Hang out with friends when already married.

@gaea23 (252)
October 26, 2011 11:05pm CST
I used to hang out with friends when I'm still single and now that I'm married, I never hang out with them and I just text them when we have occasion. Is it good or should I spend some time with them, we still have good communication through texting and calling sometimes, I assume they understand that being a wife and a mother is not an easy job, and I'm a working mom as well.
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18 responses
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
You have to allot at least one night a week to meet your friends, either at home or outside. That way, the bond would be stronger and you get to sustain your network of friends. There was a study that housewives who spends some nights or outside activities with friends from time to time have higher level of confidence compared to stay-at-home moms. Goodluck to you! Have a nice day.
@gaea23 (252)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
Thanks to you, friend.
• India
27 Oct 11
Making calls and texting is than enough after marriage which will be more difficult for others to do this. As a wife we have to take care of husband,children and all the other house hold works. Not only this we have to even take healthy steps towards our family. Don't worry friend your friends will definitely understands you if they really love you and care about you...
@gaea23 (252)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
I really hope so that they understand me but I wanted to cope this and try to set some time for them. Thanks
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
You need to go out with friends sometimes. I am also a mother and yet find time to hang out with friends at least once a month. We don't stay out the whole day anyway. Most of the time, me and my friends will only spend 3-4 hours together in a friend's house or in my house. Having some foods and chat about our activities. have a good day
@gaea23 (252)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
nice one, thanks for sharing your idea. I would like to try that.
• United States
27 Oct 11
Although there are compromises we all make when we have a partner, but not communicating and or hanging out with friends is not something one should do. I am sure they understand that you are now married so yes things tend to change but there is no reason why once in a while you cannot hang out with them. You can also invite them over so that you and or with your husband you can enjoy the company as well as they have you over and or with your husband too.
@gaea23 (252)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
Thanks. I will try to ask them to have dinner with us in our house so we can exchange experience being a wife and a mother.
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
27 Oct 11
Its never bad to have a girls night out to catch up in person. A dinner or movie or maybe just a evening at the mall shopping. I am married, my husband would rather sit in the recliner than go anywhere and has the TV on and falls alseep. I go out on my own. I raised 5 children and since I was an only child they were my friends and family and every friday night I used to take them to the mall and Taco Bell. They loved tacos! Anyway, If some of your friends are married too maybe you all could exchange a night of dinner. I had a girlfriend and her husband we used to have a dinner at each others house every other week. It just got us out of the house and our children all played together very well.
@gaea23 (252)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
thanks to your idea,
• Philippines
3 Nov 11
Good day. .hello. .I guess you better hang out to with your friends even though you still have communication by texting each other. .atleast once in a while you will hang.out with them to keep the bonding. .
@GemmaR (8517)
27 Oct 11
I think that it is important to be friends with other people when you're married, as you might find that you get bored of your partner if they're literally the only people who you are going to see during the course of the day. You need to get the balance right between life at home and your social life. You don't want to be out so much that you never get to see your partner and children, but it is also important to stay in touch with your friends as well as they're the ones who are always going to be there for you if you need anything for any reason.
@jugsjugs (12967)
29 Oct 11
I think that when people are married then they should still go out and have fun with their friends.I go out once a month with a friend and that is to catch up on things and to have a bit of chill out time away from our children.I do think that there are people that still live like they are single and never spend time with their married partners.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Oct 11
I think that even when you are married it is pretty important to still spend time with your friends. I've been married for seven years now and in the entire time that my husband and I have been married, we've always spent time with friends, both married friends who have become mutual friends and friends that aren't married and are just my friends or his friends. Though your relationship is the most important in your life, it is still important to have friends as well.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
30 Oct 11
Its depends on her and your family situations. If there will be a mutual understanding and there will be no problem in your families, you can continue your friendship. Because family is also a main factor in this case.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
28 Oct 11
I'm sure that they understand that you are very busy. I think though that it's still important that you try and spend time with. Sometimes it seems like we have no time but if we get it from other activities we are amazed at how much time we can have to get together with a friend.It doesn't have to be anything crazy just perhaps one hour a week where you and your friend/s get together for coffee and catch up. Doing this is refreshing because it refreshes us and it allows to continue doing all the things we do as wife and mother with joy.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
30 Oct 11
I think it's normal to have your own friends and a bit of a life of your own. Ofcourse there will always be times you will be very busy but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to have some time for you and quality time with your friends. I hope you won't wake up one day and discover you are deadly tired, gave up everything in your life including your friends and you are standing there alone and nobody says thanks. Make time to meet life with your friends once in a while. This is also possible for a married working mother. It's just what you find important/where your priorities are.
• Philippines
28 Oct 11
Well, if you have an extra time, maybe you can also go out with them and spend more time with them. Even though you're communicating through text or call, still it's different when you really get to spend time together. But if you're busy, they will just understand you because they're your friends.
@evitz711 (65)
• Philippines
28 Oct 11
Hi Gaea23, I know how you feel. I have lots of friends who also not going out already because they always say that their husband/wife doesn't allow them for the sake of their children... Its a matter of good communication. I believe both of you have different friends and its not because your married your not allowed to go out and have some party. Its not a sin of a couple still want to have some solo moments for themsselves. Were human beings and its more healthy if a husband / wife had there solo moments whiuch they can do what ever they want. And please be mature enough on actions done.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
Hi gaea23! Like you I used to hang out with friends when I was still single. Me and my college friends have not seen each other for a year or two I guess since like me they are also married (one is legally separated) and have kids. We just keep in touch with each other through social networking sites, chat and sometimes through text messaging. With my office friends, I still catch up with them when we are on break but unfortunately I don't hangout with them anymore after office hours. I know that they understand that my baby is my priority. Maybe when my son is old enough then I can take him with me :)
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
Just like you, i used to hang out with friends when i was single. But when i got married we still hang out but it's usually, when one of my friends (two abroad) and 1 here, would come home for a vacation only. Though, when that happens i would stay overnight at my parents house, where all our hometown is, so we could have an until evening hang-out. My husband understands that i need time to be with my friends once in a while, just as i understand that he too.
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
hi gaea, Welcome to mylot! I am single and I have a friend who is a mother but it doesn't stop us to have bonding sometimes having a family is not easy one but sometimes we need to have break once and for awhile so we can hang out with our friends. If you are not able to join them your place is the best place to hang out with them happy mylotting
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
It is definitely something that friends would understand. Your role as a wife and mother and working mom too are more important than hanging out with friends. There are still occasions where you and your friends can still get together once in a while, but once someone becomes a mom or a dad, they should start prioritizing and bond with their family.