Life is GOOD and it just keeps getting better!

@34momma (13882)
United States
October 29, 2011 9:55am CST
In the past 5 month my life has changed so much! I have lost 31 pounds, my Herbalife business online and offline are going so well, and my personal relationships are becoming closer and more meaning feel. Yes 31 pounds using Herbalife products. Not only do I lose weight, but I feel amazing and if i must say so myself, I look fantastic!! I am building a strong client base and now I am building a strong downline or what I like to call a partnership with my downline. It's work... but I love it. I love the idea of helping people get healthy and wealthy. I am reading books and looking into taking business courses to be a better business person so I can help my clients and partners even more. My personal relationships are becoming stronger. I have a business partner who is amazing. She is smart and always on point. My honey Michael and I are better then ever. Our love for each other has grown even stronger. Working together and making a commitment to each other and our family to do well has gotten us to a great place in our lives. What is going on in your life right now that puts a smile on your face and in your heart?
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9 responses
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
30 Oct 11
Hi, I enjoyed your discussion. I think it is a good gain for anyone when all personal professional and love life work great. I believe that everyone get what one really want in life. You attracted a good life so you got it. I do not have my own business so it is hard for me to understand business. I am searching ideas to set up a small business so if you have any ideas to set up new, small investment business please share it with. Thanks. :-)
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Oct 11
Sanjay coming up with a business is easy. Your business should be your passion, your love, what you give back to the world. for me, it's helping people with their health and wealth. My passion is showing people that there is a better way to live and think. that everything is possible!!! it's such a joy to see that look on someone's face when they get it! If you are interested in joining me in the health business let me know.... I am always looking for new people to share my health and wealth message!!
@34momma (13882)
• United States
23 Nov 11
Hi Sanjay.. I am sorry. In order to start a business you need to make some kind of investment. Herbalife is awesome because it only cost $109 to get started. there is no monthly fees and you never have to buy products unless you have a client. however if you are not ready to invest in yourself then i cant really help. I am so sorry
• India
3 Nov 11
Hi Momma, I am glad to get your invitation. I am here to learn the business and if you want me to join your business then please tell me how can I get connected with your business. Tell me the work that I have to do, I will not be able to invest teh money because I am not allowed to do so. If there is some simple work then I am ready to do that. Thanks and have a nice day.
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@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
30 Oct 11
I am happy for you that you lost those pounds. I am trying to loose 30 punds too, I am taking a pill called Leporelax, and drinking green tea, and doing workout with the video game the bigger looser,I have lost 3 pounds and I have five days doing this I hope I can loose all the pounds I need to loose. I am happy for you.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Oct 11
Rosa that's awesome. I just ask you to be very careful taking any kind of pills. They can be very unhealthy. Green tea is great and of course working out is awesome. Herbalife is a great natural way to lose weight. But please be careful with those pills
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
31 Oct 11
Yes you are right, now my husband wants to hide the pills from me because its doesn't allows me to sleep, last night was 3 in the morning and I was still up, and couldn't sleep, so my husband got up today very mad because he couln't sleep either because of me,what I am going to do is to take only one day.
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Oct 11
It is wonderful to hear when people's lives are going well, and it makes me remember just how lucky we are to have the things that we have in our lives at this moment in time. I am glad that your business is going well, and I wish you every possible bit of success in the future. With regards to myself, I am excited because I will be graduating from University soon. It has taken me three years to get to this point, and I know that I have worked hard enough during my time here to get a very good grade. I am looking forward to celebrating with my family.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Oct 11
Gemmar that's fantastic!! putting in the time and work to get to the end is amazing! my son is about to graduate from the University too and we are so proud of him. So you go out and do something amazing with your life! Do what makes you happy, do what you love, and I promise the money will come!
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
30 Oct 11
Congratulation on your good news about your life. In comparison of mine to yours, I am much miserable. I don't have weight issue, but I have money and relationship issue. I recently don't have a girlfriend, and the ones I like, usually they don't like me for some reasons. And financially, I am broke, actually on the brink of broke. I just have to work something out of it to make my life less miserable that is all. Anything you can teach me to make me look into my life much more optimistic?
