What is your opinion on a real Muslim?

United States
October 28, 2011 4:36am CST
I read newspaper lately, about the Muslim community assemble in my state for the discussion of real Muslim, and what they do, and what they really believe. On a general public sense, Muslim are mostly terrorists, and they used their own religion as a justification to plant bomb, and to destroy. But on this discussion section, they claim to be peaceful, and the real Muslim religion just like any other religion in the world, to encourage harmony, and teach every individuals to be a better person. When I first read it, I thought, maybe it is a truth. Someone can use religion to hypnotize a mass population to done the things they want them to do. That is dangerous, and it was a poison to your mind.
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17 responses
@pahak627 (4950)
• Philippines
28 Oct 11
I would like to suggest for you to correct this statement, Muslim are mostly terrorists". It should have been "Terrorists are mostly muslims". You know there are lots of Muslims in the world and most of them are not terrorists. It just so happened that there are groups consisting mostly of muslims which are classified as terrorists. Correct me if I'm wrong but that is what I really think.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
then, it is like saying that the army who use standard weapon such as AK-47 Assault Rifle are the Terrorists.... if they into M16 Assault Rifle then they are the Fighters of Freedom....
• United States
29 Oct 11
i Don't understand this Religion at all lol
• United States
29 Oct 11
I am a Muslim living in America and I do not agree with this statement that most Muslims are terrorists. We are taught to not only to respect everyones religion and many values for our family and friends. We are not even suppose to harm a BUG! The people who do "terrorist- like acts" are those who have misunderstood the Quran and have the devil in their heads. It is a shame that anyone in this world performs acts such as those and many other things. Killing, stealing, raping etc. So to get back on the subject, I don't believe that all Muslims are terrorists. That would be like saying most child rapists or molesters are catholic and Christian because so many priests have been found guilty of doing so. Every religion has good and bad and it is up to the individual to bring that out.
• Kochi, India
23 Jul 12
My Uncle(father's friend) was killed in a bomb blast in a Mumbai local train.Half of his head was missing.Like his children,I also hate them,when I see one I turn my head.I fear them.Real Muslim is one who secretly admires terrorism and virtual Islam is the won who actively participate in it.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
16 Nov 11
Hi King, sometimes media is too blowing up an bad side than the good side of Islam we who watch the media never know the whole story about it not only Islam, i believe that every religion have the good side and bad side
• Indonesia
29 Oct 11
This is really interesting! Many people outside the Muslim always identify Muslims with terrorist. Really it is a misconception! I guess anyone can be a terrorist, regardless of religious background. Remember the shooting and terror by a young man in Norway, it is clear he is not Muslim. The real Muslim is to lead to goodness, love among humans, and justice, even a Muslim forbidden to hurt anyone even if only in words. When a handful of people who are a Muslims doing the terror, i think he did it for private purposes under the guise of religion (Islam).
@Mashnn (4501)
30 Oct 11
Those who are terrorist are a small percentage. I believe muslims are our brothers and sisters who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. For the terrorist one, I have no mercy at them at all.
@min8esign (167)
• Indonesia
26 Dec 11
All religions teach goodness and peace, no one religion that teaches how to become terrorists. Someone becomes a terrorist because of h/s own will. which aims to destroy a particular system, harass or even destroy a particular religion, in this case is Islam.
@echomonster (2225)
• Greenwood, Mississippi
28 Oct 11
It's definitely not true that most Muslims are terrorists...come on, think of it: that's hundreds of millions of people we're talking about! The number of terrorists, even if you count all the members of Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Taliban, etc, is comparatively small. Like all religions, Islam is subject to interpretation, and it's perhaps inevitable that some will follow a more violent interpretation than others. The fact that most Muslims aren't violent is testament to the fact that the religion doesn't REQUIRE violence or terrorism. Now you could argue that Islam offers too much "wiggle room" when it comes to violence which terrorists exploit to gain followers and commit horrific crimes, but then again even people who have claimed to be Buddhist have waged wars and committed terrorist acts despite Buddhism's focus on nonviolence. As you've said, individuals with harmful intent can use religion to their own ends.
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
29 Oct 11
iam moslem my friend... my mother and father too is moslem.. some of my friends in indonesia is moslem too.. do you believe all moslem like me want to kill someone else?? maybe we do it because we had to...when somebody else insult our faith... i think you can make same things when somebody else insult your family and your faith..
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
28 Oct 11
Hi Kingparker Personally, I am not a Muslim and so I mighht not be able to give you an insight about the Islam religion. But as a human and a believer of humanity, I always feel that Humans are peaceful by birth and by nature. Everyone gets hurt and it comes to how you handle the hurt. Forgive and Forget is something that many in the present world are not willing to go with. This is the base reason where we find hate creeping in. Again, we are often misled (maybe due to any reason like poverty, illiteracy or anything else) and those with selfish interests always get a chance to use us as objects to satisfy and meet their goals. Personally I believe that there are only two kinds of people in the world - Good and Bad. How one defines these words makes the difference.
@kaeirole (668)
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
in my country, there are many muslims here that are known to be terrorists and are bad..but i think they've been used by those selfish leaders just to gain some power over the country..i've seen also some muslims here who uses their "being muslim" to make other people scared to them..because they are being aggressive..i don't know why they are doing that..but i've met a lot of muslims also that are very good to us..i have even met a muslim couple who are very nice and supportive to us are known to be leaders in promoting peace in my city..and i've met also a muslim family who are great too..i really admire them and so love them.. with regards to me, i'm afraid of some muslims..but i respect them..even if i don't know them well..everyone deserves to be repected..
@wulania (1524)
• Indonesia
28 Oct 11
i am moslem from indonesia. islam doesnt allow bombing. or killing others
• Romania
28 Oct 11
that's possible. and malefic. They have musch aggresivity because the lack of femineity cultivation. On the opposite, the other countries and occident, that promoted feminality shows a god development, rises, peacefull and high comunication tehnicques, that are not founded in the muslim ones.
• Malaysia
28 Oct 11
muslim is a religion of peace.the word islam in arab mean peace the terrorist misconcept about the true meaning of islam they misused islam as their platform to perform bombing,plane hijack, and the world media tell the people about the wrong side of islam the put wrong fact about islam into people's mind..so in order to know true islam,one should learn from al quran.not judge islam by reading newspaper or tv.
@lupeng (82)
• China
29 Oct 11
oh, I think you some misunderstanding hui culture.not all the hui Muslim like you said, they are still friendly.
• India
28 Oct 11
All mulimas are terrorists??? do you seriously believe that ?? May be you are just prejudiced like many others..But According to me most terrorists are muslims but it never means that all muslims are terrorists.. I have many muslim friends and I know how much they love and respect other religions...They believe in love like chritianity,hinduism etc...
• Indonesia
28 Oct 11
of course Islam is Peace religion, our prophet Muhammad SAW told "for you is your religion, and for me is my religion". then Islam i very tolerable for the other religion, except if we got disturb first, we will fight back (it's normal huh?) some of radical muslim got their "translated the AL-Qurran" by wrong and just half. as a muslim I proud the Islam as my religion, because ISLAM teach us to peace to the world and all of Allah SWT Creature (animals,plants even the genie) and I tolerable with the other religions(I mean the person,not their religions,because all religion always teach us for the good ways) that tolerable to us.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
28 Oct 11
not only Muslim, but Christians too, because they gifted your Religion and Cross in exchange of Gold and Wealth... the greatest conquerors of all are Christians.... even Shintoism too during world war II.... so, to summarized, there are good and there are bad, everything on this world are capable of good and bad.... it must be balanced in order for life to continue..... or else, collapsed.....