little girl playing house with her doll, when you observe her talking to the doll, you will see how she perceives you because she is imitating how you treat her. Children have a tendency to often imitate our worst characteristics, not our best. They pick up things we don't even notice we are doing and reflect it back to use when they play. We watch and are amazed that we are coming across like that. So what we learn is not always flattering. Sometimes the truth hurts. I would not become a parent just to learn these types of things.
Maybe I'd rather not know them. But it may be what Sheen means.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
26 Oct 11
No worries , no mistakes! That does it! I'm so glad I am not a parent and I Now have another reason why. I am no teacher . What you describe I see as a weird form of character theft. What you found cute would irritate me no end. In fact I would make them stop! And the best way to make them stop is to leave them. Wow And I thought it was not having the patience or not wanting to be the only caregiver but now I know it would be that Every " cute" thing a child does would make me so angry I would become homicidal! And I'm still amazed that I Knew this, without the language to say it, at the age of 7!
One thing you said reminded me of what I used to do. You said watch a child how she speaks to her dolls? Well I would throw my dolls down the stairs. In fact I did it until their heads were tore from their bodies. I'm told that I took three doll heads to my private school interview.So the signs were there! No baby is safe in my presence!
@curmont (343)
• United States
24 Oct 11
I dont think its that we dont know who we are until we have kids so much as it is that who we are often changes after we have children. The reason it feels that children define us is because once we have children that they do. I think that it is great that you know yourself well enough to know that having children is not for you far too many people wait till its too late to figure that out and then there is an innocent child who is stuck with a subpar parent who regrets having children.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
25 Oct 11
Why thank you. The only person that can define me Is me. But I usually like putting on labels that make people stay Far, far away from me.Except for my guy. He sees the Sarah I truly am and that's All I need.
I think it is sad when a "parent" realizes that they are not capable to be a good parent.because like you said , an innocent baby/child is now here and suffers. That is why I usualy say I rather be deemed selfish b!tch and be childless than have to have a baby I will not take care of Just to be deemed worthy.