@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Oct 11
what you can first do is change the words you use. Saying things like I'm broke is a sure way to stay broke. You are telling yourself and the world you are broke so you get what you ask for. This is what i say to myself when those negatives thoughts creep into my head. " I only allow those thoughts that empower and inspire me to be great." So when you are feeling down and negative say that to yourself over and over again until you feel a smile coming to your face. how you talk to yourself determines what life hands you. so only speak kind words to yourself and you will always have kind life experiences.
• United States
29 Oct 11
I'm so glad your life is full of positivity, and I hope that more and more positive things keep coming your way! Congrats on the 31 pounds! I just recently lost 108 pounds and it feels great! 31 pounds is a lot of weight. If you look up what 5 pounds of fat looks like and multiply it by 6, that's what you lost and that is a HUGE accomplishment! You should be so proud! I bet you're lookin fab!
@34momma (13882)
• United States
29 Oct 11
Thank you so much lilblondiemjd!! it's the best thing I have ever done for myself and my family! taking charge of my health so that I can be a better mother and life partner. My life for sure is full of amazing positivity, because I focus on only the good things! 108 pounds!! Hot damn girl that's wonderful! you Rock.... it's a beautiful thing when you can give yourself the gift of good health. When you can take that health and turn it into wealth... well now you are moving in the right direction. Keep up the great work
• Indonesia
30 Oct 11
right thats true
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• India
30 Oct 11
well my freind life is name of change....... same has happened here in life my reputation in my office has been increased..... i have consulted in not every decision but almost every decision............. my salary has been increased and also my position is also incresed............
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Oct 11
very nice princelove141! now that's what i am talking about. i love to hear all good things going on for people. keep up the great works and spread that joy with everyone you meet.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
29 Oct 11
My inbox is always full of whining Americans saying that it's all Obama's fault. Then I receive one of yours and my heart lifts and I send forth a cheer. You have grabbed the bull by the horns and MADE something great. You are an inspiration to us all and I hope that you go from strength to strength. If your enthusiasms could be bottled you'd make a fortune overnight. Can I be your British agent please? LOL. More power to your elbow Momma. XX
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
29 Oct 11
It's easier to blame someone then to do something. Yes it's not easy, but when you truly want change then you have to go for it. i knew i wanted more, for myself, my family, and for all the people around me. I become passionate about change. I took that passion and found a business that can not only change someones health, but the future of their income, and most important I can change their minds about life. I don't like to sound like i am preaching because that's so not it at all. It's my passion and enthusiasm to change lives and how people see themselves that just allows me to go on and on... LOL. I would love to have you has my agent!! With you as my agent i can reach more people and my 1 Million People Health and Wealth Makeover Mission!!!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Oct 11
hi 34momma you have been busy and its shows. I am so glad for you that you are doing so well in herbal life products. My husband used to sell those before he started his gardening and landscaping business. He is now deceased as this was a long time back.Cpmgrats pn losing that weight. your whole life is really looking up for you.I am okay,still stuck here in Gold Crest retirement center but my son has finally got a full time job so things are looking up too.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
29 Oct 11
that's great he is working full time now! you know bad times don't last long. once you change your mind things always look up! I love this company Hatley and I love the products. my kids from my 7 year old to my 21 year old are all using Herbalife nutrition and we are all healthier because of them. You keep smiling my friend and things will change for the better real soon
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
29 Oct 11
What is making me smiling are the changes I'm doing inside, I'm allowing my self of so much more than I never did my whole life. I realize I was living on beliefs that it wasn't even me who put in there. I'm even being more silly (in the right time and place) and it feels great. I don't want to be a complete adult, or the way most sees adults must be, I'm becoming the adult I wanted to be when I was a child, so that child is not killed as well. It feels great. I'm so glad for your relationships, that can really make life worthed.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Oct 11
Katie you are my hero! that sounds like a great life to me! have fun, smile, laugh, dance in the rain, run with scissors! i mean go for it!! life is short and unless you are having fun and feeling good then you are wasting time and energy! good for you Katie