What causes human suffering?
By jasonnaez
@jasonnaez (134)
October 25, 2011 5:53pm CST
Every where we see many people suffer in various ways. Most are bound in suffering for such along time that they view their lives as hopeless without a route of escape. I wonder why human beings suffer, what causes suffering and is there a way out of suffering?
2 responses
@karimjessa (66)
• Canada
26 Oct 11
It's fine that you've posed these questions. I'm quite certain that you'll get a large number of responses. But I'd like you to ask yourself this: aren't these merely rhetorical questions? Do you really expect any answers?
Mind you, I just said that you'll certainly get a large number of responses. But that is all they'll be: Responses. Do you really think there will be any answers? I mean, if there were answers to these questions, you wouldn't be asking them here; because they'd already be answered. After all, these questions have been asked for thousands of years, and there are still no answers to them.
So, like I said, it's all right that you've asked them. We all feel the need to ask these, and similar, questions every now and then. But even after all the responses have come in, and you've read them, you'll still be asking these questions.
Of course, I'm not saying any of us should stop asking such questions. I'm only saying that we should be aware, even as we ask them, that there will not be any satisfying answers. There won't be any final answers. As long as you keep this in mind, and don't get too disappointed when you don't get satisfactory answers, you may ask; and the replies will flood in.
As for my reply, I have none, except what I've just said. I've been asking these questions too long to even attempt any answers. It's just interesting to see what others come up with. It's usually the younger folks who still feel that there may be answers. The older ones, such as myself, have heard most of them.
@jasonnaez (134)
• Philippines
26 Oct 11
To be honest with you, I do have my own opinion on why people do suffer. The reason why I posted these questions is because I want to find out if mine jibes with the reasoning of others. I find it healthy and illuminating to get perspectives from others. Your response is much appreciated. Thank you.
@karimjessa (66)
• Canada
26 Oct 11
Well, Jasonnaez,
I would be very much interested in hearing what your views are on human suffering. When I said your questions were more of a rhetorical nature, I of course did not mean that you didn't have any views on the matter. We all have our unique perspective; we wouldn't be human otherwise.
It is always interesting, as I said at the end of my comment, to see what views others come up with. So I would like to see yours. But I have to specify this much. Any views would be interesting, and welcome, so long as two factors don't enter into them: God, and Religion.
To attribute anything at all, suffering or other, to god or religion is merely to escape the responsibility of thinking for oneself. So if your views are based on this, then I'm not interested.
While we're on the topic, let me state my view on human suffering. To put it as succinctly as possible, we experience suffering because we have the self consciousness to perceive our own pain, and to be able to compare our own lot to that of others, which simply compounds the pain.
@BoyWizard (1)
13 Oct 12
Firstly, the form of suffering that is most destructive and is also the only changeable form is when we cause suffering to ourselves or others.
Essentially we cause this form of suffering for numerous reasons. Most commonly is what we call negative emotions; hatred, anger, pride etc. Aside from this, thoughts and behaviors which are driven by any form of Supremacy is also a leading factor in the continuance of man-made suffering.
It is also very important to note that the above behaviors and emotions are infectious and habit forming. In fact this is a physical and easily observable factor of karma. Thus by feeling and projecting negative emotions we teach others that it is not only ok to do it but is the acceptable response to stressful situations. Which although, socially, seems like a perfectly acceptable and useful reaction. It is the reason why a great percentage of the suffering today exists.
However, as a side note, another factor of suffering is the energetic attraction of emotions. Primarily all life is energy. Despite common belief this energy is not separated by physical entities, it is very much a singular organism. Curiously enough it is also very active and expresses itself through what can only be best described as emotions or feelings. Every one of our actions and thoughts sends vibrations into this interconnected web of energy and influences the 'shared consciousness'.
Before I go any further I would like to explain some of the negatives of supremacy and why it is the leading factor of suffering. When we believes ourselves to be better than others or more valuable we choose to naturally discriminate against them and often have little regard for how we treat them, this creates many problems for ourselves and others. Most commonly is feelings of depression, anger, hatred, envy and fear. When we are exposed to and dwell on these feelings they come out in our behaviors. They also, more often than not, make others feel and respond through these emotions. In fact the majority of hate is directly formed by either feeling superior or feeling lesser.
When we envy someone who we think is better than us it is very easy to begin to hate them or our own situation. When we believe ourselves to be better and we see others doing things that we don't agree with or approve of, it is also very easy to hate them. These feelings of hate commonly lead not only to violence but general harassment as well.
There are many more factors and conditions involved in suffering and also the individual emotions and behaviors themselves, but such information would take far to long to explain here, so I will answer your final question, is there a way out?
Equality plus Universal compassion and love is how mankind will learn to no longer cause suffering to each other. Caring for and understanding people before hastily discriminating and abusing them. Recognizing in a very deep and profound level (which influences our behaviors and thoughts) that we are all equal and valuable creatures. We would also need to remove any form of elitism or forced control. As long as the world is governed by this system (Which is man-made) we will continue to blindly (in most cases) cause great suffering to each other. Which as history shows us after generations gets worse and worse.
Once we love all as much as we love ourselves we have no desire to cause them harm, mentally or physically and no longer feel superior or lesser. Once we realize that the actions and conditions of the world are formed by past actions and conditions we no longer extremely react to others behaviors. Due to the fact that we understand at that point why they are doing it and no longer seek to make them feel worse. Since this will only make them treat others and or themselves worse.
There are other forms of suffering but most of them are unavoidable or fade away after the other behaviors are implemented into our mode of operation.