Have you forgotten a birthday lately?

United States
October 25, 2011 5:58pm CST
Today is my sister's birthday. She's 17. I completely forgot it was her birthday until I looked at my calendar this morning. I wished her a Happy Birthday through Facebook, but I completely forgot to get her a present or anything. I meant to buy her a gift card and mail it to her, but now I'm broke until who knows when (not sure when I'm getting my first paycheck from my new job, so money will be tight until then). I feel kind of bad. Hopefully she won't mind if I mail out a card this weekend with a little something in it. Have you forgotten a birthday recently?
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21 responses
• United States
26 Oct 11
I have forgotten my nieces and nephews but that's life. They don't send my kids stuff anymore and I can't afford to send them anything right now. So that's life and they have to accept that just as we have to accept they haven't sent us anything in a few years. We usually send something at Christmas but I dunno if that's going to happen this year.
• United States
26 Oct 11
glad I don't have any nieces or nephews.. that would be impossible!
• United States
26 Oct 11
NO, i haven't but i keep everybody's birtday on a calendar or i'd never remember anybody's probably. Hopefully ur sister will understand.
• United States
26 Oct 11
I didn't think I'd need a calendar. I have so few birthdays to remember outside of my immediate family, and of course I won't forget my kids' birthdays.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
26 Oct 11
Ohh..! thats really good. I usually find my friends birthday in facebook and wish them.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Oct 11
I only send cards to my kids (with money in it of course)....and my younger sister and I still exchange gifts. Otherwise I send cards to my brother and his wife and my other sister....I used to send them to everyone in my family but with close to 40..that's alot of stamps! LOL...so I haven't forgotten a birthday lately....close but not forgotten!
• United States
27 Oct 11
I feel pretty bad. I hope I get my paycheck this weekend so I can send her something.
@GreenMoo (11834)
26 Oct 11
I lost my birthday reminder book a couple of months ago, and have forgotton everything apart from the ones I know by heart ever since. I'm glad you've posted this. It's reminded me of a birthday I need to remember at the end of this month which I need to post a card for.
• United States
26 Oct 11
I knew the birthday was coming up, and I kept going over in my head what I might do for her, whether take her shopping or give her a gift card or something.. then I just lost track the days and before you know it her birthday is here!
26 Oct 11
I haven't forgotten any recently but, I have done so in the past so I know how you feel! Sometimes it is so easy to do when you have a lot going on and working that the date just creeps up on you! I am sure she will be happy with a little something in a card
• United States
27 Oct 11
Yeah, with everything that's been going on lately, it just sort of snuck up on me just like that! Life seems to go a little too fast sometimes!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
26 Oct 11
Luckily there's only a handful of people that I absolutely have to remember their birthdays. And I've even programmed the dates on my phone so I could get reminded a week in advance, and a day in advance. Still most of the time, they only end up with a greeting, because I procrastinate in getting them something.
• United States
27 Oct 11
Yeah, I could see myself doing that too. I get the reminders and think "Oh yeah, I'll get something this weekend" but by the time the weekend comes I'll forget again!
@GardenGerty (160290)
• United States
26 Oct 11
I don't think so.. My little sister's birthday was just right after Christmas, and so I would periodically send her a July birthday card or make her something. She was ten years younger than me.
• United States
26 Oct 11
Pretty easy to remember a birthday right after Christmas. I called my mom yesterday, and she was telling me how she and my sister were having a conversation about when my sister was younger I used to buy her a Halloween costume for her birthday. My sister said that was cheesy! LOL.. I agree, it was a little bit.
@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
26 Oct 11
No, but I forgot about my sister's wedding anniversary until the day before it was. Even if I had mailed her a card that day she would have gotten it the day after her anniversary. Thankfully, she expected no present since she knows I'm broke. So I sent her an e-card because at least that would be on time. She says she isn't buying us Christmas presents this year, and she forbade me to buy her any, so I guess I could spend that money on her next anniversary. She's not getting out of the birthday presents though. I'm buying her one whether she wants me to or not. And if she feels obligated to then buy me a birthday present, tough! She's not going to cheat me out of giving presents forever!
• United States
26 Oct 11
LOL, you're funny! I know how you feel though. I tend to tell people not to get things for us just because I'd then feel obligated to get something for them and I just can't afford it.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
26 Oct 11
I tend to forget at least one birthday a year lol. Sometimes I'll remember up until a week before and then I'll lose track of my days and forget about it. I always procrastinate getting a gift or anything so then I'm scrambling to find one at the last minute. Oh well lol. I'm sure your sister wouldn't mind.
• United States
26 Oct 11
That's exactly what happened.. I knew it was coming and kept remembering all this month, until probably last week I just lost track of the days!
@zhawee (873)
• Philippines
26 Oct 11
me also i forgotten my birthday because of my busy days and focus to my work..so i forgot the day passing by. Sometimes my family remind me is my birthday and they joking to me wheres`s my birthday cake.. so im so happy they not forget me..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Oct 11
Although this is birthday season in our family, thankfully there isn't any birthdays that I've forgotten this year, despite all of the other stuff that we've had going on in our family. My brother's birthday is this coming Tuesday and then after that we have a break until the 4th of December when Kathryn will be turning nine. Lets hope that I can remember it all through the end of the year.
• Indonesia
5 Dec 11
No, I have never forgotten my birthday. Yes, I have forgotten my father, mother and two sister birthday. I know my father and mother never celebrate their birthday and I am doubt if they ever heard the world ' birthday'. Frankly speaking, I want to make a surprise like giving something special for my father and my mother as well. I also want to give a surprise to both of my sister when they are on their birthday without notice. I celebrate my birthday very often, but I knew that when I was in my birthday, I just thanked on God for giving another ago to go. I would never forget my birthday. I specially thank to my mom who have given me a life from more than thirty years ago.
@vasumathi (436)
• India
26 Oct 11
Yes, i too faced such kind of situation recently. It happens. Last month 15 th was my friends birthday, but i thought it was 14th and wished her one day advance.
@djordan (37)
• United States
26 Oct 11
I forgot my sisters birthday earlier this year in June and I felt bad about it because they know of all of us I remember everyone's birthday but this one time I fogot and I feel like I am still making up for it. She knows how to pull at my heart strings and I think she is taking advantage but its cool thats my baby girl!
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
26 Oct 11
For me yes very much forget it because we don't celebrate it a pagan form of worship and Jehovah God don't like to be with that case he angry to it who follows what the pagan worship.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
26 Oct 11
Good day to you, With reference to special occassions such as birthdays, I always see to it that this is not forgotten. That, my organizer has all the important dates and events needed to be remember. But, as time goes by, though I have the important dates and events in my organizer, the person who celebrating the occassion is not responding anymore. Meaning, I keep on sending emails and greetings to them but, it seems like they dont want to make any reply on me. Thus, sometimes, I am thinking, should I read between the lines. That, since they are not responding to my emails and sent greetings, it just connotes one thing, they dont want to be greeted nor disturb. The reason why most of the times now a days, I very seldom sends any greeting at all, though, I still remember their birthdays. Just like yesterday, one of my precious college friend celebrates her birthday yesterday. Before I do always sends her a birthday card but after so many years of doing that, I cannot hear anything from her. I really dont know what happened. And whenever I saw her online thru yahoo messenger, I always pop-up a hello message but no response at all. So, I stopped sending her anything since I dont know what to do next.
@forlyb (23)
• China
26 Oct 11
mmmm...i was always forget some things before,so it makes me a lot of troubles,so one day i make up my mind to fix the bad measure,i write what i will do in a note book,set a clock ,so the busy work won't let me forget the important things such as a friend's birthday ,you can try this way ,it really really work ,best wishes
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
26 Oct 11
I have to say that i always forget my friends' birthday.So i try to write the dates of their birth on a book,which could remind me of their birthday.That would be a good way to remember.lol,but i think most important,i love them and i really love to make them happy.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
26 Oct 11
Yes.,, One time I forget to wish my sister. But that day evening my mother reminded me, that it was her birthday. I gave a surprise gift to her in that night. Very happily she received my gift.
26 Oct 11
hi:) yes that happens to me sometimes, but not with a family member,it's my friends birthday, I really don't know that it's her birthday until when the next day she told me that she's upset because I didn't even send her a greeting text or even hi or hello on her birthday, so I felt bad too and apologize, coz when it's my birthday she is one of the first who will sent me greeting text